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Tracking Station Pics


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Wow. You got a lotta space junk, there. I end the mission of flights that aren't of great significance, so I've only got a few. I've kept my first return missions to Mun and Minmus, as well as a capsule in low-altitude orbit in the hopes it will one day collide with another craft and my first ever attempt at the Mun, which went off course and is now in a high-speed orbit around Kerbol.

Edit: Oh yeah, also the site of my first 'Landing' on the Mun, which resulted in the craft being destroyed, except for the capsule itself.

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I recently had to wipe mine clean as I had a null pointer error in there somewhere. The only real difference was that I kept the left hand menu clean which means I returned as man command modules as possible and did not use mechjeb much.

I had the debris on unlimited though as there was a pretty much solid band of booster parts around Kerbin along the rotation axis.

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It's not that messy. Sometimes I attach hundreds of radical decouplers, make orbit and release them all. It's so awesome if you have the orbit at less then 100km because then you get a gray sky.

That sounds rather awesome. Have a screenshot?

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I've been in that situation, and it's a real mess. Now I tend to minimize space junk by designing my ships so that most staging occurs before achieving orbit and the upper/TLI stage does the final circularization burn. I also usually arrange to crash my TLI stage into the destination body before landing.

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Pfft. Amateurs. I'm regularly passing debris in low orbit. Every now and then I'll find a lone module floating around - a module that I would not jettison by itself, like an engine with no tanks. How did an engine get there with no tanks? I didn't see any collision but that's the only way it could have got there - debris colliding with debris.


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Togfox, debris can't hit each other in this game. There all on-rails so collisions are impossible. If 2 debris did end up on a collision course, they would just go straight through each other.

Agreed, except when I'm within 2km of debris, and with a field like that, I'm constantly within 100km of some sort of debris. :D

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