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New Player - need help with a stuck rover

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I landed a rover in a service bay on Duna but there must be an issue with my decoupler holding the rover in the bay. Either way I can't get the rover out of the bay. Is there a cheat or some other way I can get the rover out? I blew the decoupler but the rover didn't drop down where the wheels are touching the surface so it can drive out of the bay. 


Thanks in advance! 

Edited by razor488
solved one issue
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This is quite a circumstantial issue... it'd be best solved with a few pics to help us see exactly how you've set up for deployment.
It could be as simple as rocking the service bay over to "dump" the rover, or as complicated as a total redesign of your deployment method.

The particular placement of which decoupler, which wheels and ride height, cargo bay clearance and reaction wheels available could all play a role in ease or difficulty of deployment.

Also: welcome to the forums! :D Uploading to Imgur, then pasting in the BBC/Forums code is probably one of the simplest ways to share screenies here.

Edited by Dark Lion
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Did you try using [ or ] to switch focus to the rover? When you decouple a rover, often the game's focus remains on the main ship -- so you can't control the rover until you switch focus.

Beyond that, yes, there are cheats you can usually use to get the rover out -- but the question is whether your rover will still be in usable condition afterward.

There is the possibility that you didn't quite attach the rover correctly. So it was attached to your ship and not to your decoupler. If it's been glued into your service bay with a mistaken attachment, it's gonna be really hard/impossible to get out.

So yeah, we need a picture or two. Do you know which is the root part of your main craft? If you hover your cursor over your root part, does your rover also turn green?


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2 hours ago, bewing said:

There is the possibility that you didn't quite attach the rover correctly. So it was attached to your ship and not to your decoupler. If it's been glued into your service bay with a mistaken attachment, it's gonna be really hard/impossible to get out.

Ya know, I didn't even think about that, but I'm willing to bet that's what's happened if the rover doesn't even budge after decoupling. Good call.
If it's too tight in your cargo  bay to be sure of the attachment point, try this:
Select the MOVE TOOL. Hold SHIFT, then drag the decoupler out of the cargo bay. Attach your rover to the decoupler. Use the MOVE TOOL again and select your decoupler. Press SPACEBAR and the decoupler should recenter on the node in the cargo bay. Test before you leave Kerbin. Duna's gravity is slighter than Kerbin's, so there should be no trouble at Duna.
Be sure to let us know if that works! Good luck!

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