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The Superheavy launch mount is looking more and more exciting.

It is possible (though unlikely) that they ultimately will not test SN7 to burst. If they get plastic deformation at a high enough pressure they might say "welp looks good" and stop there. If you can establish that all of your welds are good and the superstructure undergoes plastic deformation without failure, there's really no utility in blowing the sides out just for fun.

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22 hours ago, sevenperforce said:

Nah, they won't sacrifice SN8 just for excrementss and giggles. But they may use a different landing pad so that there is no collateral damage if it pancakes.

Agree, now they probably come in with some horizontal velocity they have to burn to stop so danger zone is more in front and behind LZ than sides. 

The falcon 9 first stage test landings was experimental, first ones did not even have legs and was just to get data on landings and improving models so they cold land inside LZ at low enough speed. 
First stage would crash anyway so why not experiment on them.
With starship they go the other way more like starhopper but with more and more capable crafts and higher jumps. 

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4 minutes ago, Nothalogh said:

Has there been any leaked render or drawing on what this pad will actually look like?


Think all are fan stuff, but the pillars will go up to an platform with an hole in center :) 
I have an feeling they might have an deck inside the platform, nice place to put stuff like piping of fuel and oxidizer, power and the hold down clamp mechanics. 

Wonder how the flame trench will look like. 

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19 minutes ago, tater said:

Any of you want a ride on Crew Dragon, Axiom is working with people for a TV show to give away a ride.


I hope such a show is as scientific as Mythbusters.

Let me explain further how I feel: It feels weird having a TV show where the producers are not coming up with the science and engineering. I keep getting apprehensive expecting there to be lots of scientific errors, as is the case with just about any science fiction flick, but no, it's an ACTUAL spaceship. The engineering is going to be handed to the film people by REAL engineers who say "This is how it is, that's physics, deal with it!" So the only way to introduce scientific errors would be to really mess things up in post-production. It would feel really, REALLY weird to watch a movie or a TV series where all the space maneuvers actually make sense, and all the angles and equipment and vehicles are totally realistic...

Edited by cubinator
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14 minutes ago, tater said:

Any of you want a ride on Crew Dragon, Axiom is working with people for a TV show to give away a ride.



My initial reaction wasn't, well, positive, but I have to say (cautiously) it could turn out well. If they can get people who are genuine about spaceflight, and don't turn to drama for the sake of it to pad runtime, it could turn into a really interesting show to let people in on how hard it is to be an Astronaut, and how cool spaceflight can be.

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4 minutes ago, Spaceception said:

My initial reaction wasn't, well, positive, but I have to say (cautiously) it could turn out well. If they can get people who are genuine about spaceflight, and don't turn to drama for the sake of it to pad runtime, it could turn into a really interesting show to let people in on how hard it is to be an Astronaut, and how cool spaceflight can be.

Well, for one thing, astronauts have no margin for interpersonal drama. Crews are selected who work really well together, and astronauts usually fly with some of their best friends. I really hope they don't introduce any artificial challenges beyond what's already necessary to prepare for a spaceflight - I know I wouldn't want to deal with it.

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1 minute ago, cubinator said:

Well, for one thing, astronauts have no margin for interpersonal drama. Crews are selected who work really well together, and astronauts usually fly with some of their best friends. I really hope they don't introduce any artificial challenges beyond what's already necessary to prepare for a spaceflight - I know I wouldn't want to deal with it.

Hopefully the people running the show get that memo, especially since they're working with NASA too

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Just now, cubinator said:

Yeah, they'd better! Otherwise that'd just be really rude and disrespectful to the astronauts, reality stars or not.

Yep. That, and it would fuel unrealistic portrayals of spaceflight and Astroanuts even more. Aren't those criticisms with Neflix's current and recent space shows? Away, and another life?

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44 minutes ago, cubinator said:

Well, for one thing, astronauts have no margin for interpersonal drama. Crews are selected who work really well together, and astronauts usually fly with some of their best friends. I really hope they don't introduce any artificial challenges beyond what's already necessary to prepare for a spaceflight - I know I wouldn't want to deal with it.

Nah, I saw Ad Astra, real astronauts are emotionally stunted sociopaths with suppressed daddy issues.

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13 minutes ago, sevenperforce said:

I'm talking on Twitter with the guy who does the really awesome Starship animations and I'm actually a little surprised by the numbers I'm getting for Starship's terminal velocity:


Interesting, I remember that simulation shown during Elon's presentation last year was showing something closer to 70.

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17 minutes ago, sevenperforce said:

I'm talking on Twitter with the guy who does the really awesome Starship animations and I'm actually a little surprised by the numbers I'm getting for Starship's terminal velocity:

Wasn't one of the official animations showing like 60-something? Still pretty low.

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