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[1.7.X] Semiotic Standard for Kerbal Vessels


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A set of decal textures based on the icons designed by Ron Cobb for the movie Alien, the Semiotic Standard for Commercial Trans-Stellar Utility Lifter and Heavy Element Transport Spacecraft. In addition I also made a few icons based on the ones designed by Gavin Rothery for the 2009 movie Moon




  • The original set of 34 icons designed by Ron Cobb for the movie Alien
  • Some more icons in the Semiotic standard's style for hydroponics and docking ports
  • An additional set of 16 icons from the 2009 movie Moon designed by Gavin Rothery

Each decal is 15x15cm and uses the part variant system introduced in version 1.4. This will not work in older versions of the game without being retrofitted to work with a mod like Firespitter

possible future changes:

  • more icons!
  • alternate version where the figures in the icons are more kerbal-like
  • Modulemanager patch to add the decals to other parts as MODEL{} elements





  • Move the moon decals to their own pixelmator file as well as under their own part
  • Add 12 more Moon icons, including logos for Munar/Lunar industries
  • Add an additional "solidify" step to the tooling, which helps with the "white halo" effect when using cutout shaders
  • Rename the Semiotic decal set so that the two decals are next to each other in the VAB. the KSO is the kerbal equivalent of the ISO
  • No, the spelling in the 63-RTY description is not a typo. Not my typo, at least


  • update the non-pressurized area icons to make them more accurate
  • fix the layout of the release .zip
  • fix case sensitivity issue in config file


First release!


source: https://github.com/drewcassidy/Semiotic

Licence: BSD

Edited by cineboxandrew
I can't count, apparently
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I'm tempted to move the Moon icons to a seperate part. I'm unsure what that will do to existing vessels though. it probably reverts to the default variant?

EDIT: if anyone could test what happens to existing vessels in the world/VAB when a variant on one of its parts is removed from the config that would be great. I'm not in a position to test right now

EDIT 2: Startup KSP against better judegement and it looks like it just resets the part to the default variant. neat

Edited by cineboxandrew
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These are terrific!

I would sincerely love for decal mods to somehow hook into the GUI used for mission flag picking. Side scrolling is much improved with the stock switcher, but it's still a long way to go. 

That said, I really love all these -- and see no reason the Moon ones need to be separated. :)

Thanks for sharing!

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1 hour ago, Beetlecat said:

That said, I really love all these -- and see no reason the Moon ones need to be separated. :)

I'm going to make some more Moon ones which is why I want to seperate them. It would be a second part with its own list, just to keep the list from being too long

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1 hour ago, cineboxandrew said:

I'm going to make some more Moon ones which is why I want to seperate them. It would be a second part with its own list, just to keep the list from being too long

Okay -- that makes sense. Cut down on the scrolling. :D

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Very cool.  As soon as I saw the title, I asked myself, "Is this based on the semiotic standard from Alien?"... And it is.  Those are definitely something that needs to be configured to use in IVA.  I think I know which props I could adapt to work with these...  Hmmm...

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/21/2018 at 8:21 AM, MOARdV said:

Very cool.  As soon as I saw the title, I asked myself, "Is this based on the semiotic standard from Alien?"... And it is.  Those are definitely something that needs to be configured to use in IVA.  I think I know which props I could adapt to work with these...  Hmmm...

Actually, tempting to make just a square panel prop, attach each icon, and there's Prop for each to place as needed. I feel I should definitely need to use the coffee one.

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37 minutes ago, TiktaalikDreaming said:

Actually, tempting to make just a square panel prop, attach each icon, and there's Prop for each to place as needed. I feel I should definitely need to use the coffee one.

Would you be willing to contribute that to be added to the base repository? (with credit ofc)

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7 hours ago, cineboxandrew said:

Would you be willing to contribute that to be added to the base repository? (with credit ofc)

Yep. No worries. The, um, modelling would be about the simplest I've ever done. Will need to check if we can do the model{} type confides for props. That will make it vastly easier.


Seems you can at least use the basics of the model {} tags, which suggests we'll be able to just have text config change the icons. Is good.  :)

Edited by TiktaalikDreaming
Is good
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OK, ignoring that these are really badly placed in a half broken dev IVA, they're showing in game.


The only show the base _00 texture when placing in Unity though, as it doesn't seem to honour the "texture = " section of the MODEL {} call.

I've done the first 3 signs in the PROPS config.  You can probably see what needs doing for the rest.

I "think" I've made a merge/pull request from my fork.

Edited by TiktaalikDreaming
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