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Unable to Launch

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Need some help please, I am unable to find why I can not launch after returning to the VAB once I have launched the first time. I.e  I  launch my ship having to return to the VAB/SPH do to some unforeseen explosion and what not. I Do my adjustments save and try to launch and well this is the problem I'm having trouble finding why. i.e if its a bug in the game or a mod, and with my limited knowledge of reading log files and console errors I've done my best in removing, replacing mods that I did see come up with Null references,  here is a snippet

[EXC 10:47:27.873] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
 ScenarioModule.Save (.ConfigNode node)
 ProtoScenarioModule..ctor (.ScenarioModule module)
 ScenarioRunner.UpdateModules ()
 ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules ()
 Game.Updated (GameScenes startSceneOverride)
 GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode, GameScenes startScene)
 FlightDriver.StartWithNewLaunch (System.String fullFilePath, System.String missionFlagURL, System.String launchSiteName, .VesselCrewManifest manifest)
 EditorLogic.<goForLaunch>m__43 ()
 CallbackUtil+<DelayedCallback>c__Iterator1.MoveNext ()
 UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) 


this is where I got lost and comes up each time I tried to re-launch.  log here



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I think there's a problem on the craft itself, perhaps due a missing or deleted mod. The root cause of the issue appears to be the exception above the one you listed:

[LOG 10:47:27.871] Launching vessel from LaunchPad. Craft file: E:/Program Files (x86)/Kerbal Space Program1.4.3/KSP_x64_Data/../saves/CNASA/Ships/VAB/Auto-Saved Ship.craft
[ERR 10:47:27.871] Input is null for field 'name' in config node 'SCENARIO'
   at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
   at ConfigNode.AddValue(System.String name, System.String value)
   at ScenarioModule.Save(.ConfigNode node)
   at ProtoScenarioModule..ctor(.ScenarioModule module)
   at ScenarioRunner.UpdateModules()
   at ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules()
   at Game.Updated(GameScenes startSceneOverride)
   at GamePersistence.SaveGame(System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode, GameScenes startScene)
   at FlightDriver.StartWithNewLaunch(System.String fullFilePath, System.String missionFlagURL, System.String launchSiteName, .VesselCrewManifest manifest)
   at EditorLogic.<goForLaunch>m__43()
   at CallbackUtil+<DelayedCallback>c__Iterator1.MoveNext()
   at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)


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Well, I guess its a girder (or a launchclamp? Not sure about the hierachy path):

WRN 10:45:57.214] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "KzInterstageAdapter2/RSBtankSaturnSII/RSBdecouplerSaturnSII/RSBtankSaturnSIC/launchClamp1/launchClamp1/model/launchclamp/obj_girdercap/obj_girder/obj_girder_mesh"

Had a similar error some time ago but with a cubic strut. You may have to delete and replace any girder(try to replace your launchclamps too) you have used. If it is the very same error like mine, you can also check your craft file in an texteditor, scroll down to the very end of the part list and check if there are two identical girders. If so, delete the last one and try to start your vessel again. This can break your craft or fix it, so you may want to make a backup copy ;)

If the craft is not very complex, a rebuild may be the best solution.

Edited by 4x4cheesecake
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26 minutes ago, MissMolly said:

Thank you both for helping out I will look in to it tonight. @Lisias  @4x4cheesecake

Could the TweakScale mod cause this as I had to use it as my parts were to small for this build, Iv never used it till now.

Tweakscale can be the reason but every mod can mess around sometimes but since the error seems to be in your .craft file, any editor mod like tweakscale is more likely to cause this issue.

Actually, I think it is the re-root function of the editor (or re-root in generell because this happend to me after docking which also causes a re-rooting of parts). Would be convenient if you have used this option too?

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@4x4cheesecake The re-rooting tool in the VAB I did use it. Is there a way to reset it so I don't have to do a rebuild on it, or can I just go back to where I used the rooting tool?


I did try it on another ship and the same thing happened. Log here

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As long you are not using a mod like Craft History or you have made several different saves while you build the ship, there is no way to go back.


27 minutes ago, MissMolly said:

I did try it on another ship and the same thing happened. Log here

Is that the correct link? Cannot find a output_log there.

The other ship you have tested, does it contain mod parts? If not, try to reproduce this bug in a pure stock game, that would be great if you can reproduce the bug (which is the first step to a bug report and hopefully a fix).

If you can provide me a .craft file, I can try to fix it like I did it before with my ship, but no guarantee. (And if mod parts are involved, a mod list would be nice too)

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3 hours ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

As long you are not using a mod like Craft History or you have made several different saves while you build the ship, there is no way to go back.


Is that the correct link? Cannot find a output_log there.

The other ship you have tested, does it contain mod parts? If not, try to reproduce this bug in a pure stock game, that would be great if you can reproduce the bug (which is the first step to a bug report and hopefully a fix).

If you can provide me a .craft file, I can try to fix it like I did it before with my ship, but no guarantee. (And if mod parts are involved, a mod list would be nice too)

Sorry about that link fixed.  It looks like it's mod, I just have to find out witch one, I thought the log would of shown what mod was the cause. I can still send you the mod list if you like as well as the .craft could be both as far as I know.

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5 hours ago, MissMolly said:

Sorry about that link fixed.  It looks like it's mod, I just have to find out witch one, I thought the log would of shown what mod was the cause. I can still send you the mod list if you like as well as the .craft could be both as far as I know.

Forgot there is a mod list inside of the output_log, so thats already done ;) A craft file would be still nice, I'm quiet curious if you ran into the very same issue I had before or if it is 'just' a mod problem (infernal robotics is marked as WIP, UbioWeldingInc has some limitations and is incompatible with infernal robotics hopefully you had this in mind and didn't try to weld some robotic parts together!)

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1 hour ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

Forgot there is a mod list inside of the output_log, so thats already done ;) A craft file would be still nice, I'm quiet curious if you ran into the very same issue I had before or if it is 'just' a mod problem (infernal robotics is marked as WIP, UbioWeldingInc has some limitations and is incompatible with infernal robotics hopefully you had this in mind and didn't try to weld some robotic parts together!)

Nope I have not welded anything as of yet, only using infernal robotics out of the two, and it was just something I put in there for those big builds, also the .craft was build before UbioWeldingInc was installed. here is the .craft I hope this helps.

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11 minutes ago, MissMolly said:

Nope I have not welded anything as of yet, only using infernal robotics out of the two, and it was just something I put in there for those big builds, also the .craft was build before UbioWeldingInc was installed. here is the .craft I hope this helps.

I'll take a look at it, may take a while.

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14 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

@MissMolly Can you tell me which of your mods contains the hydrogen scoop (maybe just search for "hydrogenscoop" in your gamedata folder)?

Thats the only part i cannot find anywhere and I want to do some tests after deleting parts in the craft file.

Its one of my own, just an air in take part that regens mono and zeon

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@MissMolly Well, I cannot replicate the exact error but everythings works fine when I launche from the KSC launchpad. Your log says you have used the Woomerang launchpad and like you, I cannot launch there.

Can you please try to launch from the KSC launchpad too?

edit: Ok, I was a little bit stupid. RemoteTech had no connection at Woomerang launchpad so I wasn't ablte to launch there but after removing RemoteTech (but keeping the parts) everything was fine again. Well, the rockets tips over even though there are launchclamps but I was still able to launch (and revert and launch again and revert and launch again...)

So, I cannot replicate your problem here. Looks like it's none of the part mods, HangerExtender works fine too, I cannot find any parts in your .craft file with unwanted, duplicated parts (with no parents)...actually, i ran out of ideas :(

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I can launch from KSC only, do to no dish at the other 2 sites, but when/if I go back in to the VAB or SPH, I can not leave again and will have to restart the game. I'm sure its a mod 18 more to go, before I fine out if it is or not.


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1 hour ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

Have you tried to clear your input lock when this happens (debug menu -> input locks -> clear input locks)? Maybe at least a workaround so you don't have to restart your game everytime.

um no I have not ill give that a try.


Well tried clearing the input locks with no luck, thanks for your help I'll just keep trying.

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