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[1.9.x-1.12.x] StationKeeping Restationed - Precise Synchronous Orbits


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Nice little mod written by @HenryBlatbugIII, original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/158348-122-stationkeeping-precise-synchronous-orbits/

The new version for KSP 1.4.1 has new dependencies


CKAN has been updated to install the dependencies, if needed.



This mod adds an interface in the Tracking Station that lets you precisely adjust the orbits of your ships.  It's intended to assist with creating CommNet networks, e.g. making precise geosynchronous orbits or using multiple relays with exactly the same orbital period.

Select a ship in the tracking station and click on the Station Keeping icon in the toolbar.  If the ship's semimajor axis is within 1% (configurable) of your target semimajor axis (whether that is a geosynchronous orbit or a different target that you've typed in), you can click the button to set your semimajor axis precisely.  The ship will burn the right amount of fuel (using its most efficient engine) to get to the target.  This mod does not include an option to set the other orbital parameters, since a difference in any of the other parameters will not cause the ship to drift farther and farther from its intended position as you timewarp.





Simply extract the StationKeeping folder to your "Kerbal Space Program/GameData/" folder, and make sure the dependencies are also installed.

Useful Links


In StationKeeping/PluginData/StationKeeping/config.xml, there are two options you might want to change:

  • RealSMA: Set this to 1 if you want the mod to show the actual semimajor axis of the orbit (distance from the center of the planet) rather than the KSP default altitude (distance from the surface)
  • Tolerance: By default, this is 1%.  This is how close you need to be to your target orbit before the mod will let you set your orbit.


CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution)

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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24 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:

@linuxgurugamer I just downloaded it and found two identical config.xml inside the archive, one in GameData\StationKeeping\PluginData\config.xml and one in GameData\StationKeeping\PluginData\StationKeeping\config.xml - which one should I keep?

This one, I think:  StationKeeping\Plugins\PluginData\StationKeeping\config.xml

But I'll check it out and get out a new update 

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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6 hours ago, Jesusthebird said:

Awesome. Ima play with this tonight alongside the revived .035m probe mod


ckan has it labled as max ksp 1.2.2, just fyi

Restart CKAN, and refresh, it is updated properly in ckan.

You should see version 0.2.0

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Since this mod is meant for stabilizing multi-satellite configurations, I'd like to point out this tutorial which explains how to deploy rings of evenly-spaced satellites, and this resonant orbit calculator which automates the math.  It might be helpful to add links to these in the thread's OP.


Edited by Wyzard
Fixed the broken tutorial link
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For RemoteTech users, there's also this one: Visual RemoteTech Planner. It will show you the distances between satellites (useful for planning orbital maneuvers), the dark time and required amount of electric charge, the dV required to get from your planned parking orbit to the desired orbit for a single launch, and 2 types of resonant orbit and the required dV for multiple-satellite launches.

I'm not 100% sure that the antennas listed and their power consumption are up to date, but you can add custom ones.

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2 minutes ago, Dafni said:

@linuxgurugamer or @HenryBlatbugIII is there a version of this lovely mod in existence that works on KSP 1.3.1???

Many thanks in advance and apologies for my ignorance.

You can try these two, I wasn't doing this for 1.3.1:


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10 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

You can try these two, I wasn't doing this for 1.3.1:


Thank you. I found this link too, but the dates of the uploads indicate they are releases for KSP 1.2.2 (1.3 was released in March 17 IIRC)... so I never thought about trying. Will do that later today. Thank you so far, appreciate your time @linuxgurugamer

10 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

You can try these two, I wasn't doing this for 1.3.1:


Just tried, doesent work for me (in KSP 1.3.1) But thank you nevertheless @linuxgurugamer

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Just now, linuxgurugamer said:

Then try the earlier one I did for 141

I figured out what was the problem with the previous one, the 1.2.2 one. People in the old thread reported it would work, so I had a closer look. Turns out the download for their 1.0.1 had an addition folder in the folder structure, messing the whole thing up. Now it works.

Thank you again @linuxgurugamer

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