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Where is the propellant quantity information stored in a KSP Realism Overhaul solid rocket motor config file?

Grant Exploit

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I want to create custom configs for solid rocket motors to simulate fictional and alternate historical rockets, yet I can't locate anything that gives the propellant quantity in either mass or volume. Is it in a different file or what? :huh:

Here's an example config file for the Castor 1 in case you want to take a look:

//  ==================================================
//  Castor 1 solid rocket motor global engine configuration.

//  Throttle Range: N/A
//  Burn Time: 28 s
//  O/F Ratio: 2.12

//  Sources:

//      Thrust Misalignments of Fixed Solid Rocket Motors: http://rsandt.com/media/Thrust%20Misalignments%20of%20Fixed-Nozzle%20Solid%20Rocket%20Motors.pdf
//      The Satellite Encyclopedia - Castor Series:        https://www.tbs-satellite.com/tse/online/lanc_castor.html

//  Used by:

//      Squad
//  ==================================================

	%category = Engine
	%title = Castor 1
	%manufacturer = Thiokol
	%description = The Castor 1 was first used for a successful suborbital launch of a Scout X-1 rocket on September 2, 1960. Castor 1 stages were also used as strap-on boosters for launch vehicles using Thor first stages, including the Delta-D. Diameter: [0.79 m].

		%EngineType = SolidBooster



		name = ModuleEngineConfigs
		type = ModuleEngines
		configuration = Castor-1
		modded = false

			name = Castor-1
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = 286
			heatProduction = 100

				name = PSPC
				ratio = 1.0
				DrawGauge = True

				key = 0 247
				key = 1 232

			curveResource = PSPC

			// guesses (note: max is above nominal * thrust_curve_max)

			chamberNominalTemp  = 1500
			maxEngineTemp = 1745

				key = 0 0.2 0.6566457 0.6566457
				key = 0.08 0.7826234 11.38028 11.38028
				key = 0.12 1.091428 0 0
				key = 0.177 1.072238 -0.3012535 -0.3012535
				key = 0.832 0.9977316 0.2489114 0.2489114
				key = 0.91 1.052388 1.565168 1.565168
				key = 0.9730649 1.160696 0 0
				key = 1 0.93 -4.794868 -6.284284



		name = Castor-1
		ratedBurnTime = 28
		ignitionReliabilityStart = 0.91
		ignitionReliabilityEnd = 0.994
		cycleReliabilityStart = 0.94
		cycleReliabilityEnd = 0.997
		reliabilityDataRateMultiplier = 2
		isSolid = True

Also, how do you unscramble the thrustCurve for this? It's not simple like it is for the Star 48B or other motors?

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