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A million light-years from home(KSP novel)


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I pressent to you my first KSP novel:A million light years from home.Since its my first novel its probably going to have some erros here and there.

In the early 21 century kerbal kind made this question are we alone? is there someone else out there? for  this reason kerbal kind have starded to explore space to find out whats out there!

chapter selection:

 Chapter 1: a courious descovery(2 years before launch):


kerbal kind started the KETI(kerbal extraterestial intelligence) a program to search for extrakerbin life.

Two years after the opening of KETI, a group of investigators found that a small unindentifided object started to approach Kerbin. After it impacted in Kerbin, a small group of kerbals were sent to investigate what there was there:


Valentina: okay team! we should find the crash site today !

Dooduki Kerman:what is this thing we are looking for again Val?

Valentina: I dont really know the guys at KETI said to go to that location and look if there is something Alien like.

Maxble Kerman: I think they may be over reacting and that is probably another meteor.

Valentina:Yeah probably, but they would probably notice that it was a meteor a long time ago. Now, lets head in our rover and keep driving



Vallentina: okay. Everybody ready? we will get there in 1 hour.


Joundon: Hum....Val what is that? That does not seem to be a meteor.... or nothing I ever saw

Valentina: I  see it too  and I dont know either I am  gonna get closer to examine it.....Ok! lets get out an examine it....


Jondun Kerman: It looks very Kerbal like. It must be one of those krusians spy craft.

Dooduki Kerman: out here? at the desert AT THERE OWN country?

Valentina:wait theres something wroten there it reads:

Exploradores espaciales %&/( planeta $%$%B bajo /())$"·$&?

localización:brazo aridane/sistema yila Planeta $%$&B

Rondard kerman:What is this?!This isnt Kinglish!

Jondun:wait this is Skanish but backwards it acctually reads:Space explorers %&%$ planet $%$%B under &/%··%?

localization:aridne arm/sistem Yila Planet $%$%B

Vallentina:its probably is this but this object its barely damaged!

Rondard: well we did our job now is time to inform this to the guys at Keti

there are gonna be talking about this for ages

  2 days later the team informed this to the kerbals at Keti They were very exited this was the first time they found clear evidence that theres life out there.kerbal kind started the construction of the Kaurora Vessel a massive interstellar spaceship designed to explore the yila sistem look for this alien spicies.the kaurora will be completed in 2 years

they asswell starded to decode those worlds and found that $%$%B is actually 4546B they asswell found out the exact location of the sistem it will only be a thing of years to know what theres out there.......

TO BE CONTINUED......................

Chapter 2:flight preparations(2 months before Launch)



Vall:isnt the Kaurora beutifull dooduki?It the best peice of engeniering in kerbal history

Dooduki:And a big waste of funds.We all know that there arent aliens.And how the heck are we getting that to space!?

Vall:are you saying this because you arent going on this mision?And did you forgot about what we found at the desert?And do you still dont know that this is a replica?

Dooduki:2 years after that and YOU still think that aliens made the probe?And why would they build a replica?

Vall:We already asked all of kerbin and did you forgot what wernher said? the propulsion sistem whas using some kind of ION technology plus inside the probe there was a small cristal with the equivelent of 100000 kilotons of TNT with a single cristal we could power all of kerbin! and dont say me you didnt knew that because you were with me when wherner said that

Dooduki:you got me there.But teres no saying aliens did the probe maybe its something natural.And i think that the kaurora is going to fail its imposible that an interstellar spacecraft can be made so fast.

Vall:It isnt going to fail and so what if it was done fast?we now make planes in a day!

doodoki:well you said the same with the kolumbia and look at what happend

Vall:that happend 10 years ago and it was the last incident that happened at the Galaxi Space Center and in kerbal history.There isnt going to be a accident now!

Dooduki:that doesnt mean that somethig is going to happen now

Vall:you are sounding like you are trying to sabotage the mission

Dooduki:werent you the krusian kerbal that almost makes the GSC go bunkrupt because she was the first female kerbal in spa......

Vall:*slaps dooduki in the face angryly and stomps off*

dooduki:Wait Vall im sorry i didnt mean that i ....i .............


Gene:So this is the lifepod.Its capable of  holding 3 kerbals with suplies for 5 weeks .

Kaelt kerman:Yes it looks very nice and safe.Were can it be recoverd?

Gene:Can be recoverd from sea , land and space.It aswell has parachutes for soft landings

Kaelt:ok but how does it land on a non-atmosphere planet?

Gene:Ha ha,the kaurora will only pass by atmospherics worlds so no need to worry about that

kaelt:I dont laught Gene when kerbal safety is on the line,it is my job.Now please remeber that if the Kaurora explodes there will be a massive energy burst , i see that life pods have a small propulsion sistem to get them out in time but the explosion can send pods on another direction maybe to a planet with no atmosphere are you willing to doom potencial survivors?

Gene:Ok i tell wherner to add a non atmospheric landing sistem

Kaelt:fine now sow me the Pika infinity


Gene:I present to you the PIKA INFINITY this one is going to make a lucky kerbal the first one landing on 4546B and thus making him/her the first to set foot on a planet that is not on the Kerbol Sistem

Kaelt:Ok looks good tell me whats she has got

Gene:it has Propulsión sistems,Room for one,suplies for 2 days.............

Mean while at the Kanary islands:

Ditop Kerman:Ok ryley are you ready to take off.


Ryley:yes i am ready!

Ditop:Ok now remember.This one handles just like the pika Infinity will on 4546B if you cant handle it well you  wont be the first kerbal to step 4546B

Ryley:OK But one question how do we now 4546B has a atmosphere?

Ditop:The probe that the KETI team found apears to indicate that 4545B is an ocean world with a breathible atmo but they aint`paying us to be talking about this now go to the ship to get this mulch done i got stuff to do!

Ryley: jezz calm down.You kerbals that arent going on the kaurora seem to be angry with the ones that go.You are all spacialy angry with me!

ditop: well WHAT do you think?You are going to be a celebrety!You are going to be remainded for the rest of history , you kerbolnauts are always taking the credit but with out the engeniers and flight instructors you all be nothing!

Ryley:Well all of that is correct but the fault is more of how socity Works. Most of them just look at the kerbolnauts.But i feel you I was the first kerbal at Minmus and i didnt nearly got as much atention that jeb when to the mun.well i better get to the craft i already hear Gene typing on his phone saying "what are you doing"


Ditop:every thing ready clear for take off

Ryley:Ok taking off stright for the GSC


Ryley:Handles like a dream .Get ready 4546B HERE I GO!!!!!!!

                                                                                                                                                                              TO BE CONTINUED


Chapter 3:Going interstellar.:


Kerbin interstellar phasgate CPU:All sistems ready for kaurora build proces


Wherner:what do you think Gene my latest creation is ready! we just need the Kaurora crew there and we are Golden!

Gene:ok the crew will start arriving there on a fleet of pika 1 ones therey are asswel going to haul the infinity.

Wherner:Ok all good but one question Who is going to pilot the kaurora?

Gene:well Jebediha of course.And ryley is going to pilot the infinty

Wherener:WAIT JEBEDAIHA IS PILOTING THE KAURORA?! did you forgot what he did with my Skymoth or my Skrawn suit?

Gene:Im telling ya Whener the Skymoth was because of the weather and nothing happened to the Skrawn suit

Wherner:Yes it did it missing 1 mm of paint!

Gene:well dont worry about that now lets see how our crew goes for the KIPG

Jebediah:Ok team we are the last one to head to the kaurora will renddevouz with it and dock with it after that we go interstellar

Bill:I still dont know why im doing this but if Gene says i have to i do it!

Jeb:ok guys have one last look at the GSC.We have a long journey ahead of us......

10 days later the 170 crew members were in the Kaurora.

Kaurora CPU:All sistems are go for interstellar travel


Gene:this is Gene kerman here Kaurora you antennas will not work wile you are going interstellar so crew se ya in 10 months

Jeb:Roger that gene.Engaging dark mather reactors

bill:Dark mather reactor online

Jeb:Good morning crew of the Kaurora we are about to go interstellar so please return to your seats and get ready

Vall:Well ryley see ya around i have to go now i need to check all the non-esential sistems

Ryley:Ok vall im heading to my room bye!

K CPU:Engaging dark mater reactor in 3,2,1



and as the last glipses of the Kerbol sistem apear the crew waved goodbye at kerbin but Little did know the horrible fate that awaits for the misión....

                                                                                                                                                        to be continued


Chapter 4:unespected.


Jeb:look! teres the Yila sistem!!!!


Bob:omk we are here!

Jeb:ok im heading straight for 4546B

Meanwhile at the hangars:

Ryley:look vall teres the Yila sistem!!

Vall:wow it looks very similar tan the kerbol sistem

Ryley:what are you saying!?look it has 2 stars and tons of planets

Vall:we are just there im so exited!

Ryley:me too just a few more days......

A few days later.....


Jeb:ok here we are aproaching planet 4546 and you see that blu dot thats 4546B

Bob:that looks just like jool!

Bill:thats true but look at the distance meter we are a miilion light years from kerbin


Kaurora CPU:Detecting incoming transmisión from an unknow source

Jeb:that must be the aliens lets hear

???:do %/((((/%/$ attempt to land at $%$%B planet under/)(&(/%$%" incoming ships with /(&% %/($·"" frindly will be %//&%&$$"·1

Jeb:see that was the aliens triying to contact us

Bill something is suspicus about this

Bob:look we are reciving a call from the GSC

Gene:Hi crew how are ya doing long time no seen you will start a capture burn when you are close enght to 4546B

Jeb OK!


vall:look thats 4546B! we are almost there!

Ryley:right i better head to the simulator to practice landing i think i may pass troght the life pod bay.well Vall se you when we are in orbit



Vall:wow its complitly made of wáter....wait whats that Green dot on the Surface well it maust be some alien cities well gonna head to the hangar to have one last look at the pika infinity..

Jeb:okay get ready for the capture burn.starting engines in 3,2,1.....


Jeb:what the ***** was that

Bob:dark mater engines when boom sir

Jeb:give the alarm evacuete the Kaurora  you all need to out of here

Bob and bill:OK IM OUT OF HERE

Vall whats happening i dont like this at all

Kaurora:warning hull failire detected please reamain calm and head to the nearest life pod bay

Vall.I dont have time to go the a life pod.....wait the pika infinity I can use it to escape hopefully*gets in pika infinity*

Pika CPU:launch in 3,2,1 warning detecting dark mather reactor being unstable

vall: i made it!wait are those life pods down there?

Meanwile in lifepod 7:

Bob:*gets in life pod and launches*

Jeb:Bob,BOB! this Kaurora come in

Bob:this is bob lifepod detached ok planet fall in 20 seconds

Jeb:the computer has detected a land mass in the área i need you to recruit the crew there

Bob:understood but...

Jeb:there are you responsibilyty now dont let them down

Bob:captain you need to evacuate

Jeb:negative you will need the ship in 1 peice if you want to contact GSC im attemting a controlled decen*sounds of Kaurora exploding*

Bob:captain! captain!

sudenly the lifepods starded shaking making bob bump his head with the seat leaving him unconcius

Vall:wow the kaurora just....exploded


suddenly big piecis of debris hited the pika infinty making the craft spin out of control.......Valentina  is now unconcius.....most of the kaurora crew is dead,and with the pika infinity heading somewear random no one knowes if there will be any survivours.................................

                                                                                                                     to be continued....                 


Chapter 5 Marroned on an alien world:


Pika infinity CPU:Warning multiple hullbraeches detected!

Infinity CPU:Warning Oxxigen brache detected estimated oxigen time 1 day

Infinity CPU:warning Fuel and oxidaizer breach detected

Vall:huh.....were...im i?

Infinity CPU:Warning aproching planet SOI.



Vall:Weres the kaurora?! Oh wait....yeah it exploeded i forgot....Well Infinity run sistem check

Infinity CPU:Interstellar engines broken,Dark mather engines broken,jet engines broken,Multiple hull breaches detected,antenna broken...

Vall:welp thats good.Now were im i heading

Infinity CPU:On collision course with planet NIEBOS.

Vall:Run planet parameterts

Infinity CPU:Planet with kerbin like gravity,liquid wáter,oxigen and hidrogine atmosphere,planet suiteble for sustening kerbal life.

Vall:Ok so if i land and survive i have a good chance of having food and wáter....but are there materials to fix the ship?

Infinity CPU:Titanium,siver ore,copper ore and gold detected at the surface

Vall:good now i wait for landing....

3 HOURS LATER........

Infinity CPU:Entering planetery atmosphere


Vall:OMK this is actually getting relly hot i just hope the infinity can take it...

Infinity CPU:atmospheric reentry cleard preapering for landing


Vall:OK valentina use what you have learnd thorught the course of your carrer to get me on the ground safely

Infinity CPU:extending landing gear......


Vall:here i go all sistems normal,landing gear out,ready for landing.....


Infinity CPU:Landing confirmed retracting landing gear for safe exit.

Vall:I made it now i need to get out....

Meanwhile at the Galaxi Space Center:


Alex kerman:Ok lets contact the kaurora and see if we land at 4545B today !:D*tries to contact Kaurora but gets no response*

Alex:huh,Hey!Ronald! Are the relay antenas working correctly?

Ronald:yes they are.Why are you asking this?

Alex:I tried contcting the kaurora but i got no response:/

Ronald:Thats weird im calling Gene.......

Gene:Lets see the problem here...Did you  did everything on the manual?

Alex:yes i did sir.


Ronald:wait look we are getting a signal from the kaurora

Gene:see? you jut had to wait a bit now lets listen to the kaurora *plays signal*

Jeb:This is kaurora.We are on collision course with planet 4546B,our dark matter reactor just exploded,we are requesting rescue plan solution!

Gene:Did i Heard that right?

Alex:Did you Heard a SOS signal?then yes

Gene:call Wherner ASAP

Alex:*goes to get wherner*

Wherner:See! i told you! this always happens when jeb pilots a ship!!!.Now probably everybody is good they all got to the lifepods and they all are now being helped by the aliens

Linus kerman:*brakes into the room and starts souting*GENE! GENE THE KAURORA CANT GO TOO 4546B IS DANGEROUS WE MAY DOOM KERBAL KIND!!!!!!
Gene,Alex and Ronald:WAIT WHAT!!!???

                                                                             To be continued.............

Chapter 6:A home far away from home:


Infinity CPU:Opening hatch.....


Vall:wow niebos is like a desert how will i survive?

Valls PDA(Personal Digital Assistence):This planet has a breatheble atmosphere it is safe to take of the helmet

Valls*takes off helmet*

PDA:the soil in this world is suitible for planting,the infinity has potatoes and tomatoes on board take some and start planting

Vall:im allready feliing this is going to be very hard

Meanwhile at the GSC:

Gene:what do you mean that we can doom kerbal kind?

Wherner:and what do you think the aliens are not going to help the surviors?

Linus:they are not going to help them because the aliens that sended that probe are dead

Wherner:why do you think that?
Linus:today we found this marken at the probe.we decoeded that and it reads this:
"Planet 4546B is infected with a hightly contaminus bacteria do not aproach our species is near destruction.we do not whant the same for you"

LInus:asswel the signal that the kaurora recived before getting to 4546B reads this:

"Do not aproach planet 4546B planet under quarintine.incoming ships will be shot down"

Wherner:so my beutifful ship was shot down by a dumb alien species?

Gene:dumb?they just shot down a howle interstellar vessel.They are probably smarter tan kerbal kind!

Wherner:nah c`mon Gene you cant be serius......

Meanwhile a million light-years from home.....

Vall:ok the crops are ready,the PDA says that the soil of this planet is really good for plants and the crops are going to start producciong food tommorrow!


Vall:damn this planet is one big desert how the heck is there breathible air here?

PDA:It may be a good idea to set up a camp.The infinity has some survival gear that can help you

Vall:Hum...do you have a theorie of how is there an atmosphere with oxigen here


Vall:OK well il get the survival equipment....

Vall:lets see here how do i inflate this......oh there we go!


Vall:well it is small but i think il do until i get back home,i wonder how much time il be here....i do know that the kaurora took 10 months to come here...and it was constructed in 2 years.I need to find my OWN way home

I have to fix the Pika infinity and return to kerbin but how.....

PDA:it is recommended to always keep calm in this kind of situations.the best way to do this is to rest or meditate

Vall:yeah you are right i should probably meditate a bit.Could you play some relaxing music

PDA*starts playing relaxing music*



PDA:it apperars that in NIEBOS a day last 2 kerbin days.Your  best best chance of surviving are to always be out when the sun is out.As at night time you could frezze to dead.you should now go to sleep

Vall:ok....what a day it was I woke up in the kaurora and now go to sleep in a survival tent.I wonder if the guys at the GSC are worried about me are they planning a rescue misión?Il better wait and see......

                                                                                                                  TO BE CONTINUED

Chapter 7:All of kerbin now knows..........


Ana kerman:How is it going kerbin,welcome back to "kerbal knews" today is a very exiting day for kerbal kind beacuse the Interstellar spaceship Kaurora finnaly arrived at the yila sistem.Gene kerman the controller for the misión is going to tell us how it all whent.


Gene:Greatings kerbin.Now first of all you may be wondering Why im seatting like this well...I dont really know.This is what the engeniers gave me.Now the announcment you all have been waiting for the Kaurora has..............Failed.Yes,we Heard this news today,we failed to contact the Kaurora when it was aproaching 4546B and we doubt there will be survivors.We cant make another interstellar spaceship till we know why it failed.

Im very sorry for what has happened and we will give more information when we have some....

Ana:Hum that was unnespected hum....jezz...oh my kod...how could it hum....

the kerbal in the using the cámera:Hey Anna you do know we stoped recording right?

Ana:yes yes i was just....talking to my self ,do i leave now?

the kerbal in the using the cámara:Yes


A day later a million light-years away.


Vallentina:HUH! what.

PDA:you are dying of hunger!

Vall:oh.i better go to the crops i think they should be grown by now


Vall:WOW teres enoght food for weeks!

PDA:there is food but you forgot water


PDA:the pika infinity survival kit has wáter for a week.But you need to find a more sustaineble way to make water

Vall:damn how will i get water.Lets see...I could get wáter from fruits but there isnt a single plant in this planet,I could make a wáter still!

PDA:A wáter still is a good but slow way  of getting wáter and remember that a wáter still needs leaves to opérate.


PDA:It is sauggested to get wáter from under ground.Theres aproximatly enoght wáter underground for 100 years

Vall:Good but how will i dig down there?.Wait there are rocks here can i make a shovel with them?i can get sticks from the potatoes plant!

1 very crafty hour

Vall:there we go a makeshift shovel and a hole with wáter in it.

PDA:Congratulations you have made the basic needs for surviving on an alien world.But remember your secondary objective is to get home it is recomended to get the mobile vehicle bay from the survival kit and make a radio antenna for transmiting a SOS signal

Vall:got it!Im going to grab it!*goes to Pika infinity and grabs the MVB*Uff its heavy il place it down here


MVB:to construct the antenna you need 10 kg of titanium,2kg of copper and 1kg of gold

Vall:How am i going to find all of that!!!!!!

PDA:dig holes until  you find what you need.

Vall:well i know what im doing today.........

A lot of time later.......

Vall:OK i have all the material i need to construct this i just hope it helps me going back home

MBV:starting construction of the antenna...Antenna ready to be used


Vall:ok now i need to configuer it to send signals to kerbin....Ok done now i have to wait till a response i asswell configuerd it to be alert for anny other antennas in the sistem.Wow a howle Kerbin day has passed and its just the middle of the day in this planet.Well im going to check if i can download statues reports from other crew members i cant be the only one that made it....

PDA:starting to download data from other crew members....

                                                                                                                                                 TO BE CONTINUED.............



Chapter 8 and forward can be found at the comment seccion




-complete the storie (duh)

-improve grammar

-improve the already writen storie

-translate to other langueges




@SQUAD:For making KSP

KerbalX user:Lockatello: For the Kaurora

KerbalX user:Rocket_man1234: For the aircraft Ryley used as training at chapter 2

@Gameslinx:For the planet Niebos.be sure to check hes planet pack is awesome!

@VelocityPolaris:For some tips that are helping make the storie better

@VenFor his Part mod.

@JadeOfMaarFor the skybox used in chapter 20.(The blue one used when the infinity goes interstellar)

And everybody else that gave tips that helped to make the storie better!

I hoped you enjoy whats now writen of the story!il post three chapters per week and if you have suggestions/recommendations post below!

and sorry for the bad english im actually spanish so dont expect perfect english but i do try my best

Edited by KerbolExplorer
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Well, like you said, the english, is, well, at least it's better than youtube automatic subtitles. And your trying is appreciated. I did have a giggle at "Skanish, but backwards", though it also confused me, because I thought that meant the probe's writing was in a language native to Kerbin, not that there was an alien language that just happened to be exactly like a Kerbal language, but backwards. I am definitely overjoyed that it's 4546B, though, looking forward to seeing what planet pack you use for it. 

One thing I definitely recommend is giving some characters unique personalities. I know Valentina is the person in charge, but not much about the others, besides their names. Here's an idea, if I may: Jondun is a skeptic, but not just someone who reasonably questions crazy ideas. No, he has to believe that there has to be a normal, logical explanation, and is unwilling to admit it's aliens, even when they're literally staring them in the face. Maxble is relaxed and chill, but in an unfamiliar situation he doesn't know what to say or do, and has to be given orders. Dooduki is another kind of skeptic, who is reasonable and logical, but is disdainful of what he perceives as other people's stupidity. Rondard is a down-to-earth employee who doesn't really know what's going on, and just wants to do his job so he can go home. 

Just random ideas. Also, look forward to seeing where this is going!

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On ‎5‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 2:18 AM, VelocityPolaris said:

Well, like you said, the english, is, well, at least it's better than youtube automatic subtitles. And your trying is appreciated. I did have a giggle at "Skanish, but backwards", though it also confused me, because I thought that meant the probe's writing was in a language native to Kerbin, not that there was an alien language that just happened to be exactly like a Kerbal language, but backwards. I am definitely overjoyed that it's 4546B, though, looking forward to seeing what planet pack you use for it. 

One thing I definitely recommend is giving some characters unique personalities. I know Valentina is the person in charge, but not much about the others, besides their names. Here's an idea, if I may: Jondun is a skeptic, but not just someone who reasonably questions crazy ideas. No, he has to believe that there has to be a normal, logical explanation, and is unwilling to admit it's aliens, even when they're literally staring them in the face. Maxble is relaxed and chill, but in an unfamiliar situation he doesn't know what to say or do, and has to be given orders. Dooduki is another kind of skeptic, who is reasonable and logical, but is disdainful of what he perceives as other people's stupidity. Rondard is a down-to-earth employee who doesn't really know what's going on, and just wants to do his job so he can go home. 

Just random ideas. Also, look forward to seeing where this is going!

Thanks for the recommendations next chapter im going to add more personality. I asswell think I'm going to use gameslinx planet pack but I still need to find a ocean planet:/. I may use laythe but I need to do something with Jool maybe I photoshop it to be red like 4546b moons 

EDIT:About the alien lenguage being the same that the kerbals lenguage.The reason will be revealed soon.......


Edited by KerbolExplorer
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4 hours ago, KerbolExplorer said:

Thanks for the recommendations next chapter im going to add more personality. I asswell think I'm going to use gameslinx planet pack but I still need to find a ocean planet:/. I may use laythe but I need to do something with Jool maybe I photoshop it to be red like 4546b moons 


If that doesn't work out, I recommended Fust from the extrasolar mod, it's an ocean planet with a few somewhat green islands dotting the surface.

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Hey guys

Chapter 2 Is OUT this chapter explains a Little more the side story of a million light-years from home.And next chapter that will be posted tommorow or sunday will finaly have place in space!

I asswell decided to use gameslinx planet pack to represent the Yila sistem.One thing i need to note the Kaurora and the ship at the final screenshots were not made by me il add credit when i finish writing the novel

Well hope you enjoy and if you have any ideas,recomendations or crafts that you want to see at the novel just post em below!:)

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How is going guys I posted chapter 5 and 6 today

In chapter 5:valentina wakes up after being knocked off.And now she finds here self  Spaceaway(is the same as castaway but in space) in an alien planet a million light-years from kerbin!

In chapter 6:she starts preparing herself for the long time she is going to be there

P.S.Yes i know the crops are horrible but is the best i could done,there arent planter mods for ksp you know

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5 hours ago, SiriusRocketry said:

Hey @KerbolExplorer

I like your story, is it based on the game Subnautica?

Also, would you like me to correct your English. I won't touch your story- just the spelling, grammar, puntunctation etc. If I'm being rude, I didn't mean it, so sorry in advance!

I`m glad you enjoyed.Yes the storie a Little based on Subnautica(i was about to call the galaxi space center Kalterra:mellow:)

And don`t worry about the grammar and spelling I want to correct and realize what i did wrong or il never learn:/

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As already mentioned, the English is somewhat lacking. However, you're doing great, you can do English waaaaaay better than I can do Spanish. No hablo mucho Español. I've been told that English is very challenging to learn, and you're doing very well so far.

Now those are some nice looking ships!

A piece of advice - don't put every single part in the first post, put them in comments. Back during the early days of one of my mission reports, I put the first 6 parts in the OP and every time I needed to edit it (thread title and stuff) it took a minute or two to stop lagging.


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TA bit of criticism, if I may. I love the images, I love the great lengths you've gone to do everything in game - the Kaurora is especially amazing. Obviously, the grammar is a big issue, but obviously, that's completely justified. My first issue is a minor one, namely that there were a hundred-something passengers mentioned to be on the Kaurora, but we hardly hear a peep out of 'em, then they're implied to be dead without much acknowledgement from the main characters. The society for the protection of nameless extras, redshirts and mooks objects strongly, but that's just a personal pet peeve, it's not much of an actual problem with the story. Still, I think we should have a moment of silence to remember those probably-dead passengers.


Ok, moment of silence is over, now for my actual concern. Namely, that it feels just a bit too derivative of Subnautica. Obviously, it's based on subnautica, that's fine and all, but the plot seems to follow the exact story of the game a bit too much, and that, in my opinion, is kinda boring, but that's just one person's opinion and I'm sure that it has it's merits and all and sorry.

Another bit of this "story derivative of subnautica" is Val being trapped on an alien planet. For the most part, we're seeing her do the sort of grinding that good ol' Non-essential Maintenance Chief Ryley Robinson did in-game. There's nothing wrong with that by itself, but in my arrogant opinion (and it is a very arrogant opinion), we're just seeing her do the sort of mindless "craft stuff" slog that you would do in the video game, instead of seeing what she thinks of every aspect of what's going on. You know, screaming "WHYYYY" to the stars, punching the water filter when it doesn't work, creating an imaginary friend or talking to oneself, naming different items after fellow passengers, that sorta stuff. Character things.


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2 hours ago, VelocityPolaris said:

TA bit of criticism, if I may. I love the images, I love the great lengths you've gone to do everything in game - the Kaurora is especially amazing. Obviously, the grammar is a big issue, but obviously, that's completely justified. My first issue is a minor one, namely that there were a hundred-something passengers mentioned to be on the Kaurora, but we hardly hear a peep out of 'em, then they're implied to be dead without much acknowledgement from the main characters. The society for the protection of nameless extras, redshirts and mooks objects strongly, but that's just a personal pet peeve, it's not much of an actual problem with the story. Still, I think we should have a moment of silence to remember those probably-dead passengers.


Ok, moment of silence is over, now for my actual concern. Namely, that it feels just a bit too derivative of Subnautica. Obviously, it's based on subnautica, that's fine and all, but the plot seems to follow the exact story of the game a bit too much, and that, in my opinion, is kinda boring, but that's just one person's opinion and I'm sure that it has it's merits and all and sorry.

Another bit of this "story derivative of subnautica" is Val being trapped on an alien planet. For the most part, we're seeing her do the sort of grinding that good ol' Non-essential Maintenance Chief Ryley Robinson did in-game. There's nothing wrong with that by itself, but in my arrogant opinion (and it is a very arrogant opinion), we're just seeing her do the sort of mindless "craft stuff" slog that you would do in the video game, instead of seeing what she thinks of every aspect of what's going on. You know, screaming "WHYYYY" to the stars, punching the water filter when it doesn't work, creating an imaginary friend or talking to oneself, naming different items after fellow passengers, that sorta stuff. Character things.


About the crew members of the kaurora:


In a part of the story a wreckage from the kaurora is going to Crash on Niebos.in the wreck there's going to be some data about the other crew members

The story dedicated from subnautica is planned to stop at the destruction of the kaurora.

About the grinding hum.... I'll stop 

But I am planning an imaginary friend

Maybe called Kwilson?

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Hey guys! chapter 8 is out.I changed the format on how il post chapters do to a recommendation that @Ultimate Stevemade

Here it is!

Chapter 8:the challenges of survival..


Linus:hey gene why didn't you told the truth about the Kaurora?why didn't you tell it was shot down?

Gene:Tell them that an interstellar war could be starting!?Look we are only going to say it was a pilot failure ok?

Linus:Well if you say so

Gene:well I need to head to the meting now.We have to decide to search for survivors or not.

Meanwhile on Niebos...

PDA:statues reports downloaded

Vall:good.can you say them?

PDA:Jebedaiha kerman Pilot of the kaurora:K.I.A , Bill kerman communications chief:K.I.A , Bob kerman Second officer M.I.A , Ryley kerman Pilot of pika infinity:M.I.A , Valentina kerman:Non essential sistema chief:M.I.A .......

a lot of K.I.A`s later

Vall:so in conclusión Bob,Ryley and me are the only survivors of the kaurora


Vall:And i thoght this couldn't get better.


Vall:damn and im possibly the only one at Niebos.I shouldn't have use the infinity to get out of the kaurora.I shouldent have gotten inside the kaurora,I should have listen to Duduki he was right,this was going to fail from the begging..

PDA:IT is recommended to build a...

Vall:COULD YOU SHUT UP!!!!I want to be alone now

PDA:But theres a storm coming


PDA:and the tent isn't going to survive

Vall:nice any more good news?

PDA:Look.The only thing you are doing is crying of what you should have done and what not have done.Those are the challenges of survival.Challenges that every kerbal has forgoten about.You are actually really lucky to live them and they have a reward to.Back on kerbin you have to pay to have food,water and a house but here,When you set up a working base.Life is better than in kerbin.So get up,you have a base to build!

Vall:well if you say so but how do i build a base?

PDA:Get digging for titanium and get the magical building gun that there is on the survival kit

Vall:This thing?


Vall:ok time to build the best base ever!!!

3 hours later......

Vall:the base its finaly on operation


PDA:Having a bigger living área is good to help keep  psychological health.treat this space as your home but never forget it is not

Vall:Well id better move some food in to survive the storm i dont know how much time its going to last

PDA:bring aswell the survival tent.it can be usefull for exploring the planet


30 minutes later

Vall:well time to get inside the base i hope il survive

PDA:its made of titanium so i don't think il get destroyed with rain

Vall:WAIT rain is wáter so i could collect it but.....I dont have nothing to collect it with.well is getting dark and its cold to.damn im so tired.Well i have been awake for 2 days now.Il  head inside the base know

Meanwhile at kerbin....


Gene:so lets se at one side we can rescue the survivors but we have the gun that will shot down the rescue ship

Rondard:we could contact the kaurora survivors and tell them to disable the gun

Wherner:and have a deadly bacteria come to kerbin?! we should leave the survivors at their own luck.

Maxble:thats really cruel wherner

Wherner:But that is the truth,What do you prefer?Having the survivors on 4546B and you here living happily or to bring back the survivors with an alien bacteria and kill all of kerbal kind.plus it appears that there's only 2 survivors

Gene:Only 2

Duduki:pff  I told every body on kerbin the kaurora was going to fail and look at what happened.

Gene:yeah but you were wrong about the  alien creatures

Duduki:Im actually right beacuse the aliens are dead

Maxble:i think we should call the meating here.Before this situation gets more tense

Gene:yeah i dont whant to be near this kerbal again in my life.....

                                                                                                                To be continued........

Hope you enjoyed!!:D

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Hey guys...

                                                       CHAPTER 9 IS OUT!!!

Here it is :

Chapter 9:The Virus


Gene:Ok,let the second part of the meting beggin.We need to se what our plan for the survivors is.

Wherner:ok heres a plan FORGET ABOUT THIS

Maxble:uff here we go again...Look wherner we dont even know were those 2 survivors are.They may not even be at 4546B

Wherner:Does lifepods are designed to go down not to another planet.They dont even have fuel

Jonfred:But what if someone took the Pika infinity to escape

Wherner:pff are you crazy???No one would have done that

Jonfred:well it appears someone did.Our antennas at the KETI base has located a signal coming from a location nearby  another planet of the Yila sistem.That signal could have been sent by the infinity

Gene:Can the does the infinity have an antenna powerfull enought to contact kerbin?

Wherner:Yes it has.We designed the infinity to be used aswell as a survival vessel just in case something bad happend,like if it crash land.It is asswell programed that if it cant dettect the kaurora to send an automatic distress signal.

Sidney kerman:hey Gene


Sidney:Duduki is currently on the news and hes talking about the kaurora

Gene:WAIT WHAT?Does he know the truth?

Wherner:yes,yes he does he was at the meeting yesterday remember?

Gene:This guy is capable of saying what really happend to the kaurora.Wherner shut down the satélites of the news station before he says something that can ruin it all

Wherner:copy that.

Maxble:Hum do we conti-

Gene:will have to stop the metting for now.Maxble,Jonfred come back tomorrow

Maxble and Jonfred:Ok Gene.

Later that day..


Maxble:I still cant understand why does all of this has to be a secret

Jonfred:Me neither and theres probably a lot more to see

Maxble:with the Kolumbia It all was told as soon as they knew but this,this probably going to take years to go to the public

Jofred:they are probably scared of what was found on that probe..

Maxble.What the ion cristal?

Jonfred:You dont know?They are currently investigating that at one of those Skorpion 7 facilitys

Maxble:THE WHAT??

Jonfred:the virus wherner was talking about is on kerbin


Jonfred:Dont say it out.what do you whant , all of kerbal kind to know this?And dont worry that virus is as far as posible from kerbal kind.Is at an island isolated from the rest of the world.Cientist say that it cant even survive at water

Maxble:And do we know what the virus does?

Jonfred:Lets stop talking about this here.Come to my house later and we can continue talking

Maxble:Ok meet you later

Meanwhile...somewere at kerbin....

Skorpion-7 main base:


Cientist 1:Do you have the krat i told you to bring?

Cientinst 2:yes,why do you need it?

Cientist 1:We need it for testing,we need to see if this virus is lethal for kerbal kind

Cientist 2:but a krat is different from kerbal

Cientist 1:Yes but its defend sistem is very similar than the one of a kerbal.Now inject this on the krat.it has the virus,if it the krat dies its lethal to us , if it lives we are safe.

Cientist 2:*injects virus to the krat*

Cientist1:the animal seems okay doesnt it?

Cientist 2:yes yes it seems but we should wait some days before we can confirm if its safe or not

Cientist 1:Ok were do i put the krat for investigation

Cientist 2:leave it at the cage for now

Cientist 1:Ok

A while later at the KETI base


Kevin kerman:Lets see if we can find a true alien signal.*powers up antennas*Oh right away a signal!.Lets see coming from... a million light-years away.kerbin-like planet.lets see what the de-coding does.

A while later....

Kevin:MULCH!!! It cant de-code it!!And this one looked important.A kerbin-like planet.Does it have life?Can it be a kaurora survivor?This looks very important do i need to tell this to somebody? Lets see.What the signal that was sent was:



Kevin:Now thats a signal alright and it even looks small.UFF im going to have to ask the chief if this is even worth spending time at.

                                                                                                      TO BE CONTINUED........


I hope you all enjoyed that chaper and more is to come.And dont worry,In the next chaper more will be Heard of valentina


P.S.If someone is interested in decoding the signal.it can be decoded(i havent presed random keys for this one)Its input chartset is UTF_8.I recommend doing it at this page as its were i encoded it at.

Edited by KerbolExplorer
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Hey guys we fanaly made it to.....

                           CHAPTER 10 IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we made it to 2 digits,but dont worry the story is not even close to ending.

oh and by the way this is posibly the longest chapter that i made

And now with no more delay let chapter 10 start!

Chapter 10:The wreck


PDA:Warning detecting storm aproaching the camp

Vall:Ok il go to sleep while the storm passes by,but first im drinking some wáter*Drinks wáter*Wait this wáter is salt,is all the wáter on Niebos salt?!

PDA:it looks so

Vall:Oh now what do i do now

PDA:The survival kit has wáter for 10 days,after the storm passes you can make a wáter purificator


1 Niebos night later

PDA:wake up....WAKE UP!!!!!

Vall:uh what morning already

PDA:Yup,time to make that purificator

Vall:5 more minuits....



1 hour later

Vall:theres the purificator


PDA:the heat from the fire should make the wáter evaporate,making the salt dissapear

Vall:fantastic!...wait whats that in the sky?


Vall:Are those asteroids?

PDA:Detecting Kerbal technology on those lights

Vall:Could that be Kaurora debris?I have to get to it they might be suplies!!

PDA:Calculatin trayectorie of debris............Impact site is 270 degres at 70 km

Vall:Wait 70 kilometers?thats too far away...

PDA:you could make a rover...

Vall:I can do that?

PDA:yes you can get building it!!

Vall:Ok.I know what im doing today

2 hours later


Vall:ok rover ready now to the wreck.Its going to take 1 kerbin day so il be back by night.

PDA:It is recommended to bring the space suit in case of radiation leaks from the wreck

Vall:OK time to get driving

1 kerbin day later.............

PDA warning detecting high levels of radiation

Vall:uff good thing i brough the space suit it should protect me from radiationfZ0zdqd.png

PDA:It is confirmed that this is interior wreckege of the kaurora.Structural integrety of the wreck is low exploration is ill-adviced

Vall:dont care im exploring this


Vall:I think these are some crew cuarters.I need to find a way in....ah nice heres a Little ramp


Vall:good im in!


Vall:wait..Whats this room?Huh is that a PDA....It must be from another crew member,it has a recording,*presses play botton*

Crew record:week 10 since we left kerbin...the officer chief told us that a Kafia group is in the kaurora.Our orders are too search for them and arrest them.It apperars that they are armed.Tommorrow well begging searching for them.We need to find them no one knows what they are up to but wathever it is im sure its bad...

Vall:Wait a kafia group was inside the kaurora?Could they have caused the accident?I dont know.Il better keep exploring....


Vall:what are this panels are they a plan to search for the group?They appear to be digital and broken..so il probably never know.Is there something more in this wreck?il get out of this section and explore the others


Vall:oh i know wich part this is this is the simulator!But how did it survive the impact....

PDA:it appears that the simulator was protected from another piece of the kaurora,sadly that component may have been destroyed among impact.

Vall:well theres no stoping me from entering the simulator now,I hope it still Works....nah it doesnt work,the glass is broken and most instruments are broken asswell.huh wait theres a PDA here,THIS IS RYLEY`s PDA!!!!!!oh so he has forgoten it here huh.well......lets see if theres something interesting in it.....Oh theres a log here...its from the day of the crash .Lets see what it says

Ryley`s log:I admit it . im in love with valentina.I felt like this since the day we have met.I´m going to ask her to go out once i come back from landing at 4546B.The thing is that i feel that thats not going to happen.I have the felling that something bad is going to happen.Well im its just my imagination.Wherner has designed the craft so nothing is going to happen.And if we crash im sure the aliens are going to help us go back home so...there isnt going to be any problems.

Vall:Ryley.......I hope you survived.....I hope we meet again.I hope the aliens are helping you.....

PDA:It appears that that was all there is for the kaurora wreck.Scavenge some resources from the wreck and head to the rover to head home


2 heavy hours of collecting materials later.....

Vall:ok time to head back to camp




                                                         TO BE CONTINUED..............

                                      Hope you enjoyed!! and se ya next weak!!

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Hey guys!

         CHAPTER 11 IS OUT!

P.S.You might notice that the keti base is in a different layout,this is beacuse kerbal konstructs auto deleted it.I dont know why:/

Here it is:

Chapter 11:A signal and the start of an adventure to the north



Ronard kerman:So what is this big thing you were talking about?

Ken kerman:Yes here this.Yestarday while i was searching for some signals i found this:


Ken:I dont know what it means,the computers said it came from a kerbin-like planet at one million light-years from here.I suspect it could be coming from the Yila sistem

Ronard:Did the computers de-coded the signal?

Ken:No it looks like its written in a lenguage that the computers cant read

Ronard:Do we know were is the signal coming from?

Ken:No our antenas can only detect signals and give a Little of info of were its coming from

Ronard:Record that signal on a disk.Then place it in a hight secure box and load it on a plane heading to the GSC.I think they can de-coded

Ken:Cant we just relay it to the GSC?

Ronard:And have a chance that hakers can intercept the signal?

Ken:True we cant risk it.But i think the plane needs to go at night time

Ronard:Ok,the plane needs to be ready by dusk,we need the guys at the GSC to know about this as soon as posible.

Meanwhile at the Skorpion-7 main base:

Scientist 1:Hey!come here fast!


Sientist 2:Whats the problem?

Sc1:The krat that`s infected,it has this Green cysts over its body,

Sc2:This is new,It it...IT STOPED BREATHING!!!!

Sc1:DID IT DIE????!!!!

Sc2:Oh kod oh kod oh kod.This is bad, very bad.Get the infected in the resarch capsule.FAST!!

Sc1:on it.


Sc3:hum ok!

Sc2:I cant belive it,it killed the krat in 2 days

Chief:Im here whats the problem?

Sc2:The virus sir.Its lethal.

Chief:You cant be serius.In that case we need to send that virus to a safer research lab.

Sc2:do we send it to the SK4?


Sc2:Ok the krat is the only thing with the virus right?


Sc2:Load it in the jet we are sending it to the Sk4.

Sc3:Do i call the pilots?

Chief:Yes.Call the best ones we have.

Meanwhile a million light-years away.......



Vall:well another day at Niebos.What day is this?

PDA:It has been 10 kerbin Days since you landed at Niebos

Vall:And still nothing.Im still stranded at Niebos with no way to fix the infinity...Hey why is the flashing?

PDA:Detecting a signal

Vall:omk is it a rescue ship?!


Vall:Huh? coming from Niebos?WAIT IS THIS ANOTHER SURVIVOR?Wait is coming from the north pole.What is this?

PDA:Unknow language atempting translation...............Reproducing signal.......Warning only 40% could be traduce.......

"D%&$&(/(Research Facility location:NÇ?¿=(/ pole,Facility objective:Research alien v(¿*^¨¨*^^ found at N**//os.Do n'¿?¿?? a??¿=))(()=? BIO'¡'¡0'9?¿=)?¿?"

Vall:An alien facility up north?Should i go there?There might be aliens there.They can help me return back to kerbin!!.I have to try going there.I need to find a way to have food for the trip,and water.Well time to get planning.

Meanwhile back at kerbin.....

Skorpion-7 Plane,Mission[classified]


Mermor:Ok here we are at mid flight over the Kemerica continent

Elican:Good,we are 2 hours away from SK4

Mermor:OK guys remember,we need to stay clear from any other airspace different than the skorpion-7 airspaces

samding:Ok commander

Elican:now im going to contact the next airspace we have ah-

*sound of engine exploding*


Samding:What was that!?

Mermor:Engine one ofline and on fire

Elican:How is engine number 2?

Mermor:Offline but not on fire

Samding:We have to land,fast!,Theres an airport coming up just 5 km from here

Elican:we cant land a skorpion-7 plane on an international airport.And did you forget we have a lethal virus on board?

Mermor:But if we explode in the air,we wont only die but the virus will be spread all over kerbin.

Elican:Wait theres a skorpion-7 base up ahead,100km from here,I think we can make it

Samding:I guess its our only choice.Hope the plane can make it,if not kerbal kind is in some serius trouble....

                                                                               TO BE CONTINUED.............


I hope you enjoyed this chapter.and sorry for the cliffhanger i just had to put it there.

By the way im not confirming anything but i have been working this week on something i know you all are going to like a lot.....So with the making historie expansión i have started transforming AMLYFH into a misión pack!.I only have the base structure of chapter 1.But i think i will have something prommising by the start of july or maybe earlyer.

Well se ya tommorow!

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Hey guys!

                                                          CHAPTER 12 is out!

Here it is:

Chapter 12:Outbrake.


Elican:ok we are 80km from the base how is the engine doing

Mermor:Still on fire.

Samding:Do i contact SK-2?

Elican:Yes tell them to get ready to recibe a flaming plane and a deadly virus

Samding:Are you being sarcastic?

Elican:No thats literaly what you have to say over the radio

Samding:This is the SkP1 we have an engine failure and we have flames coming from one of our engines,we request emergency landing.

Sk-2 controller:Cleared for landing at any runway,emergency team has already been notified.

Samding:Ok we are 80 kilo-

*Sounds of explosions*


Elican:what was that sound

Mermor:Engine number 1 flew off.

Sameding:Hey Elican , dont you smell something odd

Mermor:Let me have a look at the back of the plane*gets out of the seat and looks and exits the cockpit, later comes back*

Elican:Whats the problem mermor

Mermor:Were is the fire extinguisher.

Sameding:Are we on fire?!

Mermor:Yes.The engine appears to have hit the back of the plane and-

*sounds of metal breaking*

Elican:MULCH!! the wing is braking.Im going to land here

Sameding:In middle of the mountains?!

Elican:if you prefer crashing,burning and dying,be my guest

Sameding:Well ok try getting us down in 1 piece ple-



Elican:Grab the chutes everybody BAIL OUT!!!

Sameding:Ok,Here Mermor have this chute im going to open the door.

Mermor:Ok thanks.Elican you coming?

Elican:Yes.Lets go I think Sameding just left.


Elican:there goes the plane...WAIT wasnt the virus in that plane..o kod please no.What have i done.

Meanwhile at SK-4


Resarch station chief:Im telling you boss the plane didn`t arrive.

Skorpion-7 co-director:A plane carring a hightly dangerous virus was sended to your base for invetigation 5 hours ago.

RSC:Yes i know but it hasnt arrived.wait i got a message from SK-2 its says.....o kod


RSC:The plane crashed


RSC:luckly It crashed very far from civilazation.And the pilots survived

Sk7Co-director:Good,Tell them to quarentine the área,It doesnt matter how far it crashed but im sure more tan one curius will show up at the crash in no time.

RSC:Ok i sended the message but...What do we do know

SK7-Co-director:They will set up a small outpost there.And will investigate the virus,they will probably find a cure soon


2 hours later at the GSC administration building


Gene:Ok I dont think nothing else can cancel the meating now.First of all sorry for not coming the other day,I had an interview with a news paper

Duduki:No problem Gene.

Jonfred:So the guys at KETI sended a plane with a signal recorded in a disk.They said they couldnt de-coaded so they sended it here to see if our scientist could de-coaded and they could.Brace Gene for the Ultimate proof that there is at least one kaurora survivor confirmed.


This is Valentina kerman.Im stranded at a planet named Niebos i am requesting inmidiet assistance.The coardinates of my location are with the signal.Valentina out.

Wherner:thats good but are we going to send a rescue ship on an interstellar trip to rescue 1 kerbal?And theres no telling if Valentina died after she sent the signal.I have an idea.Lets send a data package to the same antenna that sended this distress call.In that package  theres going to be blueprints for a prototipe engine capable of getting Val back to kerbin.

Jonfred:Good but How is she going to build it?

Wherner:With a fabricator offcourse.For the resources...The fabricator is designed in a way to use materials that she can find in the Yila sistem

Gene:That looks good.I think is the only way to do this.

Maxble:by the way Gene when are we going to tell what happend with the Kaurora?

Gene:Never.This has to remain a secret

Maxble:But why?

Gene:Theres a fair chance that all kerbal kind is going to think that an interstelar war is about to start.We dont whant that to happen.

Maxble:Is that true or are you just afraid beacuse of the virus

Wherner:How do you know that!Thats top secret , the only one that knows that appart from me , Gene and Skorpion-7 is......Jonfred!Did you tell her about the virus


Gene:We told you to not say this to anybody!

Jonfred:im sorry

Gene:More sorry am i because you are FIRED!

Jonfred:Wait Gene no please!

Wherner:C`mon Dind`t you Heard Gene,get out of the building

Jonfred:Oh you guys are going to pay for this one day!!!*Gets up angryli looks at Maxble with a fulminating look.And goes away*

Maxble:No Gene dont do this!

Gene:OK so its decided whats going to be done about the kaurora survivors.Meting closed!

Meanwhile at Niebos.....

Val:Ok everything ready to leave.Lets se set auto drive to go straight to the north.Lets see what this trip goes.Lets see il be at the north pole of Niebos in 7 days.


                                                                                                 TO BE CONTINUED...................

                              I hope you enjoyed chapter 12!.More will come next week.

Now going back to the misión pack im working on.Im thinking of realising  it with 5 missions.Later as the storie progresses and with your feedback i will be making more.But i have been thinking   to start posting the first mission soon as some short of "open beta" to  get feedback as soon as posible.Let me know if you think i should post the first mission in some sort of "open beta"or to just keep making the missions and realising them later on.Either way the mission pack is going to be made!.Im thinking of relasing it early July,If we realese it in "open beta"It willcome out pobrably this wednesday.

But for know se ya next week!

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Hey guys!..

                              CHAPTER 13 IS OUT!

Here it is:

Chapter 13:A million miles to the north......


Vall:Ok everything looks ok so far.


PDA:well you did just leave camp....

Vall:How much time will it be untill we get to the north pole?

PDA:About 1 week.A.K.A:3 and a half Niebos days

Vall:I hope this is worth it......Wow Niebos really is one big desert world.

PDA:Could you stop the rover for a second and get out to take a soil sample to analyze?

Vall:Hum ok


Vall:Is there something on the soil  of this planet?

PDA:Detecting unundentified materials on the Surface.Further reasearch requaired.

Vall:Well thats expected we are on an alien world.Far,far away from kerbin.....My home......The vast landscape that kerbin has.......Are all alien worlds like this? One big desert.If its like this...There may not be alien life......Whats the point in exploring the universe if all planets are the same?

PDA:Hey you just cant come too one planet and say all planets are the same.Are all planets the same on the Kerbol sistem?.Your theorie is saying that all planets on the Kerbol sistem will just be a desert!

Vall:Ok now im going back to the rover and keep drivingiM0WsuQ.png

PDA:Data from soil analyzed...results are......The soil of this alien world appears to have some organic matter.This theorie suggest that Niebos was a planet that was populated by alien creatures and possibly plant life.This life was completly destroyed by an unknow event.The possibility that plant life lived at Niebos could be the reason of why teres a breatheble atmosphere at Niebos

Vall:Interesting.I wonder if a will find something at the north pole......

2 Niebos days later.....


Vall:ok the position of the rings tell me that we are close to the pole...

MgC26fE.pngVall:well looks like theres an ocean from here to the pole...or is the pole under wáter???!!!

PDA:Thats imposible because during decent to this planet we did see an ice cap.The problema is thats theres an ocean between us and the ice cap.

Vall;And its freezing here...

PDA:the best thing you can do is to make a boat that can carry the rover and you to the ice cap.You need to grab the AEPS(All Envioremnt Protection Suit)to survive the freezing weather of the north pole.

Vall:Roger that!.

2 days earlyer at the GSC....


Maxble:wait Jonfred....im sorry for getting you fired...

Jonfred:its not your fault Maxble.Its mine I souldnt have told you about that virus....But hear this....Meet me at midnight here


Jonfred:Wherner is not going to send that signal.He is afraid of a kaurora survivor coming back and telling what really happend.WHE ARE GOING TO SEND THE SIGNAL OUR SELFS!

Maxble:Ok il meet you at midnight....

Meanwhile.....Somewear at kerbin...


Elican:Ok is everybody ok ?



Elican:Good beacuse we have one BIG problem


Elican:The virus is probalby out in this terrain.

Samding:Oh kod...

Mermor:Hey look! theres a Scorpion-7 truck coming here!

Scientist 1:Ok here we are at the crash site.Do you have the suit on?

Scientist 2:Yes

Sc1:Ok i see some survivors.You will take a blood test to see if they  got infected and i am going to scout the site

Sc2:Roger that!

Sc1:Ok guys im glad you all have survived that crash now for safety mesaures we are going to take a blood test to see if you are infected


Sc2:*makes blood test to every kerbal*.......Call another car we have to send them to the lab.......They are infected.

                                                                                              TO BE CONTINUED

So i hope you enjoyed chapter 13.

Now regarding the misión pack...I have decided to launch the misión pack in BETA.I was going to post it last wednesday but I had some problems testing the misión.BUT if all goes right i should realese the misión at 6:00pm(canary islands time)But if i find more problems with the mission i will realise it another day.I really whant to post the first mission on a playable state.

well for now see ya later!

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