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The Tinfoil Times


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The Tinfoil Times

Everyone knows that you can't trust those "original" pictures that show how we spend literally thousands of dollars every year putting people in space just to grow crystals and stuffs. I mean they've gotta be doin other things!

There's this guy I know, well he's a friend of a friend... of a friend, who has this special radio and a cool lookin antenna, well it's an umbrella covered in chewing gum wrappers and wire coat hanger sticking out the middle. Anyway... he says he has these secret pictures from space cos his uncle used to be an astronut or sumthin and he gave him all the top secret codes so he could listen in and get the real pictures.

He got this one the other day... says he had to "fill in some missing data" I dunno... it was too technical for me.


Can someone say interstellar romance


If he gives me any more I'll post em here... if they don't catch me first :D

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Ahhhh - that's what I was missing!

Sleep - check.

Vitamins - check.

Exercise - working on it.

purpleivan creations...



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Well they havn't caught me yet and the guy with the secret space pics sent me another.

He said to keep it to myself cos he didn't know how long till he could come up with another one... I guess it takes a long time for the space station to fly back over his house... must be really slow.

I'm not gonna keep the truth to myself tho, people need to see we aint alone.

Peace Peeps!


Do you validate parking?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi peeps.

The guy with the truth catching antenna gived me more pics. He said that these are from the past but he put the data for em together today, ... sumfin about using a special filter that adds the missing bits.

He said that's why he painted his umbrella antenna green, to catch all the natural truthiness from the pictures. He also said sumfin about it using special harmonic crystals that looked a bit like marbles... but he can't find em now, so it might be a while till he gets some more pics.

Well that's all the news from Truth Headquarters (my room in mom's basement).


Jumping jacks



Anyone order pizza with a side of science?

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  • 5 months later...

Hi truthseekers.

It's been a while since I got anyfin from the guy with the special antenna, but hes come thru now.

I was getting worried... thought the peeps with the power had got him, so I went his house to find out. He wouldn let me in, he just said he cudn talk, cos a purple unicorn was asking him how to get to Kathmandu. I guess that was code for sumfin.

The next day he sends me a pic wiv one of them aliens on it. Said he had to talk to that unicorn to get his brain to see the real picture. He said he cant use his special antenna any more, cos he took it to the store when it was raining and all the gum wrappers fell off.



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  • 10 months later...

The Tinfoil Times

Looks like my friend wiv the special antenna aint gonna be sending any more pics wats really goin on up in the space. I went round his place and the peeps with the power have got him. There was a note on his door sayin he moved to Alaska and his neighbor says he helped him put his stuff on a truck, but thats just what an agent would say. The guy was totally a MAN IN BLACK as well. He had black jeans black hair and a black T-shirt, well it was kinda blue and had this garfield picture on it.

Anyway no more pics from the special antenna so I gotta get new ones from somewhere else. I got this from this website that says this guys was a secret astronut who flu round in secret space ships for the secret goverment. He says you can't put a price on the truth and his site only costs $9.95 a month so a bargain right!

He says he got this pic from another guy hu uses his brain to think into govrment computers and then he makes what he sees on his computer.

That sounds so cool its gotta be true right! 

Peace Peeps :cool:


Windows cleaned, 5 bucks!

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