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I've been wanting KSP achievements for the longest time and i think many others do too. We need to get squad to add this as it would add a new goal to the game if you will. Currently the game is fun as hell but if there was achievements in the game then we would actually have a REASON to go all these miles away to land on these empty planets and moons. Achievements for Landing on all the moons and planets like an achievement for each one as well as an achievement for landing on every body in the "Kerbol" System (except all asteroids maybe just one or something) or an achievement for crashing into the Kerbol star you know just some fun but challenging achievements would make the game have more purpose to explore and do challenging things. Yeah i know i said achievements a lot but that's because we NEEEEEEEEEEED them! It's important we let squad be notified and see this!!(I personally would like around 50 to 75 achievements for the game)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Issue is achievements really don't do much in a singleplayer game and really only work for those who bought the game on Steam. Those of us who haven't bought KSP through Steam (like myself who bought KSP from the KSP store), then achievements really wouldn't work out too well as then every time I make another install of KSP, I end up getting bombarded with achievement notifications even though I have been to the Mun. Hundreds of times! There's already a mod out there that adds achievements and I think that it's done well and satisfies everyone's desire for achievements, without built in achievements becoming a drag for those of us who have 5 KSP installs at the same time.

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22 hours ago, TrueKerbalnaut said:

if there was achievements in the game then we would actually have a REASON to go all these miles away to land on these empty planets and moons.

A. Isn't going there and doing that the reason for doing it?  Otherwise, you're reducing it to just "do thing to check off another box on the list".  (Which is already in the game in the R&D Center, isn't it?)

B. Any "achievement" system should be part of, and make sense within the context of, the game itself, not an external system.  See the Final Frontier Mod for a good system that works for KSP.

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3 hours ago, ZooNamedGames said:

Issue is achievements really don't do much in a singleplayer game and really only work for those who bought the game on Steam. Those of us who haven't bought KSP through Steam (like myself who bought KSP from the KSP store), then achievements really wouldn't work out too well as then every time I make another install of KSP, I end up getting bombarded with achievement notifications even though I have been to the Mun. Hundreds of times! There's already a mod out there that adds achievements and I think that it's done well and satisfies everyone's desire for achievements, without built in achievements becoming a drag for those of us who have 5 KSP installs at the same time.

Very much this.
I think achievements go against the grain for KSP. KSP is endless, without a checklist of things to complete, the end is only limited by what you can dream up.  If there's a checklist then when you complete it, it would feel like there was nothing left to explore; it makes it very finite.
I also think that feeling of wonder and ore awe of the first time you set foot on another planet would be really diminished by some immersion breaking notification saying "hey, you did something totally predictable, well done."  We know that in reality most things have been done by someone else before, but that time you think of something that seems original and crazy (like flying an orbiting craft through a Mun arch), when you actually pull it off you feel like you've done something totally new. But if you get an achievement for it, then it's the game straight up telling you that it was so predictable they added a routine to check when you did it, and I think that would diminish the feeling of satisfaction.  
If they ever added achievements, the first thing I'd want is the option to turn them off (or a mod to silence them).

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/22/2018 at 7:08 PM, TrueKerbalnaut said:

I dont want a checklist. I just want "trophies" for my accomplishments. Just somthing to collect during ur endless journey through the kerbol system.

Well, it’s exactly like @ZooNamedGames and @razark said:


On 8/22/2018 at 4:11 PM, adsii1970 said:


This has been done in mods:


Personally, I use Final Frontier, but there are other achievement ribbons I've added which I manually assign to my Kermen when they achieve the criteria. One day, I'll learn how to make it more functional and make it happen automatically.


On 8/22/2018 at 12:50 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

Issue is achievements really don't do much in a singleplayer game and really only work for those who bought the game on Steam. Those of us who haven't bought KSP through Steam (like myself who bought KSP from the KSP store), then achievements really wouldn't work out too well as then every time I make another install of KSP, I end up getting bombarded with achievement notifications even though I have been to the Mun. Hundreds of times! There's already a mod out there that adds achievements and I think that it's done well and satisfies everyone's desire for achievements, without built in achievements becoming a drag for those of us who have 5 KSP installs at the same time.


And, the same thing:

On 8/22/2018 at 7:10 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

Trophy doesn't mean much when I've got a stack of 40 of em.

Also, this is in stock. Contracts!

And the Science Archives!!!!!

Mods are nice, but like @ZooNamedGames said, trophies don’t mean much when you have a gold for every single one. If the specific

On 8/21/2018 at 5:17 PM, TrueKerbalnaut said:

I've been wanting KSP achievements for the longest time and i think many others do too. We need to get squad to add this as it would add a new goal to the game if you will. Currently the game is fun as hell but if there was achievements in the game then we would actually have a REASON to go all these miles away to land on these empty planets and moons. Achievements for Landing on all the moons and planets like an achievement for each one as well as an achievement for landing on every body in the "Kerbol" System (except all asteroids maybe just one or something) or an achievement for crashing into the Kerbol star you know just some fun but challenging achievements would make the game have more purpose to explore and do challenging things. Yeah i know i said achievements a lot but that's because we NEEEEEEEEEEED them! It's important we let squad be notified and see this!!(I personally would like around 50 to 75 achievements for the game)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

is added, there might be an option for people like me: noobs, and people like @Matt Lowne: able to make hotels orbiting Jool to turn them off.

And finally, 

On 8/22/2018 at 4:03 PM, razark said:

A. Isn't going there and doing that the reason for doing it?  Otherwise, you're reducing it to just "do thing to check off another box on the list".  (Which is already in the game in the R&D Center, isn't it?)


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On 8/22/2018 at 3:03 PM, razark said:

A. Isn't going there and doing that the reason for doing it?  Otherwise, you're reducing it to just "do thing to check off another box on the list".  (Which is already in the game in the R&D Center, isn't it?)

Yeah, but then there's always:

  • Can I do it again, this time, but with XXX as the main drive engine...
  • Can I do it again with a crew of 25 Kermen...
  • Can I do it again with the most impractical design possible...
  • Can I do it again without using mods...

And for me, the list literally goes on and on...

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On 9/3/2018 at 7:57 PM, adsii1970 said:

Yeah, but then there's always:

But if there are achievements for it, it just means there's a list somewhere and someone's defined boxes for you to check off.


On 9/3/2018 at 7:57 PM, adsii1970 said:

And for me, the list literally goes on and on... 

And that's because you define your own list.  Which is how I like the game to be.



Further to my point, in your examples the goal is "can I do it", not "how can I get this little trophy"?  It's the doing it that is the reward.

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11 minutes ago, razark said:

But if there are achievements for it, it just means there's a list somewhere and someone's defined boxes for you to check off.

and this is why I really don't like the contracts as they are presented. A year ago, I started a career game and well, found it annoying. I discovered that certain contracts that should be able to be bundled in one mission - can't be. Huh? 

If one contract is to achieve a height of xx,xxx meters, why can't I use the same mission to complete a contract testing an engine or chute? 

On one hand, I understand the reasoning. But on the other, look how many new part and procedure tests NASA or any other space agency squeeze into a single launch? And eventually, the contracts simply became check boxes...

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21 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

this is why I really don't like the contracts as they are presented. A year ago, I started a career game and well, found it annoying.

Yeah, the stock system for contracts is a bit odd.  I usually use mods to turn to other fund-generating methods and ignore contracts.

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As far as I know, this is something that Harvester (and presumably whoever else was handling this at Squad at the time) quickly decided that there would be no achievements in KSP, probably right when they contracted for Steam distribution.

On 8/22/2018 at 5:26 PM, katateochi said:

Very much this.
I think achievements go against the grain for KSP. KSP is endless, without a checklist of things to complete, the end is only limited by what you can dream up.  If there's a checklist then when you complete it, it would feel like there was nothing left to explore; it makes it very finite.

This makes a lot of sense, although at least with achievements you don't have a specific (and sometimes annoying) order like you do with achievements.  Some things I'm glad I skipped:

docking (at least until gaining lots of experience on Mun and Minmus)

Intercontinental rocketry: really, that was listed on the "wiki campaigns" long before contracts and even "science career mode"

airplanes and jet-to-orbit


Edited by wumpus
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