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ModuleProceduralFairing problems [Solved]

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I'm trying to make a new fairing part and have run into two problems:

  1. What do I do to make the shell in the thumbnail not show up when the part is placed? - sort opposite of the engine fairing. To elaborate – the stock fairings have a bright white default shell in addition to the fairing base in the editor thumbnail but when the part is added to a ship the default shell is not displayed – only the procedural shell. Found the Icon_Only tag - Part doesn't compile when I use it but I'm thinking this has to be it.

  2. ModuleProceduralFairing has a Public attribute “fairingNode” that looks like a good candidate for positioning the procedural fairing. So I made a part with a shellTransform positioned appropriately and sure enough – everything worked. Then, just to make sure I understood what was going on, I moved the shellTransform 1 meter to the left. When I got it in game there was a node 1 meter to the left as expected – but the procedural fairing still appeared in the original spot. I did have a top stack node at this point so I removed it – but the fairing still appears in the original spot??? I must be missing something because there should be nothing to tell KSP where to put the fairing.

Any help with either of these two issues is appreciated.

Edit: The config file:

name = Template.Fairing

module = Part
author = YourNameHere

	model = Templates/Parts/Fairing/Fairing
scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1

     name = BottomNode
     transform = StackBottom
     size = 1
     method = FIXED_JOINT

     name = Shell
     transform = shellTransform
     size = 1
     method = FIXED_JOINT

fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, deploy
sound_vent_large = deploy
TechRequired = start
entryCost = 1000
cost = 100
category = Payload
subcategory = 0
title = Template fairing
manufacturer = Kracken Snack Industries NLC
description = Fairing Template
attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
mass = 0.05
thermalMassModifier = 2.0
skinMassPerArea = 4.0
skinInternalConductionMult = 0.25
emissiveConstant = 0.8
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 10
maxTemp = 2600
fuelCrossFeed = True
stageOffset = 1
childStageOffset = 1
inverseStageCarryover = false
bulkheadProfiles = size1
tags = aero )cap cargo cone contain drag fairing hollow inter nose payload protect rocket shroud stage (stor transport

	name = ModuleProceduralFairing
	nSides = 32
	nArcs = 2				// Default number of sides in editor
	nCollidersPerXSection = 8
	TextureURL = KSI/Template/Parts/Template_UV
	panelGrouping = 3
	pivot = 0,0.17,0
	axis = 0,1,0
	baseRadius = 0.625
	maxRadius = 2
	capRadius = 0.2
	snapThreshold = 0.1
	xSectionHeightMin = 0.1
	xSectionHeightMax = 3
	edgeSlide = 0.15
	edgeWarp = 0
	noseTip = 0.7
	UnitAreaMass = 0.01
	UnitAreaCost = 6			// cost/sqr unit of paneling
	stagingToggleEnabledEditor = True
	stagingToggleEnabledFlight = False
	stagingEnableText = Fairing Not Staged
	stagingDisableText = Fairing Staged

	fairingNode = Shell



Edited by wasml
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  • 4 weeks later...

Update: the "pivot" config parameter adjusts the position where the fairing starts while "fairingNode" appears to be required but has no obvious effect. Meanwhile I found the Icon_Only tag on the stock fairings as suspected but whenever I include the tag anywhere in my model it fails to show in game - with the following error in the log:

[LOG 11:24:52.080] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Templates/Parts/Fairing/Fairing/Template.Fairing'
[ERR 11:24:52.090] PartLoader: Encountered exception during compilation. UnityEngine.UnityException: Transform child out of bounds
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Transform:GetChild (int)
  at PartLoader.StripTaggedTransforms (UnityEngine.Transform root, System.String tag) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader.StripTaggedTransforms (UnityEngine.Transform root, System.String tag) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader.StripTaggedTransforms (UnityEngine.Transform root, System.String tag) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader.StripTaggedTransforms (UnityEngine.Transform root, System.String tag) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader+<CompileParts>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

[ERR 11:24:52.090] PartCompiler: Cannot compile part

Simply removing the tag and rewriting the .mu file corrects the problem - the part shows up in game.

I'm using Unity 2017.1.3 and removed part tools and reinstalled PartTools_AssetBundles_14x.unitypackage just to make sure I wasn't using the old part tools.

Imported a stock fairing and my fairing in Blender and toggled between them while watching the tags in the property window to make sure there wasn't a capitalization or underscore problem - didn't see any difference.

Does anyone know of any gotcha's or have any other ideas that I might try?

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What does the hierarchy of your part look like? Based on the stacktrace and name, I'd bet there's a bug in StrippedTaggedTransforms. Try making sure whatever element is tagged with Icon_Only is the very last child of its parent, wherever the tag appears

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@xEvilReeperx You got it! I had an Icon transform with the Icon_Only tag holding the meshes I didn't want to appear outside of the thumbnail followed by the stack nodes - I removed the stack nodes in blender and re-added higher up in Unity and it works as advertised now. Thanks!

Edited by wasml
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