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Just now, Delay said:

To be honest, for a moment I though it would land on the grass just next to the concrete!

That’s actually where it’s aimed, sort of. Boostack alone would send it into the ocean, it doesn’t maneuver on-target until the landing burn actually starts, in case of an OOPS like the stuck grid fins a while back. 

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oooo deployable solar array on dragon trunk :3

is that new?

oh wait... this is the old dragon =[

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I am getting this whole deja vu thing based on the many, many times I've been part of tests that did not go as scheduled. The more complicated the test, the more it seems like it's just random when it finally happens. One time I spent about 30 days on site with a vendor waiting to do about 12 hours of testing. In that case it was mostly the weather -- the only days the weather was right for the test happened to be on the weekends, and the vendor didn't have weekend overtime authorization so we couldn't get test crew coverage. Very frustrating!

Mostly tests slide right on the timeline, but occasionally they slide left. There you are, thinking the test will be next week, and you get a phone call saying "get down to the airplane ASAP because the test is happening right now."

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