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标题:坎巴拉太空计划1.3更新版 “Away with Words”现正推出!

Darth Badie

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另外,针对1.3版,我们还添加了环境光调整功能;可增强环境光的一项设置 (类似荧光笔增强滑块)。这个功能可调高渲染引擎设置来打亮黑暗的地方。当您想截图或分享游戏片段时,这个功能将会非常实用。


坎巴拉太空计划1.3版:“Away with Words”现在已在Steam上推出,并即将在第三方经销商的平台上推出。若您已购买游戏,也可以从坎巴拉太空计划商店下载更新。



=================================== v1.3.0 ============================================================
+++ Localization
* Keyboard layouts for foreign keyboards in Settings Menu.
* Localization of all text in game to Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese-Simplified.
* KSP now reads the language from buildID.txt
* Debug menu option to log missing Language tags (which is persisted in settings).
* All fonts are loaded regardless of selected language to assist in save file language switching and sharing.
* Resize PAW menus to fit languages.
* Resize Tutorial dialogs to fit languages.
* Add ability to scroll KSC facility upgrade stats when hovering over the upgrade button.
* Add new debug tool to show Localization tags instead of translations.
* Add Resource name display in staging, PAW and Resource App will change to Abbreviations if too long.
* Add Resource name tooltips to staging, PAW and Resource App for abbreviated resource icons.
* Add scroll sections to KSC Facility Upgrade stats in Facility pop-up windows.
* Add button to reload the Localization texts dictionary in the debug menu.
* Add hibernation info page to KSPedia.
+++ Enhancements
* Compound parts can be selected from both ends.
* Updated the strut model so the connector does not intersect with the mesh.
* Contract back stories have been changed/enhanced.
* GUI control for changing Local/Absolute attachment and editing reference.
* GUI control for changing symmetry mode.
* Change Science Containers to pull from experiments before other science containers.
* Increased the size of the PAW title bar and pin button.
* Ambient light adjustment.
* Asteroid Day Mod merged into stock.
* IVAOverlay now has keyboard shortcut - Modifier + ChangeCamera (Alt+C in windows).
* Upgraded TMPro.
* New PAW pin icon.
+++ Bug fixes
* Fix logic error in craft list dialog in editor scene.
* Fix grammar error in FL-R25 RCS Fuel Tank description.
* Fix MPL functions to only work with Scientist trait.
* Fix Runway Seams T2 and T3.
* Flatten the T1 Runway out.
* Fix Flagpole to Astronaut Center and remove upgrade/downgrade/destroy errors.
* Fix the math on the ShipConstruct Stage Count.
* Fix to highlighter Brightness not getting set on entering flight scene.
* Docking mode indicators corrected.
* Fix From The Mun tutorial: heatshield on RV jettison via staging.
* Fix Terrain seams issue (parity with 1.1.3).
* Fix Radiators on Asteroids.
* Fix Drill status on Asteroids.
* Add Craft name limit to VAB to prevent save issues with file name. Configurable via VAB_CRAFTNAME_CHAR_LIMIT
* Fix RnDTechTree refresh not updating un-purchases nodes after purchasing.
* Fix Aero GUI window NREs on scene change.
* Fix costs for Upgrade nodes being applied in TechTree.
* Fix upgraded parts to now display upgraded stats in TechTree and Parts picker in VAB/SPH.
* Fix upgrade modules not displaying correctly in expanded part tooltips in TechTree and Part picker.
* Fix number of kerbals counter in KSC vessel markers.
* Fix Tree shaders - shadows.
* Fix an issue where resource system catch-up mechanics would not work due to physics causing vessels to ‘hop’.
* Fix an issue where overriding a converter’s AutoShutdown property was not working.
* Fix to the way vessels were named on Kerbal Rescue contracts.
* Fix launch site blocked dialog not clearing on vessel spawn dialog.
* Fix green line appearing in water.
* Fix shadows of buildings in KSC scene.
* Fix manuever node errors for some situations where node is in the past and conics become invalid.
* Fix gaps in shadows on KSC buildings.
* Improved flickering Sun shadows in flight mode on all objects.
* Fix cases for old maneuver nodes with invalid patched conics.
* Fix part highlighters showing landing lights flares.
* Fix part icons to exclude flags and include lights.
* Fix Launchpad tower light to shine on correct Unity Layers.
* Fix Currency Widgets disappearing at large scales.
* Fix for StageLock persisting between games.
* Fix floor decals in level 2 VAB.
* Fix to wait for physics easing before updating vessel status.
+++ Modding
* Localization class added for Localization string processing.
* Fix reflected KSPModule attribute on PartModule.
* Added GameEvent onCommandSeatInteractionEnter which fires before a Kerbal enters/leaves external command seat.
* Added a mod hook in for science values.
* Add public accessors to MapView MapNodes for modders.
* Event for Kerbal name change (to match with type/status change events).
* Some object renames for clashes with Unity classes        
* Add public accessor to instance of tutorial dialog
* Propellent.displayName added for localization.
* Resource definitions now have displayName field.
* FlightGlobals.GetHomeBodyDisplayName() is the localized equivalent of FlightGlobals.GetHomeBodyName()
* Vessel & Protovessel displaylandedAt is the localized equivalent of landedAt string.
* Vessel.SetLandedAt() - added two new optional input variables.
* CustomParameterNode.LocalizedSection added.
* Added displayseatName and displayseatIndex to InternalSeat Node.
* CelestialBody has had several variables added and removed for localization.
* CBAttributeMaps have also had variables added for localization.
* ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperimentSubject has a new optional displaybiomeID.
* ResearchAndDevelopment.GetBiomeTagsLocalized added.
* ScienceData.displaytitle added for localization.
* Vessel.displaylandedAt field added for localization.
* Add an extra parameter on the GenericAppFrame method to receive a displayName separated from the logic.
* Add GameEvent onFairingsDeployed when fairings deploy.
* Add IscalarModule to ModuleJettison and public Enumerator for DragCubeSystem.
* Atmospheric and Exospheric harvesters can now make use of an optional Intake Transform (this can be set via the ‘intakeTransformName’ field.
* Add GetExperimentBodyName to ScienceUtils to API for mods.


坎巴拉太空计划1.3版:“Away with Words”现在已在Steam上推出,并即将在GOG和其他第三方经销商的平台上推出。若您已购买游戏,也可以从坎巴拉太空计划商店下载更新。

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  • 4 weeks later...

+++ 改进
* 结合部件可以从任意一端选择
* 改进了加强杆,这样其不会插入模型中
* 任务背景故事改变/润色
* 部件自身坐标系和世界(绝对)坐标系的增加GUI控制
* 变了科研点容器,使其在其他容器前将科研点从实验设备中取出
* PAW(零部件右击菜单)标题栏面积增大(防止4K瞎眼)
* 环境光调整
* 小行星日模组整合进自带包
*  直接透视飞船内部的小绿人有快捷键了 Alt+C(MOD键+C)
* 升级 TMPro(API的东西,一般玩家用不着).
* 新PAW菜单图标

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