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Kerbin Side Remastered [1.0.1] [1.7.3]


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1 hour ago, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

@AdmiralTigerclaw For X-KJMK, can I change it to only 2 runways, because it seems like 4 in way way way too much! One runway is done now, so I just want to do 1 more and then the tarmac and stuff. Then, can I do a small local in region K where Jeb's Island Resort used to be in KS Classic?

Go for it, I'm spending the moment goofing off with this beast.



Trying to figure out why Pilot Assistant doesn't want to behave with it.  My other tiltrotor operates fine, but this... Well, it doesn't want to level, and it doesn't want to altitude.  I think it's the V-tail.   I don't think Pilot Assistant likes V-tails.  It probably can't decide which torque moment it actuates.


EDIT: And after switching to a T tail, I find I'm right.  The AP just cannot figure out what to do with a V tail.

Edited by AdmiralTigerclaw
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I think the next airport I'm going to work on will be the Intl in O region.  Get something made on the south end so we have an even spread around the planet.  That way, as people pick up the incomplete pack, they have something that isn't all focused in the north.  I just need to figure a name out.  I'm going to Wiki up stuff on Bamboo and see what comes to mind.


Also, I should mention if you're not already aware.  Don't do more than one airport at a time!  The new instances end up being shoved into that new instance folder, and unless you pull the files out and pack them into their other slots, you'll end up with two airport sets sharing file space...  Which will make it a nightmare to organize.  Once you finish your Kerbalized JFK, isolate those files into their airport folder BEFORE you start the little ones.  I learned that the hard way when I realized it was doing that.  Had the start of a small airport I was going to keep for personal use... and it had assets in half the Badlands files.  I had to manually remove them from the text by direct editing.

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So I experimented a little more with rescaling the base pad half-hexes.  The geometric scaling works out that the narrow side of a scaled-up half-hex fits the large side of an unscaled half-hex.  So I got work done faster.


I also tried a different arrangement for the concourse.  Looks even more like an actual concourse but it took like, eight Mission controls.  Would be nice to have them in a model merged as one.



XOCCI  "Coral Cove International".

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I have a problem: If I launch from one of these mod's launch sites and if I were to go to the space center after getting a failed to launch, it focuses on the thing i tried to launch from and it is impossible to use. Any help? Also, can you make the PAPIs brighter? They are clearly visible during the day IRL.

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Do you not have the buttons on the left side of the screen for all the space center options?  That caught me off guard the first time too.

And I noticed the PAPI are a bit annoying as well, so for my airports I've been making them at scale size three to get around how they pixelate at a distance.



EDIT: Okay, so I've almost got Coral Cove ready to pack up, but I've run into a problem with the logo.  For some reason, it's not working.  I've checked, rechecked, and triple-checked it.

It's a PNG, just like the others.  The file name is OCCIlogo, the file is calling folder path KerbinSideRemastered/Airports/International/CoralCoveInternational/OCCIlogo ... The file is 150x140...  But it just refuses to see it.


I confused.  I feel like I've typed a wrong file path, but for the love of me, everything looks good.


EDIT2: And now I think I know what's going on.  Before entering in the new image.  Select a different launch site than the base being worked on, then quit out of the game.  It actually wiped the line I was trying to edit.  Once I reedited the line in, it worked.


Freakin' weird behaviors.



Today's project is...





The first of the two equator spaceports.  With HUEG primary spaceplane runways. 


And now Krackensbane is almost ready for packing.  The thing that keeps getting me and making me take longer, is that there seems to be a slight pitch and roll offset to the statics when I deploy them.  That makes aligning a very dragged out process.  Made worse when you use major up-scaling.  The other issue with the huge scale-ups, is that using normal scale stuff ends up with things 'floating' because the shape block isn't deep enough.  Shouldn't get in the way of playing this one.  But it might have some slowdowns.






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On 5/14/2018 at 6:47 AM, AdmiralTigerclaw said:


I would have done this a while back myself, but I can't adjust to the learning curve of 3D modeling software.


Anywhozle, I was thinking about another function that KK has, and that's the various facilities available.  I've been considering two things to add to my list of things to do.


1: Utilizing the 'barracks' and 'business' facilities, create 'oil rigs' out in the ocean that you must land helicopters on and activate to automatically produce funds for the player.  There are no spawns here.  You have to find them and land there.

2: Taking that concept one step further, utilizing the 'merchant' function to create resource stations that you must create a vehicle that must land at, purchase the supply, and fly back to another airport where you can 'sell' the resource.

And the way to keep the player from spoofing it with the 'recover' option would be to use the value multipliers.  Purchasing the raw resource at multiplier one at the source facility.  The source facility would also have a sell-back value, but that would be at 1 or even 0.98 to force a loss if the player is clunky.  Then, at the selling airports, have the sell value be a multiplier of 1.5 to 2, and a buyback of 1.6 to 2.1 to discourage it.   In this manner, sourcing resources and flying them to specific terminals becomes an operational task that requires money and kerbals to create a plane with the correct hold and mechanics to arrive at the destination, money to purchase the resource, and the flying prowess to conduct the round trip to the selling terminal.

Heck, the value of selling and the profit to be made can even be adjusted by proximity of the selling terminal to the sourcing locations.


Example:  an 'Oil' well complex in the West Kulge desert could be purchased for 1 F a liter.  Or whatever the base price would be.   Flying a tank of this to a nearby terminal would have a selling value of 1.1.  But fly the resource to Gnosis and deliver it to Badlands could be set to net 2.2 F. 

You could create an entire player-run resourcing operation with static bases alone.


And that has me wondering, I need to check what the vanilla resources are, or even if it could be easy to create something that can be used expressly here without breaking other mods or resulting in a dependency for the community resource pack.




Okay, here's more or less a .rar with the folder structure and the first two airports I've done.  I'll get around to taking aerial images for @MaxPeck later. 




And just in case a mod comes by to gripe about the files needing a license...


There is no license!  You are free to mess around with this all day and even sell it to your neighbor!  Because I'm so confident these automatically generated KK configurations will bring much profits!  (I don't have an [Asuna] 'Staaaaaare...' [/Asuna] emoticon to put on the end of it, so just imagine this.) 



Don't forget Kerman Atol, and Kojave Sands, Havester, Nye Island, Round Range and Kamberwick Green. 

Edited by Eskandare
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Is it possible to "easily" create new spawns in the regular KSC area just using the in-game KK editor? I'd love to create one just outside the SPH, to taxi over to the runway before takeoff. I'd also love an admin parking lot one for vehicle missions, etc.

I tried plopping down a runway piece, and selecting "launch site" didn't seem to do anything. I'm obviously missing some major aspect of this. :)

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4 hours ago, Eskandare said:

Don't forget Kerman Atol, and Kojave Sands, Havester, Nye Island, Round Range and Kamberwick Green. 

That reminds me, you might want to go do a pass on your bases.

1 - Either Harvester or Kamberwick is too low to the ground, and part of the terrain juts through the middle of the runway.  I forget which one it is.

2 - Kojave Sands' runways are too high over their taxiways that the slope riding down to them is dangerous for vehicles with underslung engines like a 747 to transition.


That second part is actually one of the hardest things I've been trying to smooth out from base to base, ensuring that platform, taxiway, and runway transition slopes aren't too large for aircraft to transition without busting themselves at the slope-change.

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7 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

Is it possible to "easily" create new spawns in the regular KSC area just using the in-game KK editor? I'd love to create one just outside the SPH, to taxi over to the runway before takeoff. I'd also love an admin parking lot one for vehicle missions, etc.

I tried plopping down a runway piece, and selecting "launch site" didn't seem to do anything. I'm obviously missing some major aspect of this. :)

I'll make a new place where you want it spawn.

4 hours ago, AdmiralTigerclaw said:

That reminds me, you might want to go do a pass on your bases.

1 - Either Harvester or Kamberwick is too low to the ground, and part of the terrain juts through the middle of the runway.  I forget which one it is.

2 - Kojave Sands' runways are too high over their taxiways that the slope riding down to them is dangerous for vehicles with underslung engines like a 747 to transition.


That second part is actually one of the hardest things I've been trying to smooth out from base to base, ensuring that platform, taxiway, and runway transition slopes aren't too large for aircraft to transition without busting themselves at the slope-change.

What terrain settings are you on? The default KSR is set for default terrain settings.

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Hi, I am having an issue with my map of Kerbin and I don't know if this is a Kerbal Konstructs  issue or a KErbinside issue


When I pull up my map either in tracking station or in Flight, I get a lot of black squares on the globe And this includes  the KSC Center and it's Runway.. Sometimes when I am in Tracking mode, the launch sites do show up but the runways do not..


So Like I am aching is this a KK Issue or a Kerbin side issue?


Also I will try to send a screen shot of the issue. 



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11 hours ago, Space_Coyote said:

Hi, I am having an issue with my map of Kerbin and I don't know if this is a Kerbal Konstructs  issue or a KErbinside issue


When I pull up my map either in tracking station or in Flight, I get a lot of black squares on the globe And this includes  the KSC Center and it's Runway.. Sometimes when I am in Tracking mode, the launch sites do show up but the runways do not..


So Like I am aching is this a KK Issue or a Kerbin side issue?


Also I will try to send a screen shot of the issue. 



Could be a third-party and multiple problems.  The icons in the tracking station have their assets supplied by Kerbal Konstructs.  Specifically, the icon textures.  The KSR stuff is handled in its own folder. Messing up both parts means something bigger than normal is going on...

Here are some things to check:

1: Are you using one of the texture compressing mods to reduce the memory footprints of other mods?  If yes, consider pulling that to check your map icon problem.  Blank map icons were one thing texture compression mods messed up.

2: Did you install KSR without checking on Kerbal Konstructs?  If yes, check the following link:


The old KK assets interfere with KSR assets and must be removed.  The versions in that link as noted will fix that problem since the example base assets are deliberately removed.




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11 hours ago, AdmiralTigerclaw said:

1: Are you using one of the texture compressing mods to reduce the memory footprints of other mods?  If yes, consider pulling that to check your map icon problem.  Blank map icons were one thing texture compression mods messed up.

2: Did you install KSR without checking on Kerbal Konstructs?  If yes, check the following link:


The old KK assets interfere with KSR assets and must be removed.  The versions in that link as noted will fix that problem since the example base assets are deliberately removed.

Okay on question 1, the answer is no,

so it comes down to question 2, and the latest version for Kerbal Konstructs  I have is (Bug fix  included, and I still included)  and I still get those black squares.. Again I am working on getting a screen shot of this issue.. Should have it up in a few moments.



Going to investigate further into this 



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9 hours ago, evileye.x said:

Last time I checked, Kerbin Side did not worked quite well with re-scaled Kerbin. You know, bases broke apart by pieces, etc...

I guess this one have the same behavior? 


I would assume it's because when you rescale kerbin up in size, the result is that the grid positions likewise spread out more.  Thus, the numbers for the positions may be the same, but the actual positions are farther apart.  So the bases start spreading out as well, breaking them.  And the only way to fix that is reworking the positions of all the parts.

Thus, yes, likely the same behavior.


Now, if anyone gets this one, Kudos.



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8 hours ago, AdmiralTigerclaw said:


I would assume it's because when you rescale kerbin up in size, the result is that the grid positions likewise spread out more.  Thus, the numbers for the positions may be the same, but the actual positions are farther apart.  So the bases start spreading out as well, breaking them.  And the only way to fix that is reworking the positions of all the parts.

Thus, yes, likely the same behavior.


Now, if anyone gets this one, Kudos.



water launch? AYY

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Why Have just one runway at KSCWhy not 2?

It's just a thought, but what if we had a runway that ran paralell to the R and D research facility as well as maybe a Space Hangar there not to mention a connecting taxiway so you can go from this runway to that one?

Of ocurse I've lookeda th the layout of the KSC base and I feel it to be a bit inefficent.. The Launch pad should be moved further back, and some of the buildings might be moved around to give better access (I know that KSC was Disgned by squad but hey it could have been thought out a bit more. 


(Though KSC Comes close I feel that the cross wind runway is a bit to angular (90 degrees? 


Of course if someone ever gets the Real solar ystem up I might just go aheadand create a few airports (I used to do that in MS FLight sim (5-10) .


But hey, i't sjut a thought



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1 hour ago, Space_Coyote said:

Of course if someone ever gets the Real solar ystem up I might just go aheadand create a few airports (I used to do that in MS FLight sim (5-10) .

For the love of God, don’t say this in the RSS thread. Even casual mentions of the fact that there are KSP versions higher than 1.3.1 have caused some epic meltdowns over there. 

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11 hours ago, MaxPeck said:

For the love of God, don’t say this in the RSS thread. Even casual mentions of the fact that there are KSP versions higher than 1.3.1 have caused some epic meltdowns over there. 

Sounds like they need 1000mg of Chill in chewable format.  Scratch that.  Gummie format.


Anyway, I've uploaded the latest 'version' of KSR Airports to mediafire, and the link will be below.



Aside from a few more airports and a spaceport, I went back and did some small changes.  Instead of lvl 1 launch pads, I've switched to using shrunken 1700m 'C' runways as the spawn points.  They're easier to deal with, considering you don't have to worry about the flag sticking up now.  And I was able to make the 'grass' that outlined them bright yellow, so they look like some kind of parking stripe.


@MaxPeck  I'll get overheads for Loui's Tropical Floatplane Stop and Booster Flat's Island Air Park uploaded soon.  Also, there's a question from me floating in our running PM conversation.


@Eskandare Did you want your bases added to the airport information chart?  I didn't quite get what you wanted when you went "Don't forget [your bases]"... You quoted my entire post so there wasn't any context.  I've been operating under the assumption that your bases would be treated separately.  And to answer your question from last week, I believe my terrain settings are at maximum.  Let me know what you want.


@Bottle Rocketeer 500  You doing okay on X-KJMK?  I know it takes a while to get that sorted out.  And if you're ready to hand it off, just zip the files into a folder and hand it over.  I'll still need to take a photo for an Icon and give MaxPeck an overhead shot.




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Quoting myself from the KK thread (in case it's more relevant here):


Ground Stations/Tracking Station + KK/KS(R) settings question:

I'm using KK Kerbinside Remastered, and I have a handful of ground stations that look to be "open" -- but they're not providing connection for my new (and first!) satellite. After dialing up the occlusion modifiers (so I didn't just get KSC *everywhere*) I'm not getting any additional sites. What are the combination of settings needed to make this happen properly?

I now have:

Basic: Enable Comm Network
Advanced: Enable Extra Groundstations  -- This allowed me to get more signal sources.

KK: Enable Commnet Groundstations
"Leave Stock Commnet" is disabled.

I was only able to get additional signal sources by turning on "Enable Extra" above, but there doesn't seem to be an open station/base at those locations. I had a roughly equatorial orbit, and my probe was picking up Nye Island (which isn't open), and completely ignoring the visually-marked Roundrange station/no connection line. Should KK stations be "working" even though they'e not open?

Are groundstations, etc. not up and running in KSR yet?

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