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49 minutes ago, Xd the great said:


Did they blew an engine by shutting it down?

No. First tests, very short, making sure it works.



Also: why is the flame green? Is this striking back on Bunsen burners?


Operational Raptor will use spark ignition, but for testing, they are eliminating a variable and using TEA-TEB for starting. Merlins do the same.

<EDIT> I read this someplace, can't recall where, however.

<second EDIT> I was wrong to say TEA-TEB, it was spark ignition. Camera artifact or some chamber overheating (copper in there) caused the green.


Edited by tater
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8 minutes ago, RedKraken said:

My first (and very half-assed) meme :


You should tweet that at him.

25 minutes ago, Xd the great said:

Also: why is the flame green? Is this striking back on Bunsen burners?

My previous post might have been wrong. I'm honestly unsure. The discussion I remember was at NSF, and I selectively remembered part of it. Others were saying the scaled down version (which also showed the same green) was spark ignited.

So wait and see is the best answer, I guess.

Didn't have to wait long:



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So, at last someone has tested Deinonychus.

Though here in KSP we were using it for years.


But I'm puzzled.

KSPI has been created by @FractalUK years ago. The Deinonychus engine, too.

Raptor is tested just now.

Both are named after a raptor.

Is SpaceX following KSP?


Edited by kerbiloid
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33 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:
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So, at last someone has tested Deinonychus.

Though here in KSP we were using it for years.

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But I'm puzzled.

KSPI has been created by @FractalUK years ago. The Deinonychus engine, too.

Raptor is tested just now.

Both are named after a raptor.

Is SpaceX following KSP?


Elon is a KSP fan, I believe.

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23 minutes ago, Elthy said:

The sound of that engine is insane. It appears to be recorded almost 1km away (sound seems to lag 2-3sec behind) but is still to muuuch for the microphone. 31 of them are hard to imagine...

Let’s cut distance by a factor of ten and more than double the thrust.


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8 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

After the bangs, that groaning... did... did they just rip through the space Time continuum and summon an eldritch abomination from outside reality?? :wacko:

Someone apparently took your Kraken trilogy as a manual instead of a novel... :) 

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