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I'm not new to KSP, but I'm still having troubles. I want my planets to look like in Matt Lowne's videos. But it's obviously not as simple as just enabling EVE, Scatterer, etc on CKAN. The mods I'd like to use are: EVE, SVE, SVT, and Scatterer. I don't really care about any other mods, I simply want my universe to be moar realistic that the lame stock planet graphics.

So, when I enable EVE followed by Scatterer, I get the realistic atmosphere look I wanted. But when I go to enable SVE, the "Apply changes" button is grayed out. If I enable SVE first, it says it includes EVE, however when I do this I get SVE but still have the lame atmo-less look to Kerbin, Eve, and Jool. This is just one example. Then we have stuff like: "SVT (for Windows)", and "SVT-High Res". No indication of what the differences are, what dependencies they have, if they are compatible with SVE, etc. I have Windows, and I want High res. But it won't let me pick both! How on earth do I know which to use? And what does it mean when one of the mods in the list turns red for a second?

For each mod, it seems there are several secondary "config" and "component" mods with them, and others I have to select from. I have no clue which of them to pick! This is probably part of my problem. This is all very annoying because every time I have to update KSP or build a new install, I have to remember all the same stuff I did last time... before I realize it looks totally different than last time! (Why can't they just make standard things like good visual mods stock?)

Now before you suggest it, yes, I know I can just download the individual mods and apply them one by one. Problem is, I can't get the mods to work out correctly seeing as some parts of them override each other. I also don't have the time to be re-doing this all over again for every update. So I use CKAN, for no other reason than that!

Can someone help me understand what all these little mods alongside SVE, Scatterer, EVE, etc are, and tell me what I need to do in order to enable all the main mods at the same time?



Edited by Jeb!
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You can't use SVE and EVE together. Thats's why it turns red in CKAN, if you hover you mouse over it, it will say the same.

Installing on CKAN is really simple, it atomically picks the mods you need in order to let the mod you want work. When installing a complicated mod, it mostly gives you first a screen of all the dependencies, after that, a screen with some recommendations. The dependency mods are must haves, without these the mod won't work. The recommendations are just other cool mods, but you'll be fine without them.

My current visual mod install are Visual Enhancements, Scatterer, Distant Object Enhancement, Window Shine. 

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3 hours ago, DrLicor said:

You can't use SVE and EVE together. Thats's why it turns red in CKAN, if you hover you mouse over it, it will say the same.

Installing on CKAN is really simple, it atomically picks the mods you need in order to let the mod you want work. When installing a complicated mod, it mostly gives you first a screen of all the dependencies, after that, a screen with some recommendations. The dependency mods are must haves, without these the mod won't work. The recommendations are just other cool mods, but you'll be fine without them.

My current visual mod install are Visual Enhancements, Scatterer, Distant Object Enhancement, Window Shine. 

Ok, that makes sense. But are you sure SVE and EVE are not compatible? I used to use them together fine, and I see other sites which say you can use them both.

Can someone explain to me these 5 mods shown? All of them come up when Scatterer is searched on. For other vismods, they also have some different configs. What are these different configs for, and how do I know which I should use? Does it depend on what other vismods I have enabled? What is this "SVE Scatterer"?


I know I'm missing something important, but it's not popping out at me. I wish there was a little more explanation in CKAN.


Edited by Jeb!
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Haha no you're not missing antything. Those are just options, for te sunflare in this case. You can choose one you like. Except the last one. That's for another mod I believe. The scatterer is just the normal one.from the orginal modmaker. The others are from other people. just test them what you like the most.

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