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SpaceDock.info (Mod Hosting Site)


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Another update:

I just switched the SSL cert of SpaceDock.info to Let's Encrypt (StartSSL isnt trusted anymore).
Some downtimes may have occured :)

I also want to to make everyone aware, that the Donation amount is in decline.
Im forced to make infrastructure cuts if it goes below a certain amount.
So im asking everyone whos using SpaceDock or CKAN on a regular basis to donate $1 per month. (youre free to donate more but i prefer longer comitments for planing reasons)

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We have
over 1000 Mods

I thank all Mod Authors for uploding their great work.
Its a nice Present for SpaceDocks first Birthday in a few days.

Edited by VITAS
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Time fall deep into "relative" term and subjective feeling, but already a year passed ? It's way too quickly, I didn't accomplished even 1/3rd of my personal "to do" list.

I can only wish much more good years for this community of developers and players.

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It helps to think about the great things that happend and the great moments one had in a year.

But i hope this community stays the way it is with people beeing nice to each other and giving my brain the room to run free.

There arent many places where people discuss mathematical problems as pasttime and are still welcoming and understanding towards those who dont.

What i wish for the next year is for SpaceDock to have the continuing support it has and for Squad to find the right employees who enshure that they have the same spirit as this community has.

And i wish they would offer https for the forums and make a Kerbalcon near me :D

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14 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I just confirmed that my pledge is still there for $5/month

Yeah, I went and checked.  My $5 is still happening.  I (easily) justify it by contrasting it with the alternative hosting costs for building my own mod hosting solution.  Plus @VITAS is doing all that webhosting work, which saves my from relearning all that.  But, if all those hosting a mod donated $1, there clearly wouldn't be $1000/month, but there'd be more than there is I suspect.  Not all mod authors can afford such things, but for those of us with a bit of disposable income, who already sink lots of time into KSP, I feel it comes in way below many subscription type models for paying for games.



And i wish they would offer https for the forums and make a Kerbalcon near me :D

I fully expect to never see a kerbalcon, but the SSL on a website with passwords should be a no-brainer.  Dammit, what decade is this?

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17 hours ago, VITAS said:

And i wish they would offer https for the forums and make a Kerbalcon near me :D


11 hours ago, TiktaalikDreaming said:

I fully expect to never see a kerbalcon, but the SSL on a website with passwords should be a no-brainer.  Dammit, what decade is this?

The problem is the forum software.  It only supports SSL on login and in the admin control panel.  It's probably one of the worst problems with IPS.

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its bad software if it has hard coded http urls inside. and else i see no problem with just switching to https but thats my outside view.

Problem beeing: because the forums are still heavily woven into d-mp.org and i think SpaceDock i cant force https on my webservers. But i realy want to.

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5 hours ago, VITAS said:

its bad software if it has hard coded http urls inside.

I'm not sure bad quite covers it.  That's plain awful.  I've seen it before, but only on internal mini-project type things where they get non web-devs to code up a web site for something.

Minor rant about "IPS"; And, they have the gall to call it IPS?  Tells you how much they're aware of security that they'll name their forum the same acronym as a general term for a security system.

After a quick look at the InvisionPower thing, the https option either is just admin etc as noted, or the whole site.  Which in the current version breaks the chat addon and a few minor bits and bobs that no-one on the forum forum detailed.  Looks like the system uses full path links rather than relative, and so you set a prefix basically of either http:// or https://   And Squad aren't using the IPB/IPS chat system anyway.  It'd depend on what else gets stuffed up.

That's for the software InvisionPowerBoard.  Which is what the hosted service Invision Power Service runs.  As to whether you can access that option (it's a manual edit of the global_config.php file) on the service offering is something I couldn't find out.

Sounds like a pretty daft way of enabling https though.  They should just stick an apache (or whatever) reverse proxy in front of the silly thing with some basic security things enabled and https on that if the software has issues with ssl.

Edited by TiktaalikDreaming
more on IPB/IPS
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There are ways to use urls without specifying https or http (i think its simply //:bla.blub/foo). But i dont want to discuss the how, because even if we have idears we cant force squad to tinker with their soft. And as it stands with their staff issues there wont be anybody available who will implement it.

So all that leaves me is to go trough my code and remove any forum thing that prevents me from forcing https on my sites.

Also im greatful they even have a forum left. They could have given that to curse too :D

P.S. I hope they ask me in the future before they outsource stuff. But i doubt they will. :)

Edited by VITAS
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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, VITAS said:

How is it for the rest of you?


It's been working better than google for me.  I do get my home internets via some badly tensioned pieces of string, so sometimes it's hard to tell if there's any of this magical slowness, but it does seem fine to me.  And I've done a fair bit of uploading this week as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Release channels arent that trivial to add.

But i could host Gogs or similar github like services if theres an interrest from the mod authors (it could be integrated into spacedock at an later stage).

(Please voice it here if there is)

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I'm inclined to think that it could unduly complicate things.  Both for poor old Vitas and for the end users.  I'll freely admit to really bad git-foo, and I struggle to find the downloads on github released mods some times.  And git has had a long time to sort that out.  Adding a feature to spacedock that could complicate finding the right download would confuse users, and result in users with dev editions they didn't want etc.  
And let's not forget that would need more server space.  If I throw more money at patreon, my wife will bash me up.

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@TiktaalikDreaming I dont want to be responsible for trouble with your wife. :)

Spacedock Mainly requires CPU Cycles. Theres plenty of Harddisk Space (we arent youtube and host Gbytes of Large FIles)

SpaceDock allready has old Versions You can download.

The problem with Beta or Dev vers is: Thy would be flagged as release and treated as such.

So what im pruposing is a simple (totaly indipendendent....for now) thing called git.spacedock.info or something like it.

The idea comes from the thought, that spacedock is geared towards presenting a finished product for users but does nothing to present a project to potential helpers or to help mod authors with development.

I would install a Stock version of Gogs (Gitlab like software)  so developers, Beta testers and interrested inidviduals can test unstable builds, host their source code, use it as version control, bug reporting, ....


So in essence: It would be a github for mods that can be customized to the Mod Authors needs over time or even linked/initigrated into spacedock.



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