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[1.3] [Kopernicus] 34Tauri(2020) – Firefly's The Verse [Alpha Dev]

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Hi all, and thanks for the feedback.

I have found a few things out and got a few things to do.

Oh and @snkiz you 2nd paged me, yeah.


On a side note checked SpaceDock earlier, and 18 downloads. Think I need to push 0.20 out soon to hopefully correct a few errors I have.

Should be tomorrow. I say should, but we will see.

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6 hours ago, snkiz said:

@Sigma88 I think windows guys do that alot. I never understood why mono would use unix conventions like that.

It's because \ has a specific meaning. While / doesn't

\ is used to add weird symbols to strings, like \n (new line), \t (tab), etc

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Question? I calculated using USI alcublerre drive @ 1.6 times c it will take about 110 game hours to get to White Star from kerblin. And you can't time warp or leave the ship. (It goes boom). I'm I doing this wrong? This is my first time messing with interstellar stuff.

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1 hour ago, Sigma88 said:

It's because \ has a specific meaning. While / doesn't

\ is used to add weird symbols to strings, like \n (new line), \t (tab), etc

Never knew that, but then never got into Unix either. I have a few things to update, hopefully will get that done today.

Also is there anything else glaringly wrong with the cfg?

23 minutes ago, snkiz said:

Question? I calculated using USI alcublerre drive @ 1.6 times c it will take about 110 game hours to get to White Star from kerblin. And you can't time warp or leave the ship. (It goes boom). I'm I doing this wrong? This is my first time messing with interstellar stuff.

In time honoured KSP fashion i will have to say Moar Boosters then. Hadn't thought of that yet, it is 20 light years away. Which is half the original, so I might have to shorten that then, but it is a big system so can't get too close to the stock one.

Sounds like you have been able to load it? This is my first time modding and interstellaring too, so kinda in the same boat (Rocketship?)

Edited by Pretorian28715
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57 minutes ago, Pretorian28715 said:


In time honoured KSP fashion i will have to say Moar Boosters then. Hadn't thought of that yet, it is 20 light years away. Which is half the original, so I might have to shorten that then, but it is a big system so can't get too close to the stock one.

Sounds like you have been able to load it? This is my first time modding and interstellaring too, so kinda in the same boat (Rocketship?)

Yes I took out the moons and it loaded. I tried to make it go faster running engines while warping doesn't do anything except burn fuel and shake the ship. 1.6 c is max speed. and I'm not about to stare at a ship in flight for 110 hours. (crappy framerates would stretch that i'm sure.) I ended up using the cheat menu to get there. Is that system even stable? a few orbits look really hazardous. Stars burn though, planets are hard, almost nothing had textures and those that were there, were just not right, like a quilt of mismatched textures. You have your work cut out for you. I zipped up the logs, the no moons one was over 100Mb though. Some log spam going on there. Here is the link https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwYo7T4wPxjKUjhhWGJndUV4bEU

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@Pretorian28715 the cfg are horrendous to be honest,

the indentation is all over the place, and you have tons of spaces / tabulations inside and after the code

I had to process them extensively just to be able to read them

I think some of the problems you are experiencing can come from spaces and tabulations that are in places they are not supposed to be

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46 minutes ago, snkiz said:

1.6 c is max speed

You said you are using USI Warp Drive? Not sure about that, but I think KSP-IE's Warp Drive is scalable more drive modules [and more power] the faster you can go? Thanks for the Logs, might take me a while to figure out what is going on though.


42 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

cfg are horrendous to be honest

Firstly, thought I might get something like that, part of the reason for that is that I have used Excel to get the list of Bodies and properties together then produced a Sheet to give me the correct values [vlookup etc.] and then Copy/Paste into the cfg. this means I can churn out the full set of cfg's [286 of them] in about 30-60mins, instead of taking 5-10 mins updating each one.

Looks like I have to do some tidying as I go, but the replace function should help with that. Also in my defence at least I am trying to format them 'properly'. I have seen some of the packs are just a long string of text. So I know your pain in trying to figure out what is going on.

Edited by Pretorian28715
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34 minutes ago, snkiz said:

go easy

8 minutes ago, Pretorian28715 said:

Firstly, thought I might get something like that


just to be clear, my intent wasn't to insult anybody, just pointing out that the content of the cfg is very messed up and could affect how the values are loaded by ksp


plus, if you are asking for support, is always a good thing to have your cfg easily readable, otherwise people get annoyed and stop looking at them :D

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Just now, Sigma88 said:

cfg easily readable, otherwise people get annoyed and stop looking at them :D

Understand that, and didn't take offence either, as I said 'expected it' this is the first coding I have done with intent since you had to use 10, 20, 30 at the start of each line.


Let me know if this is any better, formatting and coding wise, please :D


 name = Bernadette
 flightGlobalsIndex = 502
 exportMesh = false
 update = true
 name = Tylo
 removeAllPQSMods = True
 radius = 529100
 geeASL = 0.9982
 tidallyLocked = FALSE
 rotationPeriod = 86400
 description = TBC
 landedDataValue = 8
 splashedDataValue = 7
 flyingLowDataValue = 5
 flyingHighDataValue = 4
 inSpaceLowDataValue = 6
 inSpaceHighDataValue = 4
 recoveryValue = 5
 referenceBody = White Sun
 semiMajorAxis = 112198682112
 inclination = 6.263
 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.819
 color = rgba( 226, 225, 245 ,1)
 eccentricity = 0
 epoch = 0
 type = Vacuum
 fadeStart = 0
 fadeEnd = 0
 texture = TheVerse/PluginData/Earth_Color.dds
 normals = TheVerse/PluginData/Earth_Normal.dds
 shininess = 0
 specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
 rimPower = 2.06
 rimBlend = 1.3
 0.0 = 0.06,0.06,0.06,1
 0.5 = 0.35,0.35,0.35,1
 1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1
 fadeStart = 111111
 fadeEnd = 370370
 deactivateAltitude = 407407
 minLevel = 2
 maxLevel = 8
 minDetailDistance = 6
 maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
 saturation = 1
 contrast = 1.3
 tintColor = 1,1,1,0
 groundTexStart = 0
 groundTexEnd = 9000
 steepTexStart = 0
 steepTexEnd = 9000
 steepTex = CTTP/Textures/gravel
 steepBumpMap = CTTP/Textures/gravel_normal
 steepNearTiling = 2500
 steepTiling = 25
 lowTex = CTTP/Textures/sand
 lowBumpMap = CTTP/Textures/sand_normal
 lowNearTiling = 5000
 lowMultiFactor = 50
 lowBumpNearTiling = 5000
 lowBumpFarTiling = 50
 midTex = CTTP/Textures/ice
 midBumpMap = CTTP/Textures/ice_normal
 midNearTiling = 5000
 midMultiFactor = 50
 midBumpNearTiling = 5000
 midBumpFarTiling = 50
 highTex = CTTP/Textures/snow
 highBumpMap = CTTP/Textures/snow_normal
 highNearTiling = 5000
 highMultiFactor = 50
 highBumpNearTiling = 5000
 highBumpFarTiling = 50
 lowStart = 0
 lowEnd = 0.5
 highStart = 0.8
 highEnd = 1
 map = TheVerse/PluginData/Earth_Height.dds
 deformity = 3000
 scaleDeformityByRadius = FALSE
 offset = 0
 enabled = TRUE
 order = 10
 noiseType = RiggedMultifractal
 deformity = 1500
 frequency =   6
 persistence = 0.2
 lacunarity = 2.5
 octaves = 7
 mode = Low
 seed = 23690
 enabled = TRUE
 order = 15
 deformity = 500
 octaves = 12
 persistence = 0.3
 frequency = 24
 seed = 28715
 enabled = TRUE
 order = 25
 map = TheVerse/PluginData/Earth_Color.dds
 enabled = TRUE
 order = 20


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Also I found this, 'Usually I like to use 4096 for larger planets, 2048 for mid size moons, and 1024 for tiny moons. Higher res textures will look better but will also take up more memory' in a post by @sdj64, what sort of radius could be defined as Large, Medium and Small?

Any recommendation for Color, Height and Normal Resolution size, I remember seeing 1024 for Color, 2048 for Height and Normal [I think], but can't remember where.


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much better, even tho you should not paste stuff directly into the forums post, it can bug the thread

use www.pastebin.com


1 - I would refrain from using *removeAllPQSMods* it could give problems, not 100% sure, but deleting specific mods has proved more reliable in the past

2 - you keep having spaces here


rgba( 226, 225, 245 ,1)

and I think it should be RGBA not rgba


everything else looks in order as far as I can tell

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56 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

everything else looks in order as far as I can tell

Thanks, think the 'extra' spaces area function of how I create the files, need to figure a way to sort that.

Also do you know why the Map view and 'in space' [Alt +100-120km - think this Terrain fade in Alt is to do with Tylo being the template, but not sure] do not show the details, I only get a white ball or black ball, think the PQS should be sorted, but need to be able to test it [not at home ATM].

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25 minutes ago, Pretorian28715 said:

Thanks, think the 'extra' spaces area function of how I create the files, need to figure a way to sort that.

Also do you know why the Map view and 'in space' [Alt +100-120km - think this Terrain fade in Alt is to do with Tylo being the template, but not sure] do not show the details, I only get a white ball or black ball, think the PQS should be sorted, but need to be able to test it [not at home ATM].

are you sure you are using the proper names in the cfg?

case sensitivity and everything


maybe your dds files are not exported properly

try with png files and see if it works

Edited by Sigma88
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6 hours ago, Pretorian28715 said:

You said you are using USI Warp Drive? Not sure about that, but I think KSP-IE's Warp Drive is scalable more drive modules [and more power] the faster you can go? Thanks for the Logs, might take me a while to figure out what is going on though.

That's what the poster on first page of the thread said, a couple posts down @RoverDude defended it. (He's big on balance.) I'll be honest I didn't read that much more about it. But the way it works I don't see how it would scale. I lost a parachute that was poking out the indent in the front of the bubble. I think overlapping bubbles would go badly. On that note, ksp is what? 1/6 scale ish? that would put the verse a 6.7 light years and that is still a trip. Considering the explody restrictions. In this case I think its better to consider gameplay rather than accuracy.

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19 minutes ago, snkiz said:

On that note, ksp is what? 1/6 scale ish? that would put the verse a 6.7 light years

I think stock is like 9% of SOL System, so I think I might reduce it then.

If you are happy to you can open the White Sun.cfg [notepad, wordpad or other basic text editor should work fine] and change the semiMajorAxis from 189345600000000, throw a little math at it, divide by 20 for 1 Light Year and then multiply by what ever number you feel happy with, just bear in mind that the system is 440 'Kerbin' AU across [although only if the sphereOfInfluence property applies like it is supposed to].

I just wanted it far enough out so as to not interfere with the Stock system to start with, and then adjust it later. Might try for 0.21 seeing as I have most of the system in place now.

Also did you DL 0.20? I would like to know if the Planets show up in Map view, should look like Earth.

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4 minutes ago, Pretorian28715 said:

multiply by what ever number you feel happy with

Ya I guess I can do that, but I'd suggest considering the default carefully to keep compatibility with other star systems. I've read a little about how complex this can be. Gargantua I think was talking about it, and also stability. Would the on rails system keep these unstable orbits alive? I don't know, this is getting over my head. I'm starting to think a community star chart may be in order. @Sigma88 you seem to be somewhat of an authority, what do you think?

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6 hours ago, snkiz said:

Ya I guess I can do that, but I'd suggest considering the default carefully to keep compatibility with other star systems. 

Probably just knock a few zeros off would be easier. 

And for now the System is just at all the zeros for most of the orbital properties.

I'm more concerned with having the System working and looking right to start with.

How did you get on?

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5 hours ago, The-Doctor said:


Well, in that case it is a good one.

All I am providing are cfg's and textures that allow Kopernicus to create a Star System. So kinda not really.

However as this modifies the Stock System it could be considered a Mod.

Either way I still think System/Planet Pack is a better term.


Also I found Mother and think it will be very usefull getting to this System.

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