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All Clamp-O-Trons explode

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I haven't played KSP for a while and waited since the release of 1.4 for the modders to catch up.

So I'm playing a new career since last week and I'm now to the point to build my first station, but I can't, since EVERY clamp-o-tron (even the stock ones) explode when I'm trying to dock. the relative speed doesn't matter, the positon on my station (two docking ports right now) doesn't matter and so on.

I actually have the feeling that the problem is even bigger and it doesn't matter at all what part is touching another part, as long as two ships touch each other (wouldn't call it a collison), but I'm not sure about this. It seems like it's totally random which of the two vessels explode, sometimes both do.

I know there was a similar bug in one of the previous releases, but it all wirked for me just fine in the 1.2 and 1.3 releases.

Is there a solution?`(maybe a problem with a stock cfg?)


I'm using more than 30 mods. So if you need a list, I may try to collect a list of all of them.


Thx in advance

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Well, since it's not a common known stock bug, and you're using a fairly decent mod load, I would venture to say it's a mod bug, or at least an incompatibility. 

So yadda, yadda, pull half your mods, and then half again, until you narrow down the culprit.  With only 30 mods, that shouldn't take too long. 

Couple more questions though.   Does it happen after you dock?  Close to docking? or what?  You weren't very specific about it.    If it occurs as the physics engine is trying to normalize the now single ship, it's probably a mod that messes with the physics engine.    Autostruts may be doing this too, are you using them on either ship?



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Maybe it wasn't clear enough: the explosion happens on touch instead of a little bounce back as I know it. So there are still two vessels - or one or none, depending on what explodes, which is seemingly random

And well - I just realized it's a little more than 30 mods... Since my loading Time takes about 15min . a narrow-down approach is more than a full days work

Here is a link to a screenshot of my gamedata-folder:



Edited by ZaeRoe
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8 minutes ago, ZaeRoe said:

And well - I just realized it's a little more than 30 mods... Since my loading Time takes about 15min . a narrow-down approach is more than a days work


Also the suggestion from @Gargamel is basically all that can be done ... even with a 15 minute loading time, 30 mods will be narrowed down in under an hour and a half with most of that time being waiting for the game to load (go do some dishes or read a short story .... SCP Foundation creepy pastas are great time killers)

Providing a screenshot does little if anything to help narraw down what is causing your issue ... upload your KSP.log to a filesharing site and post the link in this thread and those in the know will have the information they need to help you

If you are unable to do any of the above then nobody will be in the position to offer anything but a guess so following the previous suggestion is probably your best bet

Edited by DoctorDavinci
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I have the same problem...with the junior docking port no problem but whit the standart port i have alwais an explosion….

this is my log



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9 hours ago, ZaeRoe said:

How about editing that down a bit?  Dropbox won't let me preview it as it's too big. 

Assuming you saved the log immediately after the bug occurred, we only need the tail end of the log.  Say a few hundred lines to be safe.   If you didn't save the log right after the bug, don't expect us to go digging through a huge log file looking for something that we don't know what we are looking for.   

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@Gargamel thats actually unusual, never had this problem before with dropbox, but yeah, I'll do it in a few minutes. Also I just checked and saw that you're still able to see it by just opening it (the button under the error-message - dropbox downloads the file then)

Also I recorded the problem and uploaded it to youtube: 


If I do it the other way around, then the smaller vessel just explodes as a hole, so I did it this way, for a watch what happens. In this case I used the stock Clam-o-Trons, but the effect is the same with every docking port


After seeing the recording I just realised, that the docking may just acclerate the vessels too high. But still, it shouldn't happen this way

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@fabioita @Gargamel Where I do it doesn't matter. The "simulation" is the KRASH - Mod, which was just the fastest way to show it.

I just uploaded the log-file from the recording where I actually did nothing else than just preparing the simulation and starting it and stopping ksp right afterwards (KSP2.log): https://www.dropbox.com/s/bfarh3slpk3febu/KSP2.log?dl=0

I know It's still too big to show a preview, but there you'll also see the loading. Just in case there went something wrong already

BTW: thanks for trying to help

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On 7/1/2018 at 6:54 PM, ZaeRoe said:

(the button under the error-message - dropbox downloads the file then)

As well intentioned as it may be, I try to refrain from blindly downloading files from unkown people.   Plus I'm on a metered and throttled satellite internet connection, and 50+ mb for a text file is a little much for me.  The second link you provided still has the same issues. 


Looks like the bug is turning your docking port into a great chomping Jaw of death.  It just eats away at the smaller ship.  That's scary.   Since the bandwidth was a bit low for me, I'm assuming those are MJ windows?  What happens when you do (or don't, try the opposite) use MJ auto dock feature?   Also, that smaller ship really jumps at the port, try turning down the magnet force on the port.

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7 hours ago, ZaeRoe said:

@JoE Smash I thought about it, but I refrained from it  (Also, I rechecked and nope - not using it)

@Gargamel I finally found the time to cut the ksp2.log down to the last 10 min (the time, the video was taken)

Aight, I took a look at it, and while I'm not anything close to a log file Guru, here's where the trouble happens:


[LOG 00:29:58.072] [F: 80390]: dockingPort2 collided into dockingPort2 - relative velocity: 0.9801816 - impact momentum: 0.0

[LOG 00:29:58.072] dockingPort2 Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5

[LOG 00:29:58.083] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: Summary: vessel dockingPort2 (loaded state True) - 0 stock power handlers

[ERR 00:29:58.083] Destroying components immediately is not permitted during physics trigger/contact, animation event callbacks or OnValidate. You must use Destroy instead.

My initial reaction is for you to slow down some.  I try to refrain from docking over .5 m/s, you're about twice that.  Although that should be well within the safe range.  And further impacts down the chain are almost that slow, you should bounce off, not detonate.   But IIRC, you were moving slow, and the magnet yanked the smaller ship into you.   Again, try turning down the attraction force in the advanced tweakables on both ports (I believe that's a valid option). 

The Null references are from MJ not being able to find the exploded port anymore I believe. 


[LOG 00:29:58.098] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: Summary: 
 vessel sspx-core-125-1 (loaded state True)
- 6 stock power handlers
[LOG 00:29:58.106] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: Summary: 
 vessel dockingPort2 (loaded state True)
- 0 stock power handlers
[LOG 00:29:58.114] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: Summary: 
 vessel sspx-core-125-1 (loaded state True)
- 6 stock power handlers
[LOG 00:29:58.115] [dockingPort2]: Deactivated
[LOG 00:29:58.116] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: Summary: 
 vessel dockingPort2 (loaded state True)
- 0 stock power handlers
[LOG 00:29:58.124] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: Summary: 
 vessel sspx-core-125-1 (loaded state True)
- 6 stock power handlers
[LOG 00:29:58.124] [PR] Deleting Kerbinal Station Low 2-01 Ship as reference.
[LOG 00:29:58.124] [PR] Generating data for Kerbinal Station Low 2-01 Ship
[LOG 00:29:58.124] [SR] Controlling mod is null
[LOG 00:29:58.134] [SR] FMRS is not active.
[LOG 00:29:58.136] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: Summary: 
 vessel Separator.1 (loaded state True)
- 0 stock power handlers
[LOG 00:29:58.144] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: Summary: 
 vessel Separator.1 (loaded state True)
- 0 stock power handlers
[LOG 00:29:58.145] [Dynamic Battery Storage]: Summary: 
 vessel sspx-core-125-1 (loaded state True)
- 6 stock power handlers
[LOG 00:29:58.176] 1 explosions created.
[LOG 00:29:58.177] FF: vessel Separator.1 has reached orbit around Kerbin
[EXC 00:29:58.199] NullReferenceException
	UnityEngine.Transform.get_position () <0x00034>
	MuMech.MechJebModuleTargetController.get_Position () <0x00045>
	MuMech.MechJebModuleTargetController.get_RelativePosition () <0x0006f>
	MuMech.MechJebModuleInfoItems.HeadingToTarget () <0x00069>
	(wrapper dynamic-method) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExecutionScope.lambda_method (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExecutionScope,object) <0x00042>
	MuMech.ValueInfoItem/<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<.ctor>b__0 () <0x00024>
	MuMech.ValueInfoItem.DrawItem () <0x00045>
	MuMech.MechJebModuleCustomInfoWindow.WindowGUI (int) <0x00124>
	MuMech.DisplayModule.ProfiledWindowGUI (int) <0x0001f>
	UnityEngine.GUILayout/LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (int) <0x000f1>
	UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,int,int,UnityEngine.GUISkin,int,single,single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle) <0x001f2>
[EXC 00:29:58.202] NullReferenceException
	UnityEngine.Transform.get_position () <0x00034>
	MuMech.MechJebModuleTargetController.get_Position () <0x00045>
	MuMech.MechJebModuleTargetController.get_RelativePosition () <0x0006f>
	MuMech.MechJebModuleInfoItems.HeadingToTarget () <0x00069>
	(wrapper dynamic-method) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExecutionScope.lambda_method (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExecutionScope,object) <0x00042>
	MuMech.ValueInfoItem/<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<.ctor>b__0 () <0x00024>
	MuMech.ValueInfoItem.DrawItem () <0x00045>
	MuMech.MechJebModuleCustomInfoWindow.WindowGUI (int) <0x00124>
	MuMech.DisplayModule.ProfiledWindowGUI (int) <0x0001f>
	UnityEngine.GUILayout/LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (int) <0x000f1>
	UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,int,int,UnityEngine.GUISkin,int,single,single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle) <0x001f2>
[WRN 00:29:58.206] [DockingNode]: other node is null!
[LOG 00:29:58.525] [F: 80398]: Separator.1 collided into dockingPort2 - relative velocity: 0.8683431 - impact momentum: 0.0
[LOG 00:29:58.526] Separator.1 Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5

We'll have to get some of the more experienced modders in here to give more feedback, and since @DoctorDavinci stuck his nose in here once, maybe he can offer up some advice. 

But my best guess, aside from "docking on eggshells", is that some mod has changed some values of the docking ports, making active ones chomp through other ships.  

If you can, see if you can get a list of your mods in order of when they were installed, and remove the ones you installed right before you started having this issue.   If you can't then you'll just have to dig through the stack of 'em like we said before. 

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@ZaeRoe, On a flyer, try unistalling the Station Parts exp  mod.   Create a new save where it won't conflict with existing saves (I know I couldn't load almost any of my ships without SSPX), and try again.  Reading some of the other threads around, SSPX might cause collision mesh issues with the stock ports. 

Edited by Gargamel
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