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Rovers won't move?

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I've also run into the issue where, somehow, a setting gets changed and the front wheels spin forward and the rears spin backwards.  Had it happen with these:  Even though they were all copied from the same source (sub assembly), I had to change wheel direction settings on two of the four after landing:


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Roving with electric wheel motors on Minmus usually doesn't work because of lower gravity. 
It's best to use a ion engine(s) and some extra rcs ports for propulsion. You can also use a rcs port to temporarily push the vessel to the ground while accelerating on the wheels.
Maybe it's just unable to accelerate. It's possible that the wheels alone get sustain the speed once you go faster. Added benefit of a top rcs port is that you can push yourself to the ground without rotating the craft. This gives it more of a rover feel if you prefer.
Also set the traction settings on the wheels to max (5.0)

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