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Russian Launch and Mission Thread


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Rogozin tells that the maiden crewed flight of PTKNP will happen in 2025. This will be the second (instance? specimen? copy?) of the ship.

In 2023 they will launch the first ship, uncrewed, on Angara-A5P.
Later this copy (why "copy"? it's the original!) will fly again on the super-heavy super-rocket.
It is named "Орёл" / "Eagle". And according to the spoken, this is the name of this particular PTKNP copy, not a name of PTKNP in whole.
It is a simplified test version of the ship.

The second copy will be a full-featured ship will fly first time in 2024 uncrewed, then in 2025 crewed.
Its lifespan is 10 flights.

In 2026 and 2027 it will be lifted by Angara rockets.
In 2028 the flight tests will get over, and it will be used with the future superr-heavy rocket.

He didn't reveal the name of the second ship copy, and will say it later.


The second copy name... Bet on Goto Predestinatsiya.

Edited by kerbiloid
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Roscosmos has dropped a sizeable RFP for a variety of engine development research.


The media focused on the rotary plasma thruster for a nuclear-powered tug, but there's a lot more in those 84 pages.

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The Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Science
starts recruiting volunteers for the zero-g imitation experiment in immersion bathtubs.

The recruits should be 24..40 terrestrial years old, up to 180 cm high, up to 80 kg thin. They will get money.

The experiment will last for 3 weeks and includes a 5-day immersion zero-g floating.

The longest such experiment lasted for 56 days and caused no health problems.


(Epstein drive? Antigrav seats?)

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After the return, the Fedor rejected attempts to switch it on, again.
On Sep 7, the Fedor posted in its tweeter that the flight program is successfully completed. the descent vehicle has landed and is taken on guard.
Later it posted some blah-blah stuff.

Currently the specialists are investigating the Fedor.



It appears that since ~2007 Soyuz cosmonauts have no weapon onboard.
After TP-82 had been excluded in 2000s due to untold problems with ammo, PMs haven't been returned back.
(Probably that's why the Fedor didn't pose with akimbo pistols. Though, it could take akimbo drills. Drills do present.)

Now Roscosmos investigates the question if cosmonauts still need weapon, and if it should be onboard in case of landing in wilderness.


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15 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

Now Roscosmos investigates the question if cosmonauts still need weapon, and if it should be onboard in case of landing in wilderness.

Unfortunately, there's one artificial person who already describes it as a "useful thing".


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