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Interesting locations

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One major complaint I have about most planets/moons is that they are bland - Duna is just red flats and red slopes and that's about it. I think interesting locations should be added on each planet, but they should be bigger than anomalies, possibly being their own biome.

  • Eeloo should have holes in the ice and geysers that can lift up spacecraft.
  • The Mun should have more than one canyon, and the deep craters should have ice in them.
  • Volcanoes could be added on places like Moho, Eve and maybe Laythe.
  • Duna could have things like Mount Olympus and lava beds.


Imagine this on the Mun (without the moss obviously).

Edited by rocketbuilder
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah I do like the idea of having small areas of interest that could visit. It could be similar to rescue missions where the kerbal and their wayward ship isn't actually up there until you accept a rescue mission, and then suddenly a chosen module and specialist is put up in a specific orbit.

You could have a small, limited-time area that's placed in a certain spot on one of the planets. It contains little grooves, rocks, lichen (I'm just throwing stuff out there) which you could send rovers or kerbals to. Granted it might be a little odd if the surveyed area vanishes when you're done, but maybe there could be a limit to how many you have running at a time?

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I clicked when I saw `interesting locations` in the title because IMHO currently KSP has close to none and I wanted to see these `interesting locations`.


I support this idea to make landing on a body more interesting than land, EVA, flag, science, leave.

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If they could be placed randomly at the start of a save I would love that. Perhaps even be seen faintly from orbit with lower texture quality. If not then we would definitley need some other way to find them like an upgrade to kerbNet

like 3 sub terrains per major planet and maybe 1 or 2 for medum and small moons. Excluding Jool?

Edited by Not Sure
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On 30/12/2017 at 3:11 PM, rocketbuilder said:


Imagine this on the Mun (without the moss obviously).

Apart from the vegetation, the children, the footpath and the clouds... what I'm seeing here is pretty much available scenery on Mun, just with the added feature of innavigable terrain.


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I agree, The Mun is actually one of the more interesting celestial bodies in the game. More than once have I landed in a location and though "Hey, I like the view, I think might actually build a base here". The other planets aren't very interesting though, apart for maybe the moons of Jool.

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8 minutes ago, Mjarf said:

I agree, The Mun is actually one of the more interesting celestial bodies in the game. More than once have I landed in a location and though "Hey, I like the view, I think might actually build a base here". The other planets aren't very interesting though, apart for maybe the moons of Jool.

I also agree, both with you and Rocketeer. One of the only actually interesting places to go is the very first one you try to go to.

The game peaks too early as far as quality of destination goes.

The most interesting places should be on the surface of Moho, Tylo, Laythe, Eeloo with places `a bit more interesting than Mun but not as interesting as Moho, Tylo, Laythe, Eeloo` being the rest although Dres should be made the most interesting planet it is easy to land on. Just because it needs it.

In the real world, Squad will not be revisiting the planets.

My more realistic hope is that Making History will add enough features so modders can make `interesting` things about, on, and around planets to make the destination worthy of the journey. Hopefully outside of a career or mission environment. Things that react to a craft or kerbal would be very nice.

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I think I should have added that I'm in broad agreement about more interesting destinations on other planets. It was that picture in particular that made me think 'I'm sure there's a screenshot that looks a bit like that here somewhere'.

The problem is I've been on this forum about 5 years and I'm pretty jaded now as far as some of these really good and popular ideas go, not because they're bad in any sense, but because in my experience the developers haven't shown the slightest inkling of interest in creating many of them for us. In the end you can either attempt to DIY it (and perhaps become a modder-extraordinaire... or not), hope another modder will do this for you, or (in my case nearly always the answer) imagine it the way you want it.

Edited by The_Rocketeer
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