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Kerbal Aircraft Expansion _Continued "New Management"


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Just now, adsii1970 said:

I am having a problem with the C-130 like fuselage wheels... (I am still on 1.3). In the SPH, I cannot get them to extend properly. Any suggestions?

Hi , bit of a loss as to what to tell you as they're not part of the mod i took over, if they failed in the past and had been removed I can track them down and see if i can bring them back.

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On 10/24/2017 at 12:52 PM, adsii1970 said:

I am having a problem with the C-130 like fuselage wheels... (I am still on 1.3). In the SPH, I cannot get them to extend properly. Any suggestions?

Ah, you must be talking about Airplane Plus, which is the mod that has those gears...

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Kerbal Aircraft Expansion KSP 131 BETA 2

Beta 2 now available

Fixes missing placeholder IVa missing medium cockpit , until proper IVA completed

and adds updated localised part modules and a basic antenna to bring inline with stock spec.

Increase node sizes on 2 meter parts .

Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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Magnificent work, SpannerMonkey. Of course, we're all sad to see Keptin let go, but I'm so thrilled to see this wonderful mod, one of the first I ever used, being taken over, maintained, and even expanded. Bravo, sir. Bravo.

Brief question, just for confirmation: Will the original engines still work in essentially the same way as before? I ask mostly due to my frankly disappointing experiences with the rival Airplane Plus mod. No disrespect to blackheart, she does fine work, but I've tried the engines from that mod on a plane I built with this mod in mind and no matter what I tried, it simply would not fly. With even the weakest Aerosport engine from KAX, the same plane flew like a dream.

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Speaking of engines and filling the gaps, perhaps 2-3 more of electrical engine types to be in game. IIRC, only KAX was having electrical engine and only of one type. Some sleek more tiny models for creating drones. And perhaps some more powerfull that current electric engine in KAX is. Some isnpiration from this article:



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@SpannerMonkey: I am so thrilled to hear that the superb performance of the original engines has been maintained, though I confess to a slight bit of trepidation at hearing that they've been "improved"; personally, I'm not hugely concerned about "going slow", in fact I'd rather thought that was the point of these prop engines, for them to be cheaper but slower than jets. Actually, that's my other big problem with Airplane Plus is that those engines that aren't too weedy and underpowered to even get a plane off the ground are almost always so overpowered that they send the same plane shooting off like a rocket at a rate that would put some jets to shame. It's a fine balance, is what I'm saying, something that Keptin got perfectly right and that I think Blackheart has yet to master. I'll reserve any final judgements on this continuation until I've officially tried it myself, but given your stellar reputation in this community, I am not the least bit concerned, sir. I trust you to continue to find the right balance between not threatening the jets for performance and still having enough grunt to get an old crate off the ground.

@kcs123: I would absolutely second this notion. There's not nearly enough electric atmospheric engines in KSP, least of all prop engines. Heisenberg Airships recently added a few, but they're whopping great monsters meant for powering colossal lumbering sky-leviathans, not a diddy little biplane with a few solar panels slapped on. The Extra 330LE you suggested looks like a great candidate to me being in appearance quite similar to the existing Aerosport engine. Another one I'd like to put forward is the side-mounted ducted fan engine of the Airbus E-fan:

Also, the counter-rotating twin-props of the Electroflight high performance electric stunt plane:

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Finally got around to trying out the latest beta release, and I was disappointed to find that the old bug where the engine sounds continue even before the engine is actually started persists into this version. I don't mean to criticize, but I might have thought that would be the first thing to be fixed as it was one of the few things actually wrong with the original.

Also, I see what you mean about updating the engine's performance. Using my testbed stock-built biplane, weighing in at about 6.7 tons without an engine, the original D25 Radial would get it into the air at about 55m/s and would carry her to a top speed of about 90.5 m/s with enough spare power to easily maneuver. With this new version takeoff is much quicker and the new top speed is about 153.4 m/s. I also tested it with the P100 Turboprop. Original top speed: 120~m/s. New top speed: 231.4 m/s. I also tested a version with a pair of stock Juno 0.625m jet engines placed on the sides by way of extra mini fuel tanks. That version reached about 251 m/s. My conclusion is that while I'm a touch disappointed at the considerable increase in power and performance over what I was used to, therein lies the key phrase, "what I was used to". While I may have to rethink my designs a bit, this new status quo of power is something that I think I can adjust to.

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8 hours ago, sirrliv said:

hat the old bug where the engine sounds continue even before the engine is actually started persists into this version.

HI aside from the prop spinners all the engines now use stock modules for everything including sounds, the problem lies in the stock FX sound channels,  and as i'm not a coder or sound engineer,  i'm in no position to write a sound module that would work as it should.  Obviously  if someone out there knows of a fix i'd be happy to use it  

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3 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

HI aside from the prop spinners all the engines now use stock modules for everything including sounds, the problem lies in the stock FX sound channels,  and as i'm not a coder or sound engineer,  i'm in no position to write a sound module that would work as it should.  Obviously  if someone out there knows of a fix i'd be happy to use it  

Kind of blind shoot, but IIRC, someone posted config files that solve sound issues with engines in old KAX thread. Unfortunately info about it is lost due to moderators deleting several forum threads by accident few months ago. Don't know if info about it can be resurrected from google cache archive or similar site.

Might be good to invite @V8jester and @Eskandare and ask if they can recall more info about it. V8jester collects bunch of config files that might not be published officialy and Eskandare works on K.R.X mod that is inspired by KAX and used some files from keptin too.

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@kcs123 Thanks for thinking of me...... But I am not actually aware of this one. Never ran into any sound issues with KAX before. The only issue I have run into (and still don't know how to fix) is the dual exhaust plume from the jump jet engine. Really wish I knew how to fix that one.


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On 11/14/2017 at 7:47 AM, kcs123 said:

Kind of blind shoot, but IIRC, someone posted config files that solve sound issues with engines in old KAX thread. Unfortunately info about it is lost due to moderators deleting several forum threads by accident few months ago. Don't know if info about it can be resurrected from google cache archive or similar site.

Might be good to invite @V8jester and @Eskandare and ask if they can recall more info about it. V8jester collects bunch of config files that might not be published officialy and Eskandare works on K.R.X mod that is inspired by KAX and used some files from keptin too.

Hello! I would start by looking at one of my KRX config files, much of the sound module control was performed by the firespitter.dll plugin. @SpannerMonkey(smce) you certainly have permission to use my config files as a template to help understand the markup of the engine. Also have a look at the screws from my CVX mod, they're set up to push a lot, and I mean a lot, of hulky-bulky-mass.

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  • 3 weeks later...
15 hours ago, DirtyVenomSteam said:

Spanner's becoming the new LinuxGuruGamer, a god of revivals and continuations.

I think that crown is safe :)  I can't imagine what it takes for him to manage his herd,  just coping with the ones i have is more than enough.   I'm done ...  Have all the slots nicely filled now.

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21 hours ago, Kernowden Kerbin said:

MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD BEST GIFT EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o:D:D YOU  ARE THE REAL SANTA MAN !!!

is it ready ? where i can download this ???????

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7 hours ago, DiscoveryPlanet said:

MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD BEST GIFT EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o YOU  ARE THE REAL SANTA MAN !!!

is it ready ? where i can download this ???????

Someone make IVA’s teammate Go on holiday,I will Try to release it before Christmas。The MOD also have F35、J-20、Su-57 cockpit and F22-Bomb bay、F35 Bomb bay~

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10 hours ago, Kernowden Kerbin said:

Someone make IVA’s teammate Go on holiday,I will Try to release it before Christmas。The MOD also have F35、J-20、Su-57 cockpit and F22-Bomb bay、F35 Bomb bay~



Got EXCITED to get new Cockpit, THE REAL SUKHOI PAK FA COCKPIT !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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8 hours ago, DiscoveryPlanet said:


Yes all very nice, but nothing to do with this thread whatsoever. Move along chaps :P

On 12/8/2017 at 10:53 PM, inigma said:

Got tweakscale configs in the mod yet? I'm so looking forward to KAX Continued release.

For everything except the cockpit , yes  :)  If players want to add one for it they are free to do so, I find scaling pods messes up the IVA (regardless of how rubbish it is:wink:) . So don't .  My opinion on whats right and wrong differs it seems from the majority of KAX users ,  so I'll be sending you a preview of the TS'd version,  hopefully as it uses the proper  TS engine scale they will perform appropriately. 


Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/9/2017 at 9:36 AM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Have no fear, we don't do slow here :)

Slow is double plus good when it is time to land.  Planes are much easier to land IRL (in real life) here on Earth than on Kerbal.

And, Shiny!  I just found this.  I know what I will be doing tonight.

PS: Speaking of real life, most all higher performance prop planes have variable-pitch propellers.  That may add more reality than most players want to deal with though.

PSS:  Thanks!

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@SpannerMonkey(smce) I have a little Christmas present for you, I have been playing with and falling in love with Textures Unlimited, I was building a prop for a movie and made this config, which only covers one part, but the rest would be easy, as would all your parts packs


See what it does here for the D-25 Radial (not sure why gif is not dsiplaying properly, link here https://gfycat.com/DeterminedSociableAppaloosa)


Edited by selfish_meme
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