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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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6 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Exactly what edits did you make?

I replaced all produceGlobal = False with produceGlobal = True for all QSR reactions (not just antimatter) in reactor fuels cfg.

Now my spaceship can produce antimatter, deuter and he3 for AIM reactors for eternity.

I set 2 Quasar reactors to pure hydrogen fusion and 2 other quasars to p+D fusion.


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6 minutes ago, raxo2222 said:

I replaced all produceGlobal = False with produceGlobal = True for all QSR reactions (not just antimatter) in reactor fuels cfg.

mmm, good to hear this works, but does it also perform correctly under high time acceleration? notice there is also a hidden property ConsumeGlobal which does the same for fuel consumption.

It might be an issue for other reactors as well which essentialy use the same fuctionality, but due to their low amount never borthered anyone

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54 minutes ago, raxo2222 said:

in second screenshot album in my post >.>

Also atmo composition is wrong:

for Venus it should be:

and in game it is around 67% of CO2 and 33% of nitrogen.


I just noticed the KSPI atmospherre definition is the same as Eve. somehow I never got around to giving them the proper values.

Could you do me a favor and fixed the atmosphericsourcedefintions.cfg file and give all Real planets their real composition

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First of all, loving this mod. Really enjoying the gameplay it adds to the game!

I'm new to the forum so please tell me if I should report this elsewhere but I noticed a strange bug yesterday. The problem I encountered was that, when creating a rocket that has both a Thermal Electric Generator and a Closed-Cycle Gas Core engine, my ISP dropped from 10k+ to < 1000 m/s. After clicking around I noticed that the mass of the Thermal Electric Generator shoots up as soon as I connect the Lightbulb to it. I've made some screenshots and created an Imgur album. As you can see from screenshot 2 to 3 the mass shoots up from 46,120 kg to 2,627.62 tons


I'm also curious if the thrust is correct on the first screenshot. If I launch this (with some radiators of course). It basically goes from 0 to 2000 m/s before my finger leaves the space bar.

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2 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

mmm, good to hear this works, but does it also perform correctly under high time acceleration? notice there is also a hidden property ConsumeGlobal which does the same for fuel consumption.

It might be an issue for other reactors as well which essentialy use the same fuctionality, but due to their low amount never borthered anyone

well while Deuter/He3 tank was filling nicely I wasn't testing it with AIM, just with antimatter reactor. 1.25m antimatter reactor couldn't consume all this antimatter - qsr was produching so much of it. (I use microwave transmitter to keep reactors busy) :P

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10 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

I just noticed the KSPI atmospherre definition is the same as Eve. somehow I never got around to giving them the proper values.

Could you do me a favor and fixed the atmosphericsourcedefintions.cfg file and give all Real planets their real composition

Fine :)

I went trough planets and moons in RSS/Kopernicus planet configs, I found following objects have atmosphere:

Pressure on ground level (lowest point)/altitude of edge of atmosphere/gravity strength.

Venus: 109.05 atm / 150 km / 8.87 m/s2

Earth - 101.325 kpa / 140 km / 9.807 m/s2

Mars - 1.15 kpa / 125 km / 3.711 m/s2

Jupiter - 1000 atm / 1400 km / 24.79 m/s2

Saturn - 1000 atm / 2000 km / 10.44 m/s2

Titan - 159 kpa / 650 km / 1.352 m/s2

Uranus - 1000 atm / 1800 km / 8.69 m/s2

Neptune - 1000 atm / 1400 km / 11.15 m/s2

Triton - 16.5 pa / 120 km / 0.779 m/s2

Pluto - 1 pa / 130 km / 0.62 m/s2

Looks like Triton and Pluto are viable for atmospheric isru too :)

Is abudunance setting an atmospheric resources confing going by mass, or by volume?

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13 minutes ago, raxo2222 said:

Fine :)

I went trough planets and moons in RSS/Kopernicus planet configs, I found following objects have atmosphere:

Pressure on ground level (lowest point)/altitude of edge of atmosphere:

Venus: 109.05 atm / 150 km

Earth - 101.325 kpa / 140 km

Mars - 1.15 kpa / 125 km

Jupiter - 1000 atm / 1400 km

Saturn - 1000 atm / 2000 km

Titan - 159 kpa / 650 km

Uranus - 1000 atm / 1800 km

Neptune - 1000 atm / 1400 km

Triton - 16.5 pa / 120 km

Pluto - 1 pa / 130 km

Looks like Triton and Pluto are viable for atmospheric isru too :)

Is abudunance setting an atmospheric resources confing going by mass, or by volume?

By volume.

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Aaaand there are definitions for Venus (i will post them for rest of objects):

Take note, that compound volumes may not add to 100% due to rounding and uncertainness or variability.

So actual abundance in game may deviate by few percent from what was written in config.

For example in game it may show, that atmosphere of Venus have 96.49% of CO2 or Earth atmosphere may have 0.00000401% of Ammonia in volume


    name = VenusCarbonDioxide
    guiName = Carbon Dioxide
    celestialBodyName = Venus
    abundance = 0.965
    resourceName = LqdCO2
    name = VenusNitrogen
    guiName = Nitrogen
    celestialBodyName = Venus
    abundance = 0.035
    resourceName = LqdNitrogen
    name = VenusArgon
    guiName = Argon
    celestialBodyName = Venus
    abundance = 0.00007
    resourceName = ArgonGas
    name = VenusWater
    guiName = Water Vapor
    celestialBodyName = Venus
    abundance = 0.00002
    resourceName = Water
    name = VenusHelium
    guiName = Helium
    celestialBodyName = Venus
    abundance = 0.000012
    resourceName = Helium
    name = VenusNeon
    guiName = Neon
    celestialBodyName = Venus
    abundance = 0.00001
    resourceName = NeonGas
    name = VenusCarbonMonoxide
    guiName = Carbon Monoxide
    celestialBodyName = Venus
    abundance = 0.0000003
    resourceName = LqdCO2
    name = VenusKrypton
    guiName = Krypton
    celestialBodyName = Venus
    abundance = 0.000000009
    resourceName = KryptonGas






    name = EarthNitrogen
    guiName = Nitrogen
    celestialBodyName = Earth
    abundance = 0.78084
    resourceName = LqdNitrogen
    name = EarthOxygen
    guiName = Oxygen
    celestialBodyName = Earth
    abundance = 0.20948
    resourceName = LqdOxygen
    name = EarthWater
    guiName = Water Vapor
    celestialBodyName = Earth
    abundance = 0.01
    resourceName = Water
    name = EarthArgon
    guiName = Argon
    celestialBodyName = Earth
    abundance = 0.00934
    resourceName = ArgonGas
    name = EarthCarbonDioxide
    guiName = Carbon Dioxide
    celestialBodyName = Earth
    abundance = 0.00038
    resourceName = LqdCO2
    name = EarthNeon
    guiName = Neon
    celestialBodyName = Earth
    abundance = 0.00001818
    resourceName = NeonGas
    name = EarthHelium
    guiName = Helium
    celestialBodyName = Earth
    abundance = 0.00000524
    resourceName = Helium
    name = EarthMethane
    guiName = Methane
    celestialBodyName = Earth
    abundance = 0.000002
    resourceName = LqdMethane
    name = EarthKrypton
    guiName = Krypton
    celestialBodyName = Earth
    abundance = 0.00000114
    resourceName = KryptonGas
    name = EarthHydrogen
    guiName = Hydrogen
    celestialBodyName = Earth
    abundance = 0.0000005
    resourceName = LqdHydrogen
    name = EarthCarbonMonoxide
    guiName = Carbon Monoxide
    celestialBodyName = Earth
    abundance = 0.0000002
    resourceName = LqdCO
    name = EarthXenon
    guiName = Xenon
    celestialBodyName = Earth
    abundance = 0.000000087
    resourceName = XenonGas
    name = EarthAmmonia
    guiName = Ammonia
    celestialBodyName = Earth
    abundance = 0.00000004
    resourceName = LqdAmmonia





    name = MarsCarbonDioxide
    guiName = Carbon Dioxide
    celestialBodyName = Mars
    abundance = 0.953
    resourceName = LqdCO2
    name = MarsNitrogen
    guiName = Nitrogen
    celestialBodyName = Mars
    abundance = 0.027
    resourceName = LqdNitrogen
    name = MarsArgon
    guiName = Argon
    celestialBodyName = Mars
    abundance = 0.016
    resourceName = ArgonGas
    name = MarsCarbonMonoxide
    guiName = Carbon Monoxide
    celestialBodyName = Mars
    abundance = 0.0027
    resourceName = LqdCO
    name = MarsOxygen
    guiName = Oxygen
    celestialBodyName = Mars
    abundance = 0.0013
    resourceName = LqdOxygen
    name = MarsWater
    guiName = Water Vapor
    celestialBodyName = Mars
    abundance = 0.0003
    resourceName = Water
    name = MarsNeon
    guiName = Neon
    celestialBodyName = Mars
    abundance = 0.0000025
    resourceName = NeonGas
    name = MarsKrypton
    guiName = Krypton
    celestialBodyName = Mars
    abundance = 0.0000003
    resourceName = KryptonGas
    name = MarsXenon
    guiName = Xenon
    celestialBodyName = Mars
    abundance = 0.00000008
    resourceName = XenonGas



Jupiter Got isotopes from here.


    name = JoolHydrogen
    guiName = Hydrogen
    celestialBodyName = Jool
    abundance = 0.898
    resourceName = LqdHydrogen
    name = JoolHelium
    guiName = Helium
    celestialBodyName = Jool
    abundance = 0.09714
    resourceName = LqdHelium
    name = JoolMethane
    guiName = Methane
    celestialBodyName = Jool
    abundance = 0.00319
    resourceName = LqdMethane
    name = JoolAmmonia
    guiName = Ammonia
    celestialBodyName = Jool
    abundance = 0.0002647
    resourceName = LqdAmmonia
    name = JoolDeuterium
    guiName = Deuterium
    celestialBodyName = Jool
    abundance = 0.00003
    resourceName = LqdDeuterium
    name = JoolHelium3
    guiName = Helium3
    celestialBodyName = Jool
    abundance = 0.0009714
    resourceName = LqdHe3

    name = JupiterHydrogen
    guiName = Hydrogen
    celestialBodyName = Jupiter
    abundance = 0.863
    resourceName = LqdHydrogen
    name = JupiterHelium
    guiName = Helium
    celestialBodyName = Jupiter
    abundance = 0.1515
    resourceName = LqdHelium
    name = JupiterMethane
    guiName = Methane
    celestialBodyName = Jupiter
    abundance = 0.0024
    resourceName = LqdMethane
    name = JupiterAmmonia
    guiName = Ammonia
    celestialBodyName = Jupiter
    abundance = 0.0005
    resourceName = LqdAmmonia
    name = JupiterWater
    guiName = Water Vapor
    celestialBodyName = Jupiter
    abundance = 0.000066
    resourceName = Water
    name = JupiterNeon
    guiName = Neon
    celestialBodyName = Jupiter
    abundance = 0.000023
    resourceName = NeonGas
    name = JupiterDeuterium
    guiName = Deuterium
    celestialBodyName = Jupiter
    abundance = 0.0000194
    resourceName = LqdDeuterium
    name = JupiterHelium3
    guiName = Helium3
    celestialBodyName = Jupiter
    abundance = 0.0000161
    resourceName = LqdHe3
    name = JupiterArgon
    guiName = Argon
    celestialBodyName = Jupiter
    abundance = 0.000009
    resourceName = ArgonGas
    name = JupiterKrypton
    guiName = Krypton
    celestialBodyName = Jupiter
    abundance = 0.00000000865
    resourceName = KryptonGas
    name = JupiterXenon
    guiName = Xenon
    celestialBodyName = Jupiter
    abundance = 0.0000000051
    resourceName = XenonGas
    name = JupiterCarbonMonoxide
    guiName = Carbon Monoxide
    celestialBodyName = Jupiter
    abundance = 0.0000000001
    resourceName = LqdCO



Saturn Couldn't find isotope ratios, picked same as Jupiter ones.


    name = SaturnHydrogen
    guiName = Hydrogen
    celestialBodyName = Saturn
    abundance = 0.96
    resourceName = LqdHydrogen
    name = SaturnHelium
    guiName = Helium
    celestialBodyName = Saturn
    abundance = 0.06
    resourceName = LqdHelium
    name = SaturnMethane
    guiName = Methane
    celestialBodyName = Saturn
    abundance = 0.0028
    resourceName = LqdMethane
    name = SaturnAmmonia
    guiName = Ammonia
    celestialBodyName = Saturn
    abundance = 0.00005
    resourceName = LqdAmmonia
    name = SaturnDeuterium
    guiName = Deuterium
    celestialBodyName = Saturn
    abundance = 0.0000216
    resourceName = LqdDeuterium
    name = SaturnHelium3
    guiName = Helium3
    celestialBodyName = Saturn
    abundance = 0.00001
    resourceName = LqdHe3
    name = SaturnWater
    guiName = Water Vapor
    celestialBodyName = Saturn
    abundance = 0.0000001505
    resourceName = Water
    name = SaturnCarbonMonoxide
    guiName = Carbon Monoxide
    celestialBodyName = Saturn
    abundance = 0.00000000235
    resourceName = LqdCO
    name = SaturnCarbonDioxide
    guiName = Carbon Dioxide
    celestialBodyName = Saturn
    abundance = 0.00000000025
    resourceName = LqdCO2




Titan I guessed trace element compositions.



    name = TitanNitrogen
    guiName = Nitrogen
    celestialBodyName = Titan
    abundance = 0.984
    resourceName = LqdNitrogen
    name = TitanMethane
    guiName = Methane
    celestialBodyName = Titan
    abundance = 0.014
    resourceName = LqdMethane
    name = TitanHydrogen
    guiName = Hydrogen
    celestialBodyName = Titan
    abundance = 0.0015
    resourceName = LqdHydrogen
    name = TitanCarbonDioxide
    guiName = Carbon Dioxide
    celestialBodyName = Titan
    abundance = 0.00002
    resourceName = LqdCO2
    name = TitanCarbonMonoxide
    guiName = Carbon Monoxide
    celestialBodyName = Titan
    abundance = 0.000015
    resourceName = LqdCO
    name = TitanArgon
    guiName = Argon
    celestialBodyName = Titan
    abundance = 0.000005
    resourceName = ArgonGas
    name = TitanHelium
    guiName = Helium
    celestialBodyName = Titan
    abundance = 0.000001
    resourceName = LqdHelium




Uranus He He He..... funny name... Helium 3 confirmed. Since D/H ratio is over twice as high than in Jupiter, I doubled He3/He4 ratio of that in jupiter.


    name = UranusHydrogen
    guiName = Hydrogen
    celestialBodyName = Uranus
    abundance = 0.85
    resourceName = LqdHydrogen
    name = UranusHelium
    guiName = LqdHelium
    celestialBodyName = Uranus
    abundance = 0.15
    resourceName = LqdHelium
    name = UranusMethane
    guiName = Methane
    celestialBodyName = Uranus
    abundance = 0.015
    resourceName = LqdMethane
    name = UranusAmmonia
    guiName = Ammonia
    celestialBodyName = Uranus
    abundance = 0.00005
    resourceName = LqdAmmonia
    name = UranusHelium3
    guiName = Helium3
    celestialBodyName = Uranus
    abundance = 0.000049
    resourceName = LqdHE3
    name = UranusDeutrium
    guiName = Deutrium
    celestialBodyName = Uranus
    abundance = 0.000047
    resourceName = LqdDeutrium
    name = UranusCarbonMonoxide
    guiName = Carbon Monoxide
    celestialBodyName = Uranus
    abundance = 0.00000035
    resourceName = LqdCO
    name = UranusWater
    guiName = Water Vapor
    celestialBodyName = Uranus
    abundance = 0.0000000075
    resourceName = Water
    name = UranusCarbonDioxide
    guiName = Carbon Dioxide
    celestialBodyName = Uranus
    abundance = 0.00000000025
    resourceName = LqdCO2




Neptune Couldn't find isotope ratios, so I picked same as for Uranus.


    name = NeptuneHydrogen
    guiName = Hydrogen
    celestialBodyName = Neptune
    abundance = 0.8
    resourceName = LqdHydrogen
    name = NeptuneHelium
    guiName = Helium
    celestialBodyName = Neptune
    abundance = 0.19
    resourceName = LqdHelium
    name = NeptuneMethane
    guiName = Methane
    celestialBodyName = Neptune
    abundance = 0.015
    resourceName = LqdMethane
    name = NeptuneHelium3
    guiName = Helium3
    celestialBodyName = Neptune
    abundance = 0.000063
    resourceName = LqdHe3
    name = NeptuneDeuterium
    guiName = Deuterium
    celestialBodyName = Neptune
    abundance = 0.000044
    resourceName = LqdDeuterium
    name = NeptuneCarbonMonoxide
    guiName = Carbon Monoxide
    celestialBodyName = Neptune
    abundance = 0.0000006
    resourceName = LqdCO
    name = NeptuneWater
    guiName = Water Vapor
    celestialBodyName = Neptune
    abundance = 0.00000000255
    resourceName = Water
    name = NeptuneCarbonDioxide
    guiName = Carbon Dioxide
    celestialBodyName = Neptune
    abundance = 0.00000000035
    resourceName = LqdCO2



Triton I guessed composition.




    name = TritonNitrogen
    guiName = Nitrogen
    celestialBodyName = Triton
    abundance = 0.98
    resourceName = LqdNitrogen
    name = TritonCarbonMonoxide
    guiName = Carbon Monoxide
    celestialBodyName = Triton
    abundance = 0.009
    resourceName = LqdCO
    name = TritonMethane
    guiName = Methane
    celestialBodyName = Triton
    abundance = 0.006
    resourceName = LqdMethane
    name = TritonHydrogen
    guiName = Hydrogen
    celestialBodyName = Triton
    abundance = 0.001
    resourceName = LqdHydrogen
    name = TritonArgon
    guiName = Argon
    celestialBodyName = Triton
    abundance = 0.0005
    resourceName = ArgonGas
    name = TritonNeon
    guiName = Neon
    celestialBodyName = Triton
    abundance = 0.0004
    resourceName = NeonGas




Pluto Guessed as well.

    name = PlutoNitrogen
    guiName = Nitrogen
    celestialBodyName = Pluto
    abundance = 0.7
    resourceName = LqdNitrogen
    name = PlutoMethane
    guiName = Methane
    celestialBodyName = Pluto
    abundance = 0.25
    resourceName = LqdMethane
    name = PlutoCarbonMonoxide
    guiName = Carbon Monoxide
    celestialBodyName = Pluto
    abundance = 0.0625
    resourceName = LqdCO
    name = PlutoHydrogen
    guiName = Hydrogen
    celestialBodyName = Pluto
    abundance = 0.0001
    resourceName = LqdHydrogen

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@raxo2222 According to my soures, all gas planet, inclusing uranus should have trace amounts of Helium3

It should be a good reason to start a mining colony at uranus which has a significantly lower gravity well than jupiter

It would be most efficient if you could create a floating factory in uranus atmoshpere, Collect the Helium3, and launch a return rocket back into orbit using Nuclear Engine which runs on scooped Hydrogen

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7 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

@raxo2222 According to my soures, all gas planet, inclusing uranus should have trace amounts of Helium3

It should be a good reason to start a mining colony at uranus which has a significantly lower gravity well than jupiter

I know, I didn't finished it yet - I didn't calculated isotope proportions yet - wolphram doesn't show He3 or Deuter.

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2 hours ago, raxo2222 said:

Uranus He He He..... funny name...


And that's why I always pronounce it "you-ran-us".


That's a great modification to my idea, it's basically exactly what I wanted but I was holding myself back a little because I thought it might be difficult or impossible to code it (I don't know the Unity/KSP limitations for plugin coding very well, apparently).

This is fantastically good news. Guess I'm going to have to find or edit in a few badS engineers. Maybe one called "Scotty Kerman", and another called "Geordi Kerman".

One question, would I be able to keep adding a certain type of crew to a ship to keep improving it?

If not, would it cap out at a certain sum of crew experience for that type of crew (ex. maximum 15 "stars" for engineers, 15 for scientists, 15 for pilots), a certain sum of crew experience total (ex. 45 stars max benefit no matter the crew composition), or would it cap out at a certain number of crew of any experience level (ex. top 9 most experienced crew on the vessel)?

Also, would adding additional AI cores add more performance, or would it be a "one per vessel" type thing with additional AI cores not having an effect?
I was thinking that the computer AI would not only assist the crew, but it would be fully capable of replacing crew on a 1-for-1 basis.
One AI core = one crew, each AI core can be set to substitute for a pilot, scientist, or engineer (can be re-set in flight if the vessel has an antenna because it's basically a software update), and upgrading an AI core by one level would provide the same benefits to ship performance that a crewmember of one level higher would perform.

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Do you have plans on adding in a direct antimatter engine? It could run off of a mixture of matter (LFO, deuterium, argon, etc.) and antimatter to produce very high efficiency or very high impulse thrust. But there is a catch. While the engine is on, it produces a TON of waste heat. The only way you're gonna make it in one piece is if you really love radiators.

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The mass of Molten Salt Reactor is acting very strangely when scaling it up and down and negative part mass is starting to show up (up to -17 ton). What is also very strange, at 1.25 m radius, the empty mass is 8 ton, which is 8 times higher than pebble bed reactor of that size (empty mass 1 ton). Is that intended?

Edited by spirokai
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5 minutes ago, spirokai said:

The mass of Molten Salt Reactor is acting very strangely when scaling it up and down and negative part mass is starting to show up (up to -17 ton). What is also very strange, at 1.25 m radius, the empty mass is 8 ton, which is 8 times higher than pebble bed reactor of that size (empty mass 1 ton). Is that intended?

What versions of Tweakscale, KSPI-E and IFS are you using ?

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my weights are going all weird too - the thermo-electric generator has a constant weight of 6t in the parts list in VAB, but 1333t when attached, adn which doesn't scale at all with the part scaling.

I'm using:

  • Tweakscale v2.2.12
  • KSPI-E 1.8.20

The generator also lists a "mass modiefier" in the info box, of 1, FWIW. 

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18 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

What versions of Tweakscale, KSPI-E and IFS are you using ?

Everything is up to date.

The values are:

1.25 m - 9.2 t producing 160 kW of energy

2.5 m - 12.5 t producing 2 MW of energy.

The dry mass of 1.25 is actually higher than that for 2.5 (8.6 vs 8, respectively).

EDIT: OK this is veeeeeery strange. If I scale it up to 1.875 and then scale down back to 1.25m, the mass is correct (~ 2.2 t). The same behavior is observed for 1.875 m. In the other words,the first scaling to the particular size gives wrong values, any subsequent scaling to that particular size provides the correct values.Is this a bug of tweakscale?

Edited by spirokai
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1 hour ago, SciMan said:

This is fantastically good news. Guess I'm going to have to find or edit in a few badS engineers. Maybe one called "Scotty Kerman", and another called "Geordi Kerman".

One question, would I be able to keep adding a certain type of crew to a ship to keep improving it?

If not, would it cap out at a certain sum of crew experience for that type of crew (ex. maximum 15 "stars" for engineers, 15 for scientists, 15 for pilots), a certain sum of crew experience total (ex. 45 stars max benefit no matter the crew composition), or would it cap out at a certain number of crew of any experience level (ex. top 9 most experienced crew on the vessel)?

It depend, on the quality of the crew. The general idea is that there is no substitute for experience, but you can compensate with less trained crew if you don't have a all stars team.

This is subject to change but my initial idea on how to calculate crew quality in a specific discipline:

Expertise Quality Factor = (sum of expertise best 3 Kerbals / 18) /  sqrt(number of Kerbals to reach 18 expertise / 3 ) 

Kerbal expertise value = level + 1

missing Kerbal count for 0.5

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25 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

It depend, on the quality of the crew. The general idea is that there is no substitute for experience, but you can compensate with less trained crew if you don't have a all stars team.

This is subject to change but my initial idea on how to calculate crew quality in a specific discipline:

Expertise Quality Factor = (sum of expertise best 3 Kerbals / 18) /  sqrt(number of Kerbals to reach 18 expertise / 3 ) 

Kerbal expertise value = level + 1

missing Kerbal count for 0.5

What about more than one AI core on a ship?

Would you need an AI core for each reactor you wanted to upgrade, or would you only need one for the entire ship?

Would having more AI cores than reactors mean the additional AI cores could substitute for crewmembers?

If not, would they add their own bonuses separate from crew bonuses, or would the additional AI cores just be so much dead weight (with the possible exception of science research)?.


Speaking of AI science research, computer cores that are doing science research shouldn't have a limit to the amount of science they can generate in any one location (if that's possible). Not sure if thats how it already works. AI that are doing scientific research should have a fixed rate of science data generation, multiplied by where the AI core is in the solar system (same as stock experiments) and the skill level of any scientists on-board (also same as stock experiments).

This would allow a player to "raise" an AI core from it's most basic to it's most advanced upgrade level by sending it out somewhere to learn (generate science points to upgrade itself), or spend science points they already accumulated to get it upgraded immediately.

The easiest way I can think of to implement this (minimal coding required) would be to make it act basically the same as the KSPI science lab, but remove the crew requirement at the cost of greater power consumption. It would have the same science experiment module that accumulates science data over time (different experiment ID so you can have both on the same vessel and not get duplicate experiments), and a science lab module that doesn't require any crew (with 10k data storage and science storage caps).

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42 minutes ago, subitan said:

my weights are going all weird too - the thermo-electric generator has a constant weight of 6t in the parts list in VAB, but 1333t when attached, adn which doesn't scale at all with the part scaling.

I'm using:

  • Tweakscale v2.2.12
  • KSPI-E 1.8.20

The generator also lists a "mass modiefier" in the info box, of 1, FWIW. 

This is intended, the generator mass depends on the amount of power output and  type of reactor with more advanced reactor requiring less generator mass

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6 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

This is intended, the generator mass depends on the amount of power output and  type of reactor with more advanced reactor requiring less generator mass

FreeThinker, is there a way to estimate lifetime of a reactor at particular (or even 100%) power output? I am planning a mission to Plock (~55 yrs flight time) and I have no idea how much UF4 to take. :D

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52 minutes ago, subitan said:

my weights are going all weird too - the thermo-electric generator has a constant weight of 6t in the parts list in VAB, but 1333t when attached, adn which doesn't scale at all with the part scaling.

I'm using:

  • Tweakscale v2.2.12
  • KSPI-E 1.8.20

The generator also lists a "mass modiefier" in the info box, of 1, FWIW. 

Ok - that was weird.  Totally abandoned that craft, created a new one, and it was fine.  There was some strange part interaction going on that I can't (now) reproduce. /shrug. 

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2 minutes ago, spirokai said:

FreeThinker, is there a way to estimate lifetime of a reactor at particular (or even 100%) power output? I am planning a mission to Plock (~55 yrs flight time) and I have no idea how much UF4 to take. :D

Just avoid to set that ship as the active vessel until it reach his destination. KSPI doesn't calculate in background the consumption. 

But shhh, don't say that to FreeThinker:P

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