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gameplay lost

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I am bummed.

for the second time my saved game has  reverted to zero state and will not load .. it renames itself +Just Started+ and will not load .

 i put a lot of hours in those saved games am totally bummed by losing them .

steampowerd . latest upgrade loaded  64 bit processor ,win10

seems like there should be a way to find a file and load those saved games , but windows and I are not that all friendly..

 i can not even get win10 to show me the folders and files,

i had an easier time using command line in the old days. .

i like this game ok and had a good time running it , however it makes me quite crazy when all that screen time and effort is lost..

andy help suggestions tips ?



Edited by bubba
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Go to Steam Library, right click on Kerbal Space Program --->Properties-->Browse Local Files--->

saves folder has all your careers and all your ships/crafts

and Gamedata folder has your mods.

Copying those two folders will fully backup your savegames.

Just make note if a career was saved in x86(32bit) it probably wont work in 64 bit and the other way around(The ships will probably work).

Also when you opened Kerbal from steam in 1.3, you had to select manually to launch in 64 bit but now its the default option.

The second one is the 32 bit edition and if you selected it by accident then that might be the problem.

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this helps . at least i can see  folder with the gamename  i assigned and . files   that have a  recent date modified [today within a few hours]  extension  .loadmeta  and .sfs  

but i can not make out how to get them to load

sorry to be so dense , i hope someone can illuminate me

edit;[ humm maybe i need to copy those files into a particular folder , but which one]

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Do you have a single copy of Kerbal, do you have the old files somewhere else, or did you use to play without steam?

Cause then you need to find the old files and copy them to the new location the game installed. 

Inside saves folder you can find your careers, with each having the name when you created them.Inside its everything you need to backup/restore a career.

When you open the game and try to load a career, everything inside the folder should be there to select it.

If not try this:

1) Start a new clean fresh career with a new name in the same mode as your old one.(Science or sandbox or normal, this is important you have to choose the same one as the one you want to recover).

2) Save your game and exit.

3) Go to Browse local files again, enter the saves folder, enter your OLD gamename folder and copy everything from inside.

4) Go back in the saves folder and enter the NEW gamename folder and copy paste the files from step 3.

After that Start the game and try to load the career that has the new fresh name.

I am sorry that this sounds like really complicated but i am confused with the info you given and thats the best i can explain, help to overcome your problem.

Maybe someone will know whats going on and if you give more info, it might help.

Good luck.


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you are very helpful , the forum seems very supportive .

operating 64 bit on win10

steam says i have 1200 hrs gameplay

doing career session i was happily hauling tourists sub-orbit and harvesting science from mun Surface and Minimus surface with 'Science Jr 9001 whatever and recovering it to kerbin surface .. working on precision landing mun /minimus. .. 30 something missions out with IR telescopes ,  areo lander probes to duna , rocket landers for the  moons ,, all that jazz[one wonders if i have the juice on board to make orbit]


returned to play KSP seemed to load as ever , however in the continue saved game pop up my saved game had te assigned name and +just started+ instead of the number of flights  , year /day , sciene amount  etc..

intent was work a contract nerv rocket test minimus sub-orbit ..


first time i has 800 hrs gameplay logged  , i just maked it up to dues and started another 

400 hrs later it happened again ..

this made me feel quite ill and discouraged .

i will try your suggested work around

they sure need to fix this bug,

i will get back with progress report





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first attempt : new game new name [career 3 ]saved

copy and paste as directed , over wrote the duplicate files ,

there were 4 duplicate files

new session showed same as the one copied .+ just started + would not load

second attempt :

did not save the new game session ,

there were 2 duplicate files

did not overwrite the 2 dupes [ i think they were the persistent files .

game loaded with zero science zero all.

restored the last quick save

and Happy Day  my sc jr on an aero brake return from Mun sampling of east farside crater  showed up .. 700 something science in the book  and quite a load of science on this lander ..


thanks so much you have saved the day for me .


apparently the  2 persistent save files were corrupt.

they need to fix this bug . not everyone will go through this minor gyration


thanks again

Today You are the Hero

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I tried above method, to continue my 1.2.2 career.

Anyhow, I got back all my progress (money, science, R&D, launch complex,...), but the game time stays at year 1. It should be @31 years.

Most ships disapeared, dozends Kerbals are MIA, most other ships are not in the correct locations (playing with OPM, for example sarnus orbiting ships are now at Urlum.

Does anyone have tipps? How to edit the save file? May this related to KarbalAlarm clock is not updated yet?

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9 hours ago, Schaufel said:

Does anyone have tipps? How to edit the save file? May this related to KarbalAlarm clock is not updated yet?

First of all try to update any major mods you had to 1.4, the alarm clock might be the problem but you saying you had more? 

After that try again, it might work.

If you had any major mods, including modded ship parts, it will be hard to recover, the mods need to be updated and you need to be lucky enough since your version save is old.

Do you have the saves folder backup-ed somewhere from 1.2.2?

If yes try this:

1) Go to Steam Library-->Right click on Kerbal-->Properties-->Betas-->Select 1.3.1 Beta

2) Try finding if any of your mods have an updated version for 1.3.1

3)Try to load your save and see if you are having the same problems

4) If things are looking better then wait for your mods to be updated for 1.4

or you could try your luck and see if the transition from 1.3 to 1.4 will work for you, so go again in the Betas tab and select to opt out of any beta programs.



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  • 2 weeks later...

failed again .. i am  double bummed .

1500 science logged , a polar gravity scan mission to minimus [should yield 1170 science ] polar gravity scan to mun , another bunch of science.. .

what a lot of time i spent in those orbits gleaning all the biomes..

7 million more  coins available to  build ships

and the same failure . windows locked up and rebooted .

now my career 3 shows , + just started + again .

i am sure files persistent.sfs and persistent.loadmeta are corrupt..

maybe this time i will start a new career game , but instead of copying all the old file folders to it copy the 2 persistent files to the game i want to continue to play [ that the one with the most science ]

unless some one has a better suggestion ..

do the developers  read these forums ? 

this is really unsatisfactory ,

stupid windows goofs and 1500 hrs screen time POOF ..

BBL to see what you'all have to say


i find a file in folder backup named persistent [2018_05_09_23_26]  dated 5/9/2018 3:18 PM   a SFS file 6,769 kb

today a little while ago

maybe i should copy it in that current folder and see what happens ,,

maybe i should compare it with the existing sfs file , acertain the differences and edit as required . 

this is UNSAT i came here to learn orbital dymamics not to mess wit faulty computer code


edit 2:

check this ,; copied the file from the backup folder as named above into the current game save folder , deleted  persistent.sfs , renamed persistent [2018_05_09_23_26] to persistent.sfs and on the current game up shows my science and 6.9 mill funds , [ funny the reputation seems stuck at 83 % .. have not tried to load yet , i will let you know. sure do hope the save state has the gravity scan from the flats on minimus , small target and i went rountd and round to finally get that logged.








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Hi i note that nowhere have you linked a copy of your KSP.log or an output log, this usually means all you'll get in response is guesses,  educated guesses i grant, but guesses all the same.

As your case seems fairly exceptional rather than the norm, given that since my first game in 2012 to the current date I've never had a game revert to zero or had data miraculously disappear, and on checking, non of the players and mod makers i socialise with have either .  This leads to believe that there's something else going on, and the only way to ascertain exactly what that is , is for you to supply some logs .



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i am happy to say my restore through this Gyration [ replacing the persistent .sfs  file with one from +backup+ folder ]

has restored a gamestate showing my minimus sampler mission on escape from minimus, this should mean that hard to sample minimus flat sample is there,  much thanks to boyster . he showed the way

i have available  8 dumps.. ,, latest was on 3/6/2018 ..

todays fail 5/9/2018   outputlog dump a little out of date.. .

this is the third time this failure mode has happened ..

im running win10 [ do not get me started in speaking about the quality of MS OS]

a Lenovo thinkcentere . .. refurb.

i would be most happy to upload copy of the dumps given a target .

however,, the failmode that resulted in the fail mode + JUST STARTED + DID NOT DUMP

excerpt without the hexdex of the last dmp in file


Unity Player [version: Unity 5.4.0p4_b15b5ae035b7]

mono.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module mono.dll at 0023:1011a28a.

Error occurred at 2018-03-06_183448.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP.exe, run by micha.
85% memory in use.
3914 MB physical memory [564 MB free].
0 MB paging file [1290 MB free].
0 MB user address space [183 MB free].
Write to location 02000000 caused an access violation.

EDI:    0x01000000  ESI: 0x2b17ca78  EAX:   0x00040000
EBX:    0x00000001  ECX: 0x02000000  EDX:   0x00000000
EIP:    0x1011a28a  EBP: 0x0053813c  SegCs: 0x00000023
EFlags: 0x00010206  ESP: 0x00538118  SegSs: 0x0000002b



EDIT: tnxs for the interest and response

it seems apparent something is goobered up in the persistent.sfs file since replacing it with a back copy restores the gamestate.. 

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seems to me a truly  robust program would identify the corrupt file, then go find the last possible restore.. ,. on the positive side game program saved a + pretty current+ gamestate in a backup folder.  however,, you should not expect a user to go find that backup file and manually copy it over..

do you know what i mean ,, should i try to clarify ?

i do not have the corrupt persistent . sfs from this failure . i deleted it [ shoouda just renamed , xxx   however i do have a persistent.sfs displaying this error from 2 prior fails ,, i would be glad to copy and send to anyone who wished to delve further into this .



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Glad you solved it, it would be interesting to see if and what corrupts that file for those who know these things.

But in the end just make sure you always have a recent backup in case a mod or an edit manages to actually break these robust files.

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no edits . no mods ,a fresh program load , steady state game play , focus on a particular vessel in orbit ,  watching surface scan for a +particular+ biome to pass under so as to capture data.. ..

game stops loading ..my resource monitor ,, [ 15 years after other os had this win +finally +does]  indicates ksp_x64.exe   +unresponsive +  .. i hold my breath .. usually it picks back up but sometimes it loses the whole shooting match ..

?? blame it on the processor ?, blame it on the operating system ? ultimately blame it on the program application running that failed to load the last stable state on restart ..

Aught not have to go in and manually copy a file over .. program should go find last stable state seamlessly ..

could not of done this fix w/o your help showing me the steam file browser..

win10 still eludes me . i am an old fidonet command line guy ..


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Let me kiss you! Your tipp saved my carreer:

1. Create Career folder per Explorer

2. Copied in latest persistent from backup folder

3. Renamed it to persistent.sfs

4. Copied in persistent.meta from old career folder

Voyala ! Everything loaded as befor in 1.2.2, the odysee goes on !

31 years of play, 86 Mio cash, 550k science saved, only 3 years until my plock/kareen expeditions returns :kiss:



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17 hours ago, bubba said:

failed again .. i am  double bummed .

...and the same failure . windows locked up and rebooted .

Couldn't help noticing this.

Is it possible that he fault is with your Operating System set-up?

Do you have any other programs running at the same time as KSP?

Do you have screen savers or power-saving 'features' operating?

Have you whitelisted KSP with your virus killer? (I would turn any virus killer off while playing KSP. Of course, I am not suggesting that you do the same.)

Finally, fed up with windows and the windows version of Steam, I installed Linux and have never looked back. 64bit Played from the command prompt, if I so wish.


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schaufel   i can only imagine your angst, 31 years of play, 86 Mio cash, 550k science saved, only 3 years until my plock/kareen expeditions returns ..

when i consider my state and concern.

daveroski  ..os bashing time ? i must admit to having grepo running in a browser window on monitor 2

i have been upset with MS since 1993 and  the display of behavior in restraint of trade .

hope to load a linux variant . hope to load a os/2 variant . yet to do..

i think i will load down a redhat . i have stock in that company and it sure has done good

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3 hours ago, bubba said:

daveroski  ..os bashing time ? i must admit to having grepo running in a browser window on monitor 2

hope to load a linux variant . hope to load a os/2 variant . yet to do..

i think i will load down a redhat . i have stock in that company and it sure has done good

OS Bashing time? No, I was thinking more Occam's Razor time.

I have a Linux drive as my boot drive. Shmindows is on another drive that I can select at boot.

KSP is in a Linux partition which I have set up just for Steam and Linux games. In this environment I don't even have printer drivers installed.

I like that I can set up a partition for the software environment in use. It cuts down crashes tremendously and narrows the number of possibilities in errors should they occur.

If you are going to use Linux, I suggest that you find and install the most popular variant as the largest user base suggests strongest support.


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