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Stock Mk. II VTOL Engine

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In the next update, all I want is a Mk. II VTOL engine. It would be so much easier to land in tough spots on Kerbin, and would be awesome to search for Easter eggs... What I’m thinking of is something that would be about the size of the Mk. II Cargo Bay Short, and have it’s own intake. 



Would’nt it be awesome to have something like that, without mods?

Please, ksp team?







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The Mk2 expansion pack has a number of VTOL engines in the mk2 form factor. 

As to it being stock, well....   There are other tings that need added/fixed first.   

I've made stock VTOLs using a mk2 cargo bay and an engine mounted facing down. 

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Well, yes, but i’ve tried so many times to install mods and they just don’t work; every time I try to build a bd armory bomber when I load ksp everything is the same... mods just keep not installing/working. That’s why I haven’t done that yet. Don’t you think i’d rather be building a F-22 or Harrier without trouble? And I also tried the old ‘put an engine inside a Mk 2 cargo bay facing down’ trick, but since 1.4.3, the engines don’t get air and flame out since the craft isn’t moving. Thus, my big problem. If anybody would devote the amount of time necessary to step-by-step guide me through mod installation, than that would be great. If I had already figured out how to download mods, I’d be setting up a Kollaborative Warfare with submarines.

Actually, second thought, the intake air requirement is kind of nice, maybe it can just be a stubby rocket engine. 

Edited by QvestionAnswerNeeded
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Are you sure that it's the mod that's buggy? You might not be installing them incorrectly.

And they should get air if you have suction intakes (the radial scoop is one of the better). 

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I do have 2 of the long, thin radial intakes, it just keeps flaming out. Also, one of my friends has been playing KSP for a couple years, and has installed many mods, and he made me a list:

1.) Download mod from (insert Ksp mod download website) to your Finder. Check.

2.)Make sure it is in the same version as your current KSP game (in my case, 1.4.3). Check.

3.) Open your KSP folder in Finder, put the mod file into the file in the KSP folder marked 'GameData'. Check.

I tried downloading AirplanePlus from the current mod downloading website, it showed up fine in my Finder, I put it in GameData after triple-checking it was the right version, and I opened KSP, expecting to find endless awesome parts to work with for making WWII bombers, but it was all the exact same. It's a flop every time.

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Whatever way the intake is facing, I would recommend that you in general make sure your intake is at least as large as your engine. I'm guessing you're probably using 1.25m engines, so I would recommend using 1.25m intakes. For example, one of the circular intakes. Or if you really want radial ones, try the large scoop shaped ones. Don't skimp on air!

As for relating to their orientation, just make sure that they're oriented so you don't expect to be going very fast away from the direction they point.

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@QvestionAnswerNeeded and just to be sure you did extract the mod folder from the zip file it came in right? Similarly you dropped in the mod folder and not like another folder labeled "gamedata" as some authors organize their files so.

Either way if you just want vtol parts for f-35's then you'd be out of luck in the stock implementation department as this isn't a war game.

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Once you get airborne though, you'll find you are going to run into a host of other problems though.

If your thrust isn't perfectly balanced through the COM, then you're going wobble and flip over.    If you build the the plane perfectly balanced with full tanks, then when you come back for a vertical landing, your COM will probably have shifted enough, even slightly, to make your vertical thrust turn your plane into a pinwheel again. 

Transitioning to level flight from a hover and back can be tricky too.  It will take a little practice to get it right. 

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  • 6 months later...
32 minutes ago, QvestionAnswerNeeded said:

I don’t want KSP to be a war game, I’m just tired of crashing on rough terrain. A VTOL engine would fix all those problems.

You can make your own VTOL engine by placing an engine at the back, and another engine facing downwards. Simply use action groups to shut off either engine or reduce thrust and you can make yourself a VTOL

You can also use this guide to help


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On 7/26/2018 at 6:27 PM, QvestionAnswerNeeded said:

I do have 2 of the long, thin radial intakes, it just keeps flaming out.

Those are really really really bad for VTOLs.

On 7/26/2018 at 6:31 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

Those long thin radial intakes have really poor static air intake.

You want something with a high static intake for VTOL.

^ This

The intake area of those is low, consult this table:


Unfortunately that table doesn't list another important stat, the "intake speed".

Intake air is determined by the effective intake speed * the intake area. The effective intake speed is your crafts velocity along the axis of the intake + the parts base intake speed.

Observe this part:


Has an intake speed of 40. That means that even when your craft is stationary (as while hovering) the game treats it (for the intake air) as if it was moving at 40 m/s

This one has an intake speed of 30:


Basically, you can think of these as actively sucking in air with powerful fan blades...

the one you used:


has only an intake speed of 10.

A single engine nacelles has 2.5x intake area, and 4x the intake speed, so when stopped, it supplies 10x as much as your 2 intakes.

Use engine nacelles or at least engine pre-coolers, and your VTOLs should have enough air.


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