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Uranium Storage


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Ive been playing the game a few days now and im enjoying it. Got into the mining to farm money. One of the mods i got allows me to convert ore into uranium, which has a much better payout per delivery, Ore just wasent cutting it. The issue is storing that uranium. I have 2 containers that can store it. 1 is the centrifuge that converts it. and 1 thats already full of it. I really dont want to make a ship out of centrifuges so is there another mod out there that will allow me to store the uranium? 

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If I remember, there's no mod with tanks that can store "uranium" resources. The closest that the mod community ever had is "blutonium", "uraninite" and "enriched uranium".

But you can try USI/ MKS, they might have something since the resource chain of that mod is very complex. I played with that mod long time ago, but I kinda forget the resources. They do have something about nuclear fuel operations

If you want to farm for cash using mods, "the gold standard" is a very good mod for gathering money. It has 2 resources: gold and unobtainium, both cannot be found on kerbin. Gold can be found on almost every other celestial body with solid ground, and can be mined, smelter and shipped home for a large sum of cash, but the unobtainium is the most expensive, challenging and trickiest to find

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On 6/19/2018 at 11:45 PM, Progeekzy said:

Got into the mining to farm money. One of the mods i got allows me to convert ore into uranium, which has a much better payout per delivery, Ore just wasent cutting it.

Ore is effectively the bulk top soil and rock of every planet. This reveals how short in value it actually is.

On 6/20/2018 at 1:59 AM, ARS said:

But you can try USI/ MKS, they might have something since the resource chain of that mod is very complex.

Not MKS itself but USI Core which contains the USI reactor pack and the storage crates which hold all resources used by USI. These include Uraninite (the Uranium ore) and EnrichedUranium but exclude Blutonium.

MKS would be needed to drill up Uraninite directly and convert from it (probably more efficiently) versus converting Ore.

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