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Thread of the Year: 2017


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After prolonged deliberation, the thread of the year has been selected. It wasn't made this year. In fact, that's why it was selected. It was selected because not only is it one of the forum's more interesting challenges, but also because its creator has been actively maintaining the challenge for over five years. That's right: the thread is nearly as old as the forum itself and is still going strong. And the winner is... 

Congratulations to @boolybooly, and more importantly, thank you for your long-term commitment to supporting and entertaining the KSP community. 


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:D wow cool badge, added to the K-Prize OP!

Thank you very much for this touching accolade for the K Prize challenge which is surely shared by the many creative and talented players who have contributed to the thread and made it what it is.

It has been (and remains) a privilege to admin the challenge in this fine game community which imho is about something bigger than any one of us in allowing us to share our inspirations from this great game beyond warfare, playing among the stars, as envisioned and created by Felipe Falanghe and Squad, recognised and taken forwards by Take Two Interactive.

I  always thought it a worthy muse for the future of humanity, good luck everyone,

& thanks :) @Vanamonde


PS FYI the K Prize recently spawned a sister challenge run by @JacobJHC for modded installations and I encourage anyone who wishes to try the challenge with mods to participate at : The K Prize - 100% reusable spaceplane to orbit and back (Modded Version).

Edited by boolybooly
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Yes.... YES!!!  Outstanding choice!!!  I think this was the first official challenge I did.

I've been super curious who I was passing the TOTY torch to, and I'm thrilled it's going to @boolybooly.

Congratulations! Keep up the great work!!!  :D

Edited by Just Jim
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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