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Dev Program - K1 - Hermes Program, Hermes-I


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Dev Program - K1

(Designing and flying Rockets for the Kernow Space Exploration Agency)


Greetings fellow forumites. My name is Robert J Powell and I have recently gotten back into KSP after an absence of a little over a year. Recently I posted a few teasers in the what did you do in KSP today thread promising that I would not only post the mission I had run but continue forward and produce more. The result of that is this thread. I intend to move the thread forward one program at a time, generally having one program per post although more complex programs will probably be spread across several posts.


Best estimate for updates based on my proof of concept (in this post) would be 1 per week, with the possibility of more when I am on annual leave from my job. More complex designs may require more time, although in the case of a launch not happening in a week, i will try to post a mini development update in the interim. I expect to spend anywhere from 5-20 hours in the VAB designing my rockets with another 4-8 hours allocated for simulation giving a total development time of 9-28 hours. It will then take about 2-3 days to edit the images together into the format I have chosen and to write the AAR (After Action Report).


The entire program will be run in what I have termed 'career lite' mode in that i will be using the Career mode for the play through but editing the save file as I deem necessary to modify science or funds etc within a set of parameters (tbd) from here on out known as 'the rules'. I will also be adding my own modified engines into the game as and when needed which will follow a very specific set of rules as laid out below.


An engine may only have 2 variants. (Example: LV-909, LV-909E, LV-909T)

Engines that are designed for Vacuum use may have a Monoprop version and variants. (Example: LV-909M, LV-909ME, LV-909MT)

Engines with no gimbal may not be given gimbal.

Engines with no gimbal may increase either thrust or ISP by 1/4. The non increased stat must be reduced by 1/3

Engines with gimbal may increase or decrease their gimbal in steps of 1/3 of the original up to 2 times.

If gimbal is decreased both thrust and ISP may be increased by 1/4 the original for each step

Conversely, both thrust and ISP must be reduced by 1/4 the original for each step

Essentially on engines with gimbal control if either thrust or ISP are increased the gimbal must decrease by 1/3


Long Dart Munar-I

(KSEA proof of concept build and journey)

Without further ado, I present to you, my fellow forumites, the LDM-I rocket. Sadly this rocket uses a few 'cheat' engines as I designed and flew the rocket before coming up with the rules above. All further rockets in the play through will use only engines available as stock or through the mods I have installed and those I modify. All modified engines will be listed as they are developed and used in the program.


The Design:










The Flight:



1: Pre Launch 2: Vernier 1 Ignite 3: Vernier 2 Ignite 4: Main Engine Start


5: Launch 6: Clearing the tower 7: LD1S drop, LD2S ignite 8: LD2S+3S+MOP heading for LKO


9: LKO Apoapsis burn 10: MOP Fairing SEP 11: Preparing for manual tower eject 12: LD3S LKOI burn following LD2S failure


13: Preparing for TMI burn 14: TMI Burn 15: MOP/MEM docking approach 16: LD3S retro fire


17: MOI burn 18: MEM release 19: MEM in orbit 20: MEM descending


21: Approaching the surface 22: Landed 23: Bob on EVA 24: Returning to Munar Orbit


25: Circularizing 26: MOP approaching MEM 27: Docked 28: MOP burning for home


29: Mid course correction raising Kerbin Periapse 30: Circularizing 31: De-orbit retro burn 32: Re-entry


33: Chute release 34: Chute deploy 35: Airbag deploy 36: Jeb & Bob home again.


Edited by RobertJPowell
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Part: The Second

(AKA: The Rules they are a Changing)

Progress has been a bit slower than I would have liked on the project thus far, but that comes when about half way through making edits you suddenly realize "No you muppet you should be using MM patches to patch configs, not directly editing them!" *facepalm* Well that, and it took a while to create a KCT config that I was happy with as well as umm and ahh over which mods would make it into the game. But finally, by this morning and dotted the final I and crossed the final T to a point where I was happy with the setup and proceeded to go about setting up the play through.


There is good news. Post finishing this post, I will have about 2 and 1/2 hours before i need to prepare for work during which i can begin planning and designing the first program for the KSEA. Then when i return from work, 4 hours in the evening and all of Saturday to plan, design, operate, collect images of and start editing the write up. I wont put an estimate on when the first program will be posted, but  at the very least expect a status update by Monday :) All that being said, it is time to move on to the rules of the play through.


Rules the First:


The Basics

  1. 5,000,000 funds and 350 science to set up Kernow Space Center and research the tech tree to 45node completion
  2. Part of the 5,000,0000 must be used to hire 6 Kerbals after releasing the big 4 (They are to busy working for the KSP)
  3. Once the KSC is updated, the parts bought and the science used, the save file must be edited to set funds to 500K and science to 0.

The settings:

  • Re-entry Heat 120%
  • No comm net (see settings addendum)
  • Science/Funds/Reputation Rewards 50%
  • funds/Reputation penalties 0%
  • Decline penalty 0
  • No reverting
  • No quick loading
  • No Kerbal Re-spawn
  • No auto hire
  • Indestructible facilities
  • No stock vessels
  • Immediate Kerbal level up
  • Part pressure & G Force limits
  • Kerbal G Force limits
  • Resource Transfer obeys cross feed rules
  • Action groups from the start
  • Part upgrades

Settings Addendum:


I disabled comm net as I wish to base this on a Kerbin where KSEA is a young start up in a well established space fairing race, where Kerbal kind have been exploring the kerbin system, and perhaps even Kerbol system itself for decades. Therefore I decided that I would disable the comm net, Roleplaying that there is already a well established communication system at least in the kerbin system.

That being said. All craft will be required to carry at least 1 short range antenna and 1 communications dish to be able to operate. A second relay dish and antenna will be required for any control craft or Kerbol system explorers.



Rules the Second:


Engine creation and upgrade:

  1. An engine may only have 2 variants. (Example: LV-909, LV-909E, LV-909T)
  2. Engines that are designed for Vacuum use may have a Monoprop version and variants. (Example: LV-909M, LV-909ME, LV-909MT)
  3. Engines with no gimbal may not be given gimbal.
  4. Engines with no gimbal may increase either thrust or ISP by 1/4. The non increased stat must be reduced by 1/3
  5. Engines with gimbal may increase or decrease their gimbal in steps of 1/3 of the original up to 2 times.
  6. If gimbal is decreased both thrust and ISP may be increased by 1/4 the original for each step
  7. Conversely, both thrust and ISP must be reduced by 1/4 the original for each step
  8. Essentially on engines with gimbal control if either thrust or ISP are increased the gimbal must decrease by 1/3
  9. Gimbal may be removed from Engines but only on a high Thrust variant.
  10. An engine that has its gimbal removed gets a thrust increase of 2/3 and ISP of 1/4
  11. It costs (10xCost)+10% to develop an engine variant and (20xCost)+20% to create a Monoprop version.

Budget settings using monthly budget:

  •  RepDecay = 10
  • Multiplier = 15000
  • friendlyInterval = 427
  • availableWages = 5000
  • assignedWages = 10000
  • vesselCost = 20000    


KCT Custom Config:

	name = Kerbal Space Exploration Administration
	shortName = KSEA
	description = KCT settings for KSEA KSP Forum mission report
	author = Robert J Powell
	allowDeletion = False	
	career = True
	science = False
	sandbox = False
		Enabled = True
		BuildTimes = True
		ReconditioningTimes = True
		TechUnlockTimes = False
		KSCUpgradeTimes = False
		Simulations = False
		SimulationCosts = True
		RequireVisitsForSimulations = True
		TechUpgrades = False
		SharedUpgradePool = False
		StartingPoints = 60,60,60
		OverallMultiplier = 8
		BuildEffect = 1
		InventoryEffect = 0
		ReconditioningEffect = 25000
		MaxReconditioning = 1200000
		RolloutReconSplit = 0.10
		NodeFormula = -1
		UpgradeFundsFormula = 25000*(([N]+1)^2)
		UpgradeScienceFormula = -1
		ResearchFormula = [N]*0.5/86400
		EffectivePartFormula = min([c]/([I] + ([B]*([U]+1))), [c])*[MV]*[PV]
		ProceduralPartFormula = (([c]-[A]) + ([A]*10/max([I],1))) / max([B]*([U]+1),1) *[MV]*[PV]
		BPFormula = ([E]^(1/2))*3000*[O]
		KSCUpgradeFormula = ([C]^(1/3))*2500*([O]^(1/3))
		ReconditioningFormula = min([M]*[O]*[E], [X])*abs([RE]-[S]) / ([LM]-[L]+1)
		BuildRateFormula = ((0+1)*0.05*[N] + max(0.1, 0))*sign(2*[L]-[I]+1)
		SimCostFormula = max([C]/50000 * min([PM]/[KM], 80) * ([S]/10 + 1) * ([A]/10 + 1) * ([L]^0.5) * 100, 500)
		KerbinSimCostFormula = max([C]/50000 * ([L]^0.5) * 10, 100)
		UpgradeResetFormula = 2*([N]+1)
		InventorySaleFormula = ([V]+[P] / 10000)^(0.5)
		RolloutCostFormula = 25000+([BP]/250)
		NewLaunchPadCostFormula = 100000*(([N]^[N])*[N])
			//partName = multiplier
			//moduleName = multiplier

Custom Barn Kit Settings:

//Custom Barn kit settings

		@levels = 5
		@upgradesVisual = 1, 1, 2, 2, 3
		@upgrades = 50000, 250000, 1000000, 3000000, 6000000
		@actionGroupsStockUnlock = 1
		@actionGroupsCustomUnlock = 1
		@partCountLimit = 50, 200, 600, 1200, -1
		@levels = 5
		@upgradesVisual = 1, 1, 2, 2, 3
		@upgrades = 50000, 250000, 1000000, 3000000, 6000000
		@actionGroupsStockUnlock = 1
		@actionGroupsCustomUnlock = 1
		@partCountLimit = 50, 200, 600, 1200, -1
		@levels = 3
		@upgradesVisual = 3, 3, 3
		@upgrades = 25000, 500000, 3000000
		@craftMassLimit = 40, 200, 800
		@levels = 3
		@upgradesVisual = 3, 3, 3
		@upgrades = 25000, 500000, 3000000
		@craftMassLimit = 40, 200, 800
		@levels = 5
		@upgradesVisual = 1, 2, 2, 3, 3
		@upgrades = 20000, 100000, 400000, 1200000, 2400000
		@recruitHireFixedRate = true
		@unlockedEVA = 1
		@unlockedEVAClamber = 1
		@unlockedEVAFlags = 1
		@homebodyAtmoEVA = true		
		@activeCrewLimit = 20, 35, 50, 65, 80
		@crewLevelLimit = 1, 2, 3, 4, -1
		@levels = 3
		@upgradesVisual = 1, 1, 2, 2, 3
		@upgrades = 10000, 50000, 200000, 600000, 1200000
		@unlockedFlightPlanning = 1
		@activeContractsLimit = 1, 3, 9, 27, -1
		@upgradesVisual = 3, 3, 3
		@upgrades = 40000, 200000, 800000
		@unlockedSpaceObjectDiscovery = 2
		@orbitDisplayMode = 1
		@patchesAheadLimit = 3, 5, 7
		@trackedObjectLimit = 0, 0, 5
		@levels = 4
		@upgradesVisual = 1, 1, 2, 3
		@upgrades = 60000, 300000, 1200000, 3600000
		@activeStrategyLimit = 2, 4, 6, 8
		@strategyCommitRange = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1
		@levels = 7
		@upgradesVisual = 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3
		@upgrades = 20000, 120000, 500000, 2000000, 6000000, 12000000, 12000000
		@dataToScienceRatio = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1
		@scienceCostLimit = 50, 95, 185, 365, 725, 1445, -1 
		@unlockedFuelTransfer = 1


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Longdart-I Hermes:

(and so it begins)


Kernow Space center, dawn, Kerbal Year 2000, day 1. Facility construction has been finished ahead of schedule. The boys in the R&D labs have been in place now for a good 6 weeks plugging away on ideas for rocket designs and testing them in the simulators. Now with the VAB and pads up and running they are itching to get the Engineers building their creations. There were a lot of early partners we could have chosen for our components, but we settled for 4: Kerbal Space Program, FASA, Wild Blue industries and the Bluedog Design Bureau.

AIkUA18.png                                            nzwF62u.png

(On the left the KSEA logo, on the right the 'powered by' by logo)

By day 50, things were starting to take shape. The R&D team had gone left field with their machinations. As the Engineering team set about building and moulding the parts for the various kits needed for what was now deemed 'project Longdart' R&D were developing and testing multiple engine modifications. The engines supplied by the partner teams were of excellent quality but seemed to lack in a few key areas. Unable to come to terms with FASA on a primary lift engine, KSEA researchers sourced a KW Rocketry twin bell lift engine and got to tinkering. 24,750 credits and 2 whole months later, they presented to the board the KSEA maverick-1D-NG. By taking out the gimbaling equipment, they were able to increase the thrust to a whopping 583 K/n and the engine ISP to 350-375. To compliment this new much more powerful Maverick, the team presented the reduce gimbal Atlas Vernier & a mono prop variant of the venerable LV-909. Total cost for the R&D team came in at a reasonable 136,860 credits. This included copious amounts of testing in a closed environment.


With everything in place, building began in earnest with Longdart - I Hermes ready on the PAD for launch by the morning of the 263rd day of the year 2000 K.D. Standing at a rather impressive height of 25.1 meters and weighing in at a rather surprising 46.170t, the vast majority of which (95.4%) was the combined weight of Longdart-I and the Hermes CSM! With correct Throttle control, the Longdart would be able to achieve a height of 60+KM before burning out, which by the engineers calculations left more than enough D/v in the CSM tank to complete the burn to raise the apoapse to the required 255KM and complete the circurlarization burn. As it turned out, Hermes achieved it's 'low' high orbit with half a tank of mono propellant left.


In total, Dando Kerman spent nearly 2 days in space conducted various experiments, although in his haste he forgot to complete two others he had been tasked with by R&D for which he was chastised heavily. That being said, the data he did bring back allowed the team to look towards procuring and adapting more equipment, including Rover technology. They have taken particular interest in the 'Buffalo' range from Wild Blue, with the team appearing most impressed by its capabilities. As an aside, techs were left scratching their heads as a miscalculation led to Hermes I landing 30 KM west of KSC instead of 30 KM east. It is something that the team hope to correct for future launches.

The design:











Mission Images:



1+2+3: Dando boarding Hermes

4: Countdown Commence


5: Tower retract

6: Clamps retract

7: Vernier start.. (wait a second)

8: MES (why aren't the engines firing)


9: Actual MES (better late than never!)

10: Roll program completed

11: Gravity turn starts

12: Climbing rapidly away from KSC


13: Climbing over the Ocean

14: Longdart separation

15: CSM ME Start

16: Equipment deployment at 70KM, PNC jettison


17: Coasting to Apoapse

18: Dando on EVA

19: Eclipsing the Sun

20: Oooh, mun, we'll go there someday.


21: Preparing for Primary de orbit burn

22: Preparing for CSM ditch

23: CSM Dirtch (Dando, you OK up there?)

24: Everything checks out, preparing for Retro burn


25: Retro fire

26: preparing to ditch retro package

27: Retro package ditched

28: Orientating for re-entry


29: Heating uo

30: Drogue deploy

31: Primary Chute deploy

32: Home again


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