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Russian Launch and Mission Thread


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Makes me really wonder what he’s got in there... and how it matches with my insider information. Talking about “hope” suggests he’s way off the mark.

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Oh, and remember the meteorite landslide? Well, the last of the meteorite evidence has been explained away by a localized 40 m river tsunami (it’s a fecking huge landslide).

However, things are getting pretty explosive up in there. Putin himself apparently dispatched sappers to clear the river, and aerial bombardment is on the table.


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17 hours ago, DDE said:

Holy-moly, Rogozin manages to not be a diсk about his disinvitation and actually invites Bridenstein to Russia in February.

...and then some knuckleheads Members of State Duma make a fuss and force Rogozin to disinvite Bridenstine, that would be frickin' perfect! *evil laugh*

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5 hours ago, sh1pman said:

...and then some knuckleheads Members of State Duma make a fuss and force Rogozin to disinvite Bridenstine, that would be frickin' perfect! *evil laugh*

On a somewhat political but related and hopefully uncontroversial note, said knuckleheads are rumoured to have turned against Senator Klischas, the author of a draft law that would drastically curtail the allowed range of criticism of authorities on the Web.

The reason?

He went onto “enemy turf” (Novaya Gazeta) to explain his views and said that calling them the State Dura (“she-morоn”) was “sometimes” acceptable.

Dura lex sed lex?

Alright, back to your regular scheduled broadcasting. Roscosmos and RAS have a sit-down to complain about lack of space junk monotoring, potentially destructive space weather, and inferiority compared to US near-Earth asteroid monitoring programmes.

Then promptly admit nobody’s going to give them money for anything of that, and conclude that at least it would be decent to bring back “duck and cover” lessons in schools and add asteroids to the list of disasters to prepare for.


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9 hours ago, DDE said:

On a somewhat political but related and hopefully uncontroversial note, said knuckleheads are rumoured to have turned against Senator Klischas, the author of a draft law that would drastically curtail the allowed range of criticism of authorities on the Web.

The reason?

He went onto “enemy turf” (Novaya Gazeta) to explain his views and said that calling them the State Dura (“she-morоn”) was “sometimes” acceptable.

Isn't it funny, he basically became the first victim of his own stupid law.

And about the duck-and-cover-from-asteroids lessons... yeah, I don't really know how to comment on that. Trampoline level of hilarity.

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11 hours ago, DDE said:

On a somewhat political but related and hopefully uncontroversial note, said knuckleheads are rumoured to have turned against Senator Klischas, the author of a draft law that would drastically curtail the allowed range of criticism of authorities on the Web.

The reason?

He went onto “enemy turf” (Novaya Gazeta) to explain his views and said that calling them the State Dura (“she-morоn”) was “sometimes” acceptable.

Dura lex sed lex?

Alright, back to your regular scheduled broadcasting. Roscosmos and RAS have a sit-down to complain about lack of space junk monotoring, potentially destructive space weather, and inferiority compared to US near-Earth asteroid monitoring programmes.

Then promptly admit nobody’s going to give them money for anything of that, and conclude that at least it would be decent to bring back “duck and cover” lessons in schools and add asteroids to the list of disasters to prepare for.


speaking of space junk monitoring, how many  defunct Briz-Ms are crossing GEO right now?

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9 minutes ago, sh1pman said:

Do you have the paywall access?

If I did, it would have been a far more interesting thread.

Briefly, before Zak shut us down.


All I have is unverified info on the Radioastron incident. To which the above flag would directly relate, too; a terrestrial second party is said to be involved.

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The Khrunichev center reports that the original "Zarya"/"Dawn" module of ISS is out of warranty since 2013, though keeps working till 2024 on the basis of common agreement.
Telemetric control system warranty is expired 14 times, so they use it only periodically, using the American module equipment for daily needs.


The Academy of Science reports that theoretically the microbes can cause damages in the life support systems of ISS,
and there have been found 100 types of our small cutie pets (including but not limited with staphylococcuses and corynebacteriums diphtheriae) onboard.


The Energomash also reports that RD-191 may cause a crash of the heavy Angara-A5 on start due to low-frequency oscillations under some conditions.
As 5 stage blocks are connected in paralllel, the central block has to keep running at 30% thrust for a long time (to have some fuel after the radial four of same size get separated).
So this makes to have it working at lowered pressure inside.
They have found that at <38% thrust this sometimes causes low-frequency oscillations which are not so friendly to the engine.

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1 hour ago, kerbiloid said:

The Khrunichev center

Actually the article says it’s Energomash. If it were Khrunichev, I would have actually doubted their truthfullness because they hate Angara and love the smell of UDMH in the morning.

There are about to be a whole bunch of lectures and roundtables on January 29, and this article skimmed the info from the 400-page part 1 of the minutes.

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(Editing accidental duplicate post)

Reading into the source minutes: http://www.korolevspace.ru/sites/default/files/uploads/Abstr_2019_v1.pdf

The Energomash guy has just directly contradicted Sutton, saying that Energomash, at 18 thousand engines produced, is the most prodigious in the business. They seem to not know of the 50k Bullpup missiles, and may have been outdone by Lavochkin’s in-house RD-0200 alone.

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Oh dear... a few pages down there’s a lecture by the “Planetary Defense Centre” and their Space Patrol/Citadel-1 asteroid buster complex, trying to literally ride on the impending R-36 retirement resulting (with one “minor” hitch) in hundreds of Dnepr rockets.

Followed by lifting bodies for Venus EDL and - oh, the irony - an analysis of Soyuz emergencies.

Also making an appearance are electrodynamic tethers and a solar thermal rocket.

Whoa, Baumann guys are still trying to get ramjets with boron fuel slurries to work...

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15 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:


Interfax has said about this today, too.

Maybe inspired by the new wannabe SDI, or just a coincidence.

Probably coincidence. Remember my previous post about asteroid defence? It slightly predates  Making SDI Great Again.

Another Baumann presentation concerns electric ignition in small gaseous methane-gaseous lOx thrusters. SpaceX fans detected.

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Oh, look, a Keldysh report evaluating the interaction of multiple turboelectric generators onboard spacecraft. And another one, evaluating oscillations in an electric rocket’s cooling loop. And a Baltic Technical University report on increasing emissiivity of said turbine’s blades.

That tug is at least not a deck of slides.

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Yusufova, Odinokov, how did you manage to slip a lecture on blockchain into the Korolev Readings!?

LOL, Levchenko from MAI tries to rouse everyone up by mentioning Korona as the ultimate answer to SpaceX.

Oh dear, this has to be seen to be believed!


Н.Л. Лескова (научный журналист, обозреватель журналов «Наука и жизнь», «В мире науки», «Экономические стратегии»). Дочь Л.В. Лескова
Доклад посвящен памяти Л.В. Лескова, доктора физико-математических наук, про- фессора, действительного члена Академии космонавтики им. К.Э. Циолковского, со- временного российского философа-космиста.
Реформы Петра Великого и их противоречивый характер. Царствование Анны Ио- анновны и неудачные попытки ограничения самодержавия. Екатерина Вторая и ее по- пытки ослабить ярмо крепостных порядков. Последующие попытки проведения про- грессивных реформ в России и сопротивление реакции.
Ленин, Сталин и меры по ограничению власти бюрократии, не принесшие успеха. Отставка инициатора половинчатых реформ Хрущева, срыв планов реформирования хозяйственной жизни страны, задуманных Косыгиным. Длительный период застоя.
Циклы реформаторской деятельности в России и закон маятника. Нарушение этой закономерности в 1990-х годах и реформы команды молодых «либерал-демо- кратов», и последующая деятельность правительства Касьянова и Фрадкова, разру- шившая отечественный производственно-технологический потенциал. Попытки пре- зидента Путина выправить положение.
Может оказаться спасительным предложение положить в основу очередного этапа реформ теорию постиндустриальной трансформации. Осевая идея постинду- стриальной парадигмы — в признании приоритетной роли мировой квазиренты в ее различных формах — интеллектуальной, информационной, инновационно-техноло- гической, организационно-управленческой. Основной источник ВВП в постиндустри- альном обществе — не труд, а знания. Наряду с недрами, высокий интеллектуальный потенциал — это главное национальное достояние России.

I feel lucky I never went into professional science.

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On the other hand, Igritsky, also from Baumann, argues for a greater efficiency of VABs for larger rockets.

The same Igritsky - apparently very concerned with logistics - also argues for using the planned hydroelectric powerplant basin to secure waterway access to Vostochnyi.

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