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Caldera Space Programm


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I didn't post much besides my god-awful artwork for a long time, but i kept on playing KSP.

I've made up my own space programm called ''Caldera RD''


Here is what i have been doing for a lot of time:

I've seperated different Missions in different folders so this would be easier to navigate:

Operation: KASKAD (eg: kaskade)


This operation is dedicated to normalize relay connection and the creation of stable network of relay satellites.

I didn't really want to make this a typical "space programm'' thread, you guys probably seen stuff like this a billion times. So, besides the normal KSP stuff, i wanted to tell you about my own struggles. As a side note: writing, or better say whining about my problems, makes me feel better, as if all the self-destructive thoughts just get out of my head, and begin living only on paper or the computer screen.

Since we are talking about communicating, i might mention that in real life i am not a very sociable person. In Russian you could say that i am a ''zamknutiy chelovek'', which in English means ''enclosed human'', which is a fairly good description for my state. It's quite normal for people to abandon socialization for some time, it gives you a little bit of time to think about yourself and perhaps learn something new, or make a proper conclusion about your own actions. But it just happens so that sometimes you can't find your ''light at the end of a tunnel'', or maybe you'll get into all sorts or paranoic thoughts like ''what if everybody actually hates me?'', ''what if all my friends are just two-faced liars'' and etc. 

If you get any of these thoughts, my advice is not to answer them, anyhow. One thing that should matter is how people around actually treat you, if you will be thinking their own thoughts for them, this won't get you anywhere.

It's strange. I am actually telling you the solution to a problem i still haven't solved myself.

But slowly and surely I'll get there.



First launch after a long time: Kosmos-5

1zdavpg.jpg og97xh.jpg

Setting up basic relay network: Lira-(1,2,3,4)

25u5kiv.jpg 2mnprfa.jpg

(i don't have any screenshots for this one, sorry) Kerbin-Duna-Eve connecting relays in between Duna and Kerbin: INTERCOM

Getting a little relay around Duna, as a side mission: Gemini-Com

20haa0z.jpg 6fupf8.jpg

2u6io2p.jpg 2m7su2d.jpg

Side mission for Federation craft test, this little relay sat is deployed on an orbit over Mun, to help establish more stable connection on a remote polar base: Polyarnik (eg: polar explorer)

2dh62qe.jpg 15q84me.jpg









Operation: Regolith


This operation is dedicated to exploring the Mun

This one has manned missions included and actually i almost lost one kerbonaut due to a bug in a mod.

But let's speak about something more calming. 

I've been born in a very beatiful place. And even as a kid i enjoyed just staring at the mountains. Allbeit i never really liked sunny days, my blurry memories of my childhood almost always included a blazing sun. 

Those memories are often awoken by music. Despite the fact that i used to like really heavy doom metal and dark synthwave, i started to enjoy old stuff like Erruption, Victor Tzoy, Modern Talking and etc. But the one band that i particularly enjoy is Boards of Canada:




Their music wakes up memories of my childhood. Bright, blurry and strange. Something both very calm and unstelling is within those songs. I want you to try this music out for yourself, tell me your feelings.

And I legit want to have BoC music as a soundtrack for KSP.



First Munar mission: Kosmos-1

14y24q0.jpg  10z477q.jpg

First Munar landing: Vzglyad-1

1zq7fjc.jpg 25i6gzq.jpg

First(in this playthrough) manned mission to the Mun: Prometey-1 (footage from take-off lacking for some reason)

Prometey three-stage lander includes a rover for exploratory purposes

sbsv41.jpg 2gtb3o0.jpg 2akfoz9.jpg

2yyypms.jpg 4pvy4k.jpg

Second manned mission: Prometey-2

Now with a totally-functional-100%-working-ground-relay thingy on board.

2mfygqh.jpg vmsj0n.jpg

vmsj0n.jpg ajte7t.jpg

2yosq5v.jpg 35cigls.jpg

2qnvcxw.jpg 4lk32e.jpg



That is for now folks! Next up we have:

-Echus programm

-Zvezda Station

-Lyod programm



Now, did you like the format? Is there anything wrong with the writing? Are the screenshots good?



Edited by cratercracker
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I liked the format, especially the music! Nothing wrong, just I(referring to oneself) is always capitalized. :-) They are great! Overall great job @cratercracker


As a side note: I'm an American learning Russian, and was pleased that I could actually pronounce the Cyclic title!

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20 minutes ago, Earthlinger said:

Oooo I love this ^

Looks very clean and modern, especially with that pattern of prisms/shapes on the bottom right

There are actually 3 variations of this flag:



Yep, i am still drawing flags.

5 hours ago, Kerbalstar said:

I liked the format, especially the music! Nothing wrong, just I(referring to oneself) is always capitalized. :-) They are great! Overall great job @cratercracker


As a side note: I'm an American learning Russian, and was pleased that I could actually pronounce the Cyclic title!

Thanks for the detailed response! And i am really glad that you enjoyed the music!

If you'll have troubles learning Russian, you can tell me, I myself haven't finished learning it tho, but if you need something translated i can help you.

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2 hours ago, SiriusRocketry said:

Excellent work @cratercracker! Your Mun lander is a strangely satisfying design; I'm gonna try to replicate it later! Interesting, skipping past the 'early-game' straightaway. Definitely staying tuned. 

This design is not finished yet tho. It has barely enough fuel to make it back into Mün orbit to get to the return vessel. 

I plan to improve it with radial extra  fuel tanks. Tho the problem will be solved when i’ll finish the fuel refinery at the Munar base.

This design is based on three blocks: Utility block (the top one), Crew block (Mk2 can with a heatshield) and the payload (a rover or a ground relay).

Including all of this it’s very lightweight. Probably due to mk2s being made of cardboard. 

The payload block is also a nice feature. If you extend the landing gear a little bit, you could actually fit some extra crew space, or maybe a little base component.

I could send you some more detailed pics if you want them.

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Operation: Zvezda (eng: Star)


This operation is dedicated to constructing a space station around Kerbin

I've long been battling daily nightmares.

The thing about nightmares is that you can watch the scariest ever horror movie and after you finish it just walk off like nothing happened. Nightmares on the other hand are traumatizing, even after the night the feeling of dread and unease is still present. Though, serious nightmares for me is a rarity, most of my dreams are often too abstract to be called nightmares and they are in no way are traumatizing. 

Serious nightmares happen usually once or twice per month. Though i can't really remember what was in my nightmare a month ago, i sure do remember some of the details of the recent one: a lift without any buttons going down and horrible screams from outside of it. Can't really describe it more, the memory is not clear and i don't even know how it ended.The interesting thing is that those nightmares usually happen very early in the morning, the worst ones are when i am half-asleep. I stopped having good dreams a long time ago, allbeit i rarely had dreams when i was kid.

One thing for y'all - If you want to see more dreams while sleeping, make it really cold in your room and don't cuddle in bed. I don't guarantee that those dreams would be good dreams tho...



A mission to test a freshly build ship: Corsair-1 (rocket is called Oryol tho)

zjx8jb.jpg fvk5sk.jpg


Sending the first module of the station: Zvezda-1

2em21vl.jpg vesld3.jpg

First crewed mission to the station + return: Corsair-2 (for some reason a lot of screenshots are lacking, sorry for the inconvinience.

wv77ko.jpg 9rtzro.jpg


Continuing the construction: Untitled Op (didn't want to just spam the screenies, added two of them)


Second manned mission to the station: Corsair-3

2zir8ts.jpg atqlnc.jpg

28tz8lv.jpg 11v4nd4.jpg

This time the crew is staying there for a prolonged period of time.

To come back after a few months in space


Inspecting the new crewed module this time: Corsair-4

1zg22u.jpg 264rols.jpg


33e07md.jpg 143ons1.jpg

Now testing out the new ''Корсар-1М'' (Corsair-1 modernized) 




Getting one of the modules out into a different orbit, so it could become a habitat for the future Duna exploration ship:




After this one, i finilazed the Corsair ship design, making the front section ejectable and adding 4 SRBs to make the landing a bit more soft.



That's it for now.

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Setting all of my unreasonable rage  aside, we're going to talk about me visiting Minmus today. And before we start, i might just mention that i hate Minmus. I lost soo much Kerbals there, mostly because of poor planning and me being extremely clumsy. The only one thing that enjoy about Minmus is it's sunrises and sunsets.

But anyway, here it is:

Operation: Lyod (eng: Ice)


This operation is dedicated to expoloring Minmus

I am definetely not in the right mood for a lot of writing, neither do i want to leave this place blank, even tho nobody reads all of the crap written here, because not many people like reading a lot when they don't really need to and because people usually skip to the screenshots.

After a while, i came to the conclusion that..... screw this.Just have a picture with no context with it.



First unmanned landing on Minmus: Iniy-1 (eng: hoarfrost)

33mr11x.jpg 2qxtg8h.jpg

First manned mission to Minmus, which almost ended with a disaster because the lander didn't have any SAS or RCS units: Kornett-1



99hnur.jpg sblzxw.jpg



33nys75.jpg 2u5eyvl.jpg


Second mission, same problems with the lander: Kornett-2



aadncg.jpg o8hvgw.jpg



2wokfvq.jpg 33vgqa9.jpg

i am about to throw up

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  • 1 month later...

Nothing works. Nothing helps. I think this is probably one of the last posts of mine.


Hello there, people. I might have sounded really grim recently, but that's okay, i'm fine, still in one piece.

This post is dedicated to the construction of my Mun base - Monolith

Operation: Monolith


This operation is dedicated to establishment of a Polar Munar Base

To make the situation a bit more clear, i'll explain: I wanted to transfer my saves from 1.2.2 to 1.5 and the problem is that my 1.2 saves are very modded, so i had to go through a process of updating all of them to work on 1.5. Then i had to transfer my saves from 1.2 to 1.5 and try to get them work (which i failed to do so)


1. Launching the habitat. It's not a usual one, you can actually walk inside it.

2qjljcy.jpg 2dbnk7l.jpg

2.Launching the service modules for the habitat. 

2l89dkx.jpg 2qwenmd.jpg

3. Docking and landing on the Munar northern pole.

2qwenmd.jpg a1r42p.jpg


4. Manning the habitat using the Prometey landing craft.

vg321w.jpg 2mcbm9y.jpg

2w20dxc.jpg 30tnaea.jpg

jjwb9e.jpg 24l79fr.jpg

5.Return to Kerbin.

14jafyc.jpg kf4olx.jpg


6.Second expedition.

108db2b.jpg j76vsw.jpg

25akgsx.jpg 2mfkyef.jpg

25u77k2.jpg 2co34pj.jpg

7. Launching the (unfinished) mining station.

f44in6.jpg mvj8et.jpg


8.Returning to Kerbin.

2e1gb29.jpg 1zg937b.jpg



9. New rovers for the base.

23ux5d5.jpg 2coj3ht.jpg

2coh0mo.jpg 2gujtdg.jpg

There is a second habitat that you can see on the last picture, sadly i don't have any screenshots for it.







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