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Exploding when orbiting(inside) a planet


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Hey people,

I'm having a problem where when I orbit my own made planet, I explode immediately. When I zoom out I see I'm inside the planet. Does anybody know what could cause this? Or  could anybody take a look at the config?

Here is my config:

		name = Narai
		cacheFile = Systended/Cache/narai.bin

			name = Gilly
			removePQSMods = PQSLandControl, VertexSimplexNoiseColor
			referenceBody = Sera
			inclination = -3
			eccentricity = 0.1
			semiMajorAxis = 17355380
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 213
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
			color = RGBA(190,190,24,255)
			description = test
			radius = 21000
			geeASL = 0.014
			albedo = 0.10
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 12000 12000 12000 24000 50000 100000 120000 
				landedDataValue = 9 
				splashedDataValue = 0
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 8
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 7
				recoveryValue = 7
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 10000
				texture = Systended/SeraSys/Narai/Textures/color
				normals = Systended/SeraSys/Narai/Textures/normal
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 6
			minDetailDistance = 8

					map = Systended/SeraSys/Narai/PluginData/height.png
					offset = 0
					deformity = 3000
					scaleDeformityByRadius = false
					order = 19
					enabled = true
                    name = Base
                    seed = 324
                    deformity = 10000
                    octaves = 3
                    persistence = 0.75
                    frequency = 0.5
                    enabled = true
                    order = 5
                    name = Base1
                    seed = 213
                    deformity = 5000
                    octaves = 9
                    persistence = 0.5
                    frequency = 1
                    enabled = true
                    order = 10
                    noiseType = RiggedMultifractal
                    deformity = 250
                    seed = 432
                    frequency = 1.5
                    lacunarity = 2.5
                    persistence = 0.5
                    octaves = 5
                    mode = Low
                    enabled = true
                    order = 2
					seed = 48
					blend = 1.0
					colorStart = 0.3608921,0.3146067,0.2806623,1
					colorEnd = 0.2191011,0.1553269,0.1043975,1
					octaves = 8
					persistence = 0.5
					frequency = 1
					enabled = true
					order = 50


Thank you.

Edited by ApertureGaming
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		name = Narai

			name = Gilly
			referenceBody = Sera
			inclination = -3
			eccentricity = 0.1
			semiMajorAxis = 17355380
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 12
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
			color = RGBA(190,190,24,255)
			description = test
			radius = 13000
			geeASL = 0.014
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 12000 12000 12000 24000 50000 100000 120000 
				landedDataValue = 9 
				splashedDataValue = 0
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 8
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 7
				recoveryValue = 7
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 10000
			type = Vacuum
			fadeStart = 0
			fadeEnd = 0

So this is the code for the planet after removing a lot of stuff and I'm still exploding when I try to orbit the planet. This is literally just a copy of Gilly and I'm still exploding? I really don't get it...

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Did you copy gilly's stats? Gilly's terrain is highly uneven by default, it's not a perfect sphere and basically just an irregular-shaped moon. It's highly likely that the planet that you've made looks like a good planet on the outside (texture), but it isn't on the inside (hitbox). Judging from your "Exploding inside the planet" report, I think that your planet's appearance isn't in sync with the hitbox of the planet itself. So what looks like a mountain is actually just a texture you can pass through (and then you collided with actual hitbox inside the planet) and what look like an empty plains is actually dotted with invisible mountain "hitbox". I suggest you use another moon as a template for creating celestial body, one with a more "rounded" shape to make it easier to create

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20 minutes ago, ARS said:

Did you copy gilly's stats? Gilly's terrain is highly uneven by default, it's not a perfect sphere and basically just an irregular-shaped moon. It's highly likely that the planet that you've made looks like a good planet on the outside (texture), but it isn't on the inside (hitbox). Judging from your "Exploding inside the planet" report, I think that your planet's appearance isn't in sync with the hitbox of the planet itself. So what looks like a mountain is actually just a texture you can pass through (and then you collided with actual hitbox inside the planet) and what look like an empty plains is actually dotted with invisible mountain "hitbox". I suggest you use another moon as a template for creating celestial body, one with a more "rounded" shape to make it easier to create

Thanks a lot. I'm so stupid for not thinking of changing the template! Thank you, it worked!

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I found out it has nothing to do with the template. I thought it had but it hasn't. It has to do with the gravity. When I enter a gravity different from Moho's(the template), the bug happens again. When I leave it on Moho's gravity, it works fine. But since the bug happened anytime with Gilly as template, I think it happens when the gravity goes below a certain number. I have no idea how this works. Got any idea?

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55 minutes ago, OhioBob said:

Gravity shouldn't be the issue.  We've got a moon in GPP with only 0.006g and it works fine.  Take a look at Lili.cfg in GPP to see if your can spot anything different between it and what you're doing.

I see, I need to add a SOI apparently. Adding a sphere of influence works. And believe me, I've changed everything you can change and the problem only occurs when the gravity becomes too low of a number. 


I have no idea. Nothing I'm doing works and I'm out of ideas. I'm busy with this problem since Monday now and I don't see any major difference between Lili.cfg and my config. Not any difference that should matter so much at least.

Edited by ApertureGaming
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2 hours ago, ApertureGaming said:

I see, I need to add a SOI apparently.

We manually set Lili's SOI only because it's so close to the parent planet that the computed SOI is smaller than its own radius.  That's an unusual situation; normally there's no need to manually set sphereOfInflunence.  I recommend letting the game automatically compute SOI radius unless you have special circumstance that require overriding the computed value.

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Hmm... that's quite weird. Maybe it has something to do with SOI of the planet. My guess is there's a minimum threshold of gravity/ SOI for a planet depending on it's size. Having large sized bodies (like tylo, which have a high gravity, and theoretically large SOI) but with smaller SOI (like gilly) seems to be the one causing the bug, maybe you can simply ignore setting SOI and focus on the gravity. Test several values of the gravity to adjust the SOI until it sets to your liking

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48 minutes ago, ARS said:

Hmm... that's quite weird. Maybe it has something to do with SOI of the planet. My guess is there's a minimum threshold of gravity/ SOI for a planet depending on it's size. Having large sized bodies (like tylo, which have a high gravity, and theoretically large SOI) but with smaller SOI (like gilly) seems to be the one causing the bug, maybe you can simply ignore setting SOI and focus on the gravity. Test several values of the gravity to adjust the SOI until it sets to your liking

I've been trying that already and I found it only started working at around 0.25g, way too high of a value for me. I wanted it to be a small 21km radius planet with a gravity between 0.01g and 0.02g but it just doesn't want to work with a gravity that low. I really still don't know why because it has worked for me in the past and it works for a lot of other planet packs too, like GPP mentioned by @OhioBob.


1 hour ago, OhioBob said:

We manually set Lili's SOI only because it's so close to the parent planet that the computed SOI is smaller than its own radius.  That's an unusual situation; normally there's no need to manually set sphereOfInflunence.  I recommend letting the game automatically compute SOI radius unless you have special circumstance that require overriding the computed value.

Letting it automatically compute the SOI radius doesn't want to work this time. I know it should work all the time but I just always get the bug when I don't enter a SOI with a gravity below around 0.25g. The template I'm using right now is Moho, in case that information helps.

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