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So what song is stuck in your head today?


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Um... Wallpaper. Period. Most catchy, beautiful tune ever. In fact, I'm listening to it right now! Oh, and... um... Brittle Rille. Or maybe Groove Grove. Can't tell those two apart. They are the two KSP construction tracks on Incompetech. Probably Groove Grove. -yes, Wallpaper, keep jingling... and repeating... and jingling... and.... repeeeeaaaaattingggggg !  that's going to be stuck in my head forever.

De do dede do do do dede da da da...


EDIT: It was Brittle Rille.

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After listening Holst's Venus, I realized that I remember a vaguely similar song in a game.


And I found it.

Also a few others.




This one has this instrument in it ?

There's some more I remembered fondly but those are the ones that struck ahead.

I did liked SC4 soundtracks, but I didn't know what's the title or who's the composer. Or the fact that some of them comes from SC4: Rush Hour instead of the original (I only knew the deluxe).

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Many folks know I am a Pink Floyd fan... and it is tantamount to sacrilege for anyone to do a cover of their music, especially if it is done poorly. I was sent this link a couple of days ago... and I will be the first to tell you... it ain't too bad!


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47 minutes ago, StrandedonEarth said:

Well then, you better go through this youtube page and make sure you didn't miss any others...

I've seen the rest, just somehow this one slipped under the radar.

39 minutes ago, HansonKerman said:

Um... you like it?

Little Kerbal DOTD Sugar Skulls???

Absolutely, I love them! And the video!!!  

I only wish the video was longer, and I had a real kerbal Sugar Skull to add to my KSP stuff.

But now THIS is stuck in my head... which I have to admit, is not a bad thing at all... enjoy!!!  :cool:



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On 3/26/2018 at 12:23 AM, MiffedStarfish said:

A hip, hop, a hip hop hap, I’m giving you all a bag of plums the Michael Rosen rap-ap-ap-ap-ap-p-p-p-p...

[Space Marines]

YESSH! An eckselint sowng!

But can they beat the... 




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On 3/28/2018 at 4:47 AM, YNM said:

After listening Holst's Venus, I realized that I remember a vaguely similar song in a game.


And I found it.

Nice catch!



Two for the soup...

Alan Hovhaness, 'Spirit Of Trees' (the correct title)


And, Domenico Scarlatti, Mandolin sonatas... just because!



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1 hour ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

Epic videogame soundtracks?

Count me in.

Oh, it's video game soundtracks today??? Awesome, I have an all-time favorite, hands down... a game I've LOVE to find a way to play this again on my Win10 machine...

I remember when it first came out, and blew the gaming market apart...

The Original Quake... with musical score by one of my favorite bands...

... Nine Inch Nails!!!


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9 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

Oh, it's video game soundtracks today??? Awesome, I have an all-time favorite, hands down... a game I've LOVE to find a way to play this again on my Win10 machine...

I remember when it first came out, and blew the gaming market apart...

The Original Quake... with musical score by one of my favorite bands...

... Nine Inch Nails!!!


I prefer the Undertale OST.

Right now I have Let it Go stuck in my head.... This is why Pixar is better than Disney. Much more story- focused than little kid target audience focused.

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