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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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So after a while of testing, I have isolated which plugin breaks Intertellar.

It is the SmokeScreen [link] pluggin. I double tested it with and without it, it definitely breaks Interstellar

Again this plugin is included in the B9 aerospace pack, for anyone having the same issues as me, remove it :)

mmm - it is B9's version of it then - I have the smokescreen installed from CKAN, and am having no problems*.

*that I know of

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I will try the latest version from the author's thread to see if it works.


The latest version of SmokeScreen doesn't break the engine thrust (Thermal Rocket), however there are NO particle effects from the engine whatsoever and I can safely assume that it breaks the particle effects of the other Interstellar engines as well, so even that, causes issues

Here how it looks with version 2.6.9 of SmokeScreen


Edited by mkMoSs
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Beeting Xenon gas on max Isp is not surprizing, it's one the heaviest propellant and therefore gives lowest Isp. What Xenon gas excels in however in is electric efficency.

Metal engines and metals for high electric propulsion are interesting indeed. I have some Ideas to create a universal metal engine, It could operate with any Metal (includig LqdHydrogen and Aluminium) which with LiquidOxygen. Since everywhere you go there is some sort of metal, it would be the ideal ISRU engine.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Beeting Xenon gas on max Isp is not surprizing, it's one the heaviest propellant and therefore gives lowest Isp. What Xenon gas excels in however in is electric efficency.

Metal engines and metals for high electric propulsion are interesting indeed. I have some Ideas to create a universal metal engine, It could operate with any Metal (includig LqdHydrogen and Aluminium) which with LiquidOxygen. Since everywhere you go there is some sort of metal, it would be the ideal ISRU engine.

Yeah, that's why it caught my eye. On a less practical, more humorous note: https://what-if.xkcd.com/93/ (click on the footnote 1 link there).

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I have some issue with NERVA engine in VAB

When attaching NERVA to craft - right click menus become unavailable for all parts.

No exeptions in log was found.

I can't reproduce the problem. I guess there is another mod interfering. Is anyone else having this problem?

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I have this problem too. Seems to happen only in career mode with unupgraded NERVA, doesn't happen in sandbox.


[LOG 22:18:05.006] InsterstellarFuelSwitch: parseDoubles error in '', invalid float: tankCost [len:0] '']

[LOG 22:18:05.024] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart adding resources: LqdHydrogen;

[LOG 22:18:06.589] InterstellarFuelTank-X200-32 added to ship - part count: 2

[EXC 22:18:06.654] ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: key

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Part,RUI.Algorithms.Vertex`1[Part]].get_Item (.Part key)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.UpdatePartVertex (Boolean residual, .Part part, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 lookup)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.GetStackFlowGraph (.ShipConstruct ship)

EngineersReport.RunTests ()


.MoveNext ()

[EXC 22:18:08.349] ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: key

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Part,RUI.Algorithms.Vertex`1[Part]].get_Item (.Part key)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.UpdatePartVertex (Boolean residual, .Part part, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 lookup)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.GetStackFlowGraph (.ShipConstruct ship)

EngineersReport.RunTests ()


.MoveNext ()

[EXC 22:18:08.379] ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: key

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Part,RUI.Algorithms.Vertex`1[Part]].get_Item (.Part key)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.UpdatePartVertex (Boolean residual, .Part part, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 lookup)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.GetStackFlowGraph (.ShipConstruct ship)

EngineersReport.RunTests ()


.MoveNext ()

[LOG 22:18:14.529] [KSPI] Checking for upgrade tech: improvedNuclearPropulsion

[LOG 22:18:14.654] [KSP Interstellar] PartTechUpgrades is not initialized

[LOG 22:18:14.655] [KSP Interstellar] Configuring Reactor Fuel Modes

[LOG 22:18:14.657] [KSP Interstellar] Configuration Reactor Fuels Complete

[LOG 22:18:14.657] [KSPI] - ThermalNozzleController - BreadthFirstSearchForThermalSource- Found thermal source with distance 0

[LOG 22:18:14.783] [KSPI] - ThermalNozzleController - OnStart 0

[LOG 22:18:14.784] [KSPI] - ThermalNozzleController - OnStart 1

[LOG 22:18:14.784] [KSPI] - ThermalNozzleController - OnStart 2

[LOG 22:18:14.785] [KSPI] - ThermalNozzleController - OnStart 3

[LOG 22:18:14.785] [KSPI] - ThermalNozzleController - OnStart 4

[LOG 22:18:15.678] KspiLANTR added to ship - part count: 3

[LOG 22:18:15.679] [KSPI] - ThermalNozzleController - BreadthFirstSearchForThermalSource- Found thermal source with distance 0

[EXC 22:18:15.731] ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: key

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Part,RUI.Algorithms.Vertex`1[Part]].get_Item (.Part key)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.UpdatePartVertex (Boolean residual, .Part part, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 lookup)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.GetStackFlowGraph (.ShipConstruct ship)

EngineersReport.RunTests ()


.MoveNext ()

[EXC 22:18:16.581] ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: key

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Part,RUI.Algorithms.Vertex`1[Part]].get_Item (.Part key)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.UpdatePartVertex (Boolean residual, .Part part, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 lookup)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.GetStackFlowGraph (.ShipConstruct ship)

EngineersReport.RunTests ()


.MoveNext ()

[EXC 22:18:16.611] ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: key

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Part,RUI.Algorithms.Vertex`1[Part]].get_Item (.Part key)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.UpdatePartVertex (Boolean residual, .Part part, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 lookup)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.GetStackFlowGraph (.ShipConstruct ship)

EngineersReport.RunTests ()


.MoveNext ()

[EXC 22:18:18.063] IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

TweakScale.UIPartActionScaleEdit.UpdateValueDisplay (Single newValue)

TweakScale.UIPartActionScaleEdit.OnValueChanged (Single newValue)

TweakScale.UIPartActionScaleEdit.UpdateItem ()

UIPartActionWindow.CreatePartList (Boolean clearFirst)

UIPartActionWindow.Setup (.Part part, DisplayType type, UI_Scene scene)

UIPartActionController.CreatePartUI (.Part part, DisplayType type, UI_Scene scene)

UIPartActionController.SelectPart (.Part part, Boolean allowMultiple)

UIPartActionController.HandleMouseClick (UnityEngine.Camera cam, Boolean allowMultiple)

UIPartActionController+.MoveNext ()

[EXC 22:18:18.116] ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: key

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Part,RUI.Algorithms.Vertex`1[Part]].get_Item (.Part key)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.UpdatePartVertex (Boolean residual, .Part part, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 lookup)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.GetStackFlowGraph (.ShipConstruct ship)

EngineersReport.RunTests ()


.MoveNext ()

[EXC 22:18:18.118] ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: key

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Part,RUI.Algorithms.Vertex`1[Part]].get_Item (.Part key)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.UpdatePartVertex (Boolean residual, .Part part, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 lookup)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.GetStackFlowGraph (.ShipConstruct ship)

EngineersReport.RunTests ()


.MoveNext ()

[EXC 22:28:22.235] ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: key

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Part,RUI.Algorithms.Vertex`1[Part]].get_Item (.Part key)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.UpdatePartVertex (Boolean residual, .Part part, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 lookup)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.GetStackFlowGraph (.ShipConstruct ship)

EngineersReport.RunTests ()


.MoveNext ()

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I have this problem too. Seems to happen only in career mode with unupgraded NERVA, doesn't happen in sandbox.

Log: [EXC 22:18:16.581] ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: key

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[Part,RUI.Algorithms.Vertex`1[Part]].get_Item (.Part key)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.UpdatePartVertex (Boolean residual, .Part part, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 lookup)

RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.GetStackFlowGrap h (.ShipConstruct ship)

EngineersReport.RunTests ()


.MoveNext ()

I wonder if this is actually tweakscale causing this. I have this same string of errors in my RSS/RO/RP-0 Career which is pretty light on the mods aside from TweakScale which isn't actually supported but I use it from time to time. Tweakscale is common between my mods and my other modded installs that have seen this error.

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I have RF installed. The fuel in the module engines node is changed to kerosene (RF patch changes all LFO to kerosene ). Could that be the problem, somehow, maybe?. That said, I recall similar when tweaksCale and RF on same part... someone dump their configs (alt+f11) and check what that ends up at.

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I have a ship with two reactors, two thermal generators, and one 2.5m ISRU Refinery.

I turned one reactor off and waited for the status to read "offline". However, when I open the refinery window, there are no options and the refinery says "Status: Offline". Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Playing with the latest version from CKAN. I am trying to get the Actinides out of the reactor.

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Did you try turning on the reactor with a kernel on EVA? Reactors require and engineer to start them up.

Thanks for the reply, the engineer manual startup/shutdown works fine. The problem is that I cannot get the ISRU to remove the actinides from the reactor. Clicking the "nuclear fuel reprocessing" button does nothing.

Here is my test setup: http://imgur.com/YDueC5f

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Ah misread that. I haven't even used any KSP refineries yet so I can't comment on that part.

They're pretty much required for the molten salt/gas core reactors, after one mission the output is diminished by almost half and you find yourself with very weak TWR numbers. I've been building new ships every time, but now that I have the tech I might try fusion and skip the ISRU for now.

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I have a ship with two reactors, two thermal generators, and one 2.5m ISRU Refinery.

I turned one reactor off and waited for the status to read "offline". However, when I open the refinery window, there are no options and the refinery says "Status: Offline". Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Playing with the latest version from CKAN. I am trying to get the Actinides out of the reactor.

Are you still required to have an empty fuel canister to hold the depleted fuel in?

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Are you still required to have an empty fuel canister to hold the depleted fuel in?

No idea, the reactor has empty space where the spent fuel was, I haven't refilled it. I can try in a bit and see if I need a totally separate container.

EDIT: Added a second container (empty) with space for "depleted uranium" and "enriched uranium". Still no luck. Clicking the "Enrich Uranium" button still doesn't make anything happen.

Edited by herman
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Hi All,

I've been having a problem with waste heat accruing, or the lack there of. Does anyone know how the waste heat should be accrued?

I have a few satallite's in orbit with three 1x3 solar panels and three extended radiator panels. the amount of waste heat generated is 0, and the amount of heat in the radiator panels is 0. My satallites used to produce waste heat, and it would be radiated off, but they seemed to have stopped and i'm not sure why.

I tried starting a new save, deleted and reinstalled the interstellar mod, but my panels still don't seem to create any waste heat. In the new save, i just made a car and put some panels on it to test, so it's not in orbit, but i think the panels should still generate heat whether they are in orbit or not.


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Hey, addition to Nerva issue

I confirm, this happens in career mode (just started new one)

I have TweakScale (cant even imagine KSP without it), Also I have KSPIE-Mk2 Intergration. Actually I have pretty hardmoded install, but I played it before and never got something similar.

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Hi All,

I've been having a problem with waste heat accruing, or the lack there of. Does anyone know how the waste heat should be accrued?

I have a few satallite's in orbit with three 1x3 solar panels and three extended radiator panels. the amount of waste heat generated is 0, and the amount of heat in the radiator panels is 0. My satallites used to produce waste heat, and it would be radiated off, but they seemed to have stopped and i'm not sure why.

I tried starting a new save, deleted and reinstalled the interstellar mod, but my panels still don't seem to create any waste heat. In the new save, i just made a car and put some panels on it to test, so it's not in orbit, but i think the panels should still generate heat whether they are in orbit or not.


Solar KSPI wasteheat was made obsolete by Stock wasteheat, they are also kind of the wrong magnitude. There are also issues with future mods like Galaxtic neighbourhood. I therefore have removed it.

- - - Updated - - -

Hey, addition to Nerva issue

I confirm, this happens in career mode (just started new one)

I have TweakScale (cant even imagine KSP without it), Also I have KSPIE-Mk2 Intergration. Actually I have pretty hardmoded install, but I played it before and never got something similar.

Ok, what KSPI relevant techs have you unlocked?

Edited by FreeThinker
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That bug was present when I unlocked Nuclear Propulsion, so Nerva wasn't upgraded. Today I've unlocked Nuclear Power, Improved Nuclear Power, Improved Nuclear Propulsion and Nuclear Fuel Systems. Bug is gone, but we got another one =(

When craft has Hydrazine tank, and no other suitable propellants, Nerva switches automatically to LqdHydrogen (I tried only Hydrazine due high ISP modifier)

In other case, my craft has empty and locked water tank (alkaline fuel cell from Universal Storage mod) - Nerva switched to Water, still ignoring Hydrazine which is present.Switching manually to Hydrazine isn't possible, pressing buttons does nothing in both cases. I have to notice, that in VAB fuel switches fine, MJ calculates dV, which means engine connected to fuel tanks, so it's not craft desighning fail.

Here is my current Tech Tree:sztW679.png

Edited by Cosmonauth
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Technically that's not a bug but a feature, You need "efficient nuclear propulsion" to use Hydrazine (or any performance propelant) as a propellant. Improved Nuclear Propulsion unlocks the ability to use basic proellants and LATERN mode (LiquidHydrogen with LiquidOxygen afterburner). Perhaps I should prevent switching to Hydrazine in the VAB.

Note in the next release, improved nuclear power allows the NERVA to operate in Bimodel mode, allowing it to generate power with an thermal electric generator, which will be very usefull for preventing your propellant from boiling off. Do note however, that NERVA was never ment for long duration high power generation, they were only ment to operate for about 2 hours at full power. I'm trying to determine the exact amount of uranium in the NERVA reactor. The problem is there in the real world a minimum amount required Enrichhed uranium to create a nuclear reactor.

- - - Updated - - -


That bug was present when I unlocked Nuclear Propulsion, so Nerva wasn't upgraded.

Thanks, that will help a lot to reproduce the problem. I already fixed some exceptions in the VAB. I wasn't aware it would cause these problems in the VAB

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