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vehicle exploding inside fairings

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simple as that, i made a vehicle designed to be a mobile base on duna, it's quita large as the missions wants me to store like 8k LF in it. but whenever i add fairings it explodes the second physics load in.

any explanation for this?

i have A: patato pc

B: fairing glitching in a part though unlikely as i already extended the  3m faring as big as i could

C: a part having a strange physic model like the plane cockpit on the top of the vehicle (ment to be attached to the side when in orbit)

or D: aerodynamic nose cones on the outside of the fairing are too close making it explode


o yeah and btw, with "explode" i mean, implodes into nothingness with only every now and then having enough luck the cockpit is spared by the space kraken. however the other 90% of the parts are usually destroyed

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Does it have wheels?

I had this happen to me once.  One of the wheels would instantly become stressed on physics load, and explode.  Disabling the motors on all the wheels for launch took care of it.

Another issue I've had is with closing the fairing in on itself, would cause explosions on load.  However, if I closed the fairing in on the craft, like a nosecone, so a bit of the nosecone was still sticking out, it would be fine.

I've seen it mentioned that it has something to do with struts inside of fairings.  Supposed to be fixed in 1.3.1, but I've been in such a habit of not closing fairings on themselves that I don't know if it's still an issue or not.


Edited by Geonovast
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I have had the same problem with an Eve lander once. Is this a bug in the current version? Unfortunately, I don't have footage of the explosion, but here is my solution. I just removed the fairing and put massive Wings on the rocket to counteract aerodynamic instabilities.

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