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Optimal Engine Charts for KSP1.3 (or customizable)

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So I've seen these optimal engine charts for helping select the best (set of) engines for a mission/craft, based to the TWR and Delta-V requirements, and (tried to) use them extensively to design long range missions and the like.

Until I noticed that these are all horrifically out of date!

https://meithan.net/KSP/engines/: for KSP1.1.1

https://imgur.com/a/OS6bk: for KSP0.23.5

So I am looking for some up-to-date charts, some tips on an at-home version of meithan's chart, or failing that, contact information for meithan so I can help update his web-app.

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Maybe this one suits your needs: https://kspalculator.appspot.com/


BTW seem that meithan's webapp is under a permissive license and that the engines stats are in .txt files. meaning that it may be "just"* a matter of  updating stats.

*"just" as in: I  have no experience doing a webapp, so I'm totally oblivious to what kind of extra work it may take. Neither I'm considering things like hosting the tool.


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