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Gigantor XL solar array won't extend.

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Never experienced this before, I remember I could extend it back in the day. I'm using a lot of mods, toughts what causing this?


just came back to KSP, loved to have some nuke/satellite roleplay above kerbin, because also I never knew how to reach planets, that would be a huge help too btw many thanks! c:


It says function, but when it functions up in the space, nothing really happens, I could use the help, many thanks ahead!

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16 hours ago, PeC said:

I'm using a lot of mods, toughts what causing this?

Yes.  It's a mod.  :P

The menu you show looks nothing at all like the stock solar-panel menu, which means some mod is tinkering with the solar panel behavior.  My guess would be that whatever mod is doing that is the most likely culprit.

So, solving your problem is simple and easy for you.  You just do the exact same process that essentially everyone does, who ever has problem with a modded install:  figure out which mod it is, by process of elimination.  Then go to the thread for that mod and ask your questions there.

Finding which-mod-is-it can be tedious, but that's the price you pay if you like to install huge numbers of mods and don't know in detail what they all do.  :wink:  But it's not insuperably tedious.  Basically, try running with just half of your mods installed.  Does the problem still occur?  That'll tell you which half of your mod list has the bug in it.  Then, install half of that set of mods, and repeat.  Keep doing this, halving the list each time, and pretty soon you'll have it narrowed down to the individual mod.  Since you halve the list each time, it goes pretty quick-- even if you have literally a thousand mods installed, it would take at most ten iterations to find the culprit.

Good luck!

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