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"In Space Low" altitudes?

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I'm almost embarrassed to ask this, and I feel like this must have been asked and answered before, but...

For all the stock bodies, is there a list of the orbital altitudes where the Situation goes from "In Space Low" to "In Space High?"

Obviously, I can find this by trial and error, and many bodies I've visited so many times that it's second nature...  but I've felt for years like I'm missing something.  Is it simply a function of the body's equatorial radius?  Is there some in-game reference that I'm foolishly ignoring?

This isn't a pressing "problem," it's just something I've never found a concrete answer to.  If anyone knows, or if anyone can point out some reference that I'm blithely missing, I would appreciate it.

Edited by boccelounge
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8 minutes ago, Not Sure said:

This chart gives a list of all the science multipliers, as well as the border height of Space High and Space Low

Good grief...  I used to reference this page all the time, just to remind myself of which experiments were Situation/Biome specific.  I completely forgot about that last table.

Thanks much.  And at least I was right about one thing: it was an embarrassingly foolish question. :wink:

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Just now, Geonovast said:

It's also immediately available if you use KER.  I have it always displayed.

Yes, thanks.  That's the "trial and error" method I mentioned-- I just keep tweaking the orbit until I find the boundary.  But I'm currently doing an extensive orbital survey of Jool's moons (which I haven't often visited) and it was getting tedious to keep tweaking orbits-- particularly for Bop and Pol, where the timewarp frames are very limited at low altitude.  Bop's probe looks like it's going to clip ridges-- it's very fun and very terrifying at the same time...

Anyway, thanks to both of you; it was a pretty dumb question, but the good nature of this forum never seems to worry about that. :)

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4 minutes ago, boccelounge said:

I just keep tweaking the orbit until I find the boundary.

I think you misunderstood.  You can set up KER so that it displays all the boundaries of whatever body you're orbiting.  So the wiki link above would be good for planning, but KER can help for quick checks with your active vessel.


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34 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

I think you misunderstood.

I did indeed; I failed to look closely at your screenshot.  Very nice of you to follow-up with another.

I use KER extensively, and have various HUDs for various situations (flying in atmo, roving, etc.) but prefer the Basic Orbits (by @DMagic) HUDs as my "general" info displays.  But I've just added a KER "Body" display to my options.  Thanks!

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