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[1.12.x] Ground Proximity


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Forum user @Biff Space released this neat little mod back in May 31, 2014, original thread is here:  Proximity What's so nice about it is that it does one thing, very well, and that is to provide an audio alarm when you are approaching the ground.  He isn't around anymore and the license permits, AND I was asked to see if I could do this one.  So here it is:

Presenting the renamed and revived mod, Ground Proximity



The mod is activated when the ship is below a certain height (default is 4000m) which the pilot can configure. When active, a visual alert and an audio alarm are produced to inform the pilot of the height above the surface and velocity towards it.

To activate, either click the button to open the window and then click the bottom button to activate, or right-click the toolbar button to toggle the on/off status

Audio Alarm

  • The audio alarm makes beeps to indicate height above the surface. The beeps become more frequent as the ship gets closer to the surface. If the 'variable frequency' mode is selected, the beeps rise in pitch as the ship moves faster.
  • The length of the beep and its waveform can be set to match user preference and fit in with other game sounds.
  • The audio alarm can be turned off altogether.

Visual Display

  • The visual display shows a horizontal line with two moving blobs to indicate the ship's distance from the terrain below. It can operate in two modes.
  • In 'Distance' mode, the distance between the blobs corresponds to the ship's height above the surface, so during a descent the blobs start at opposite ends of the line and move towards the centre, meeting when the ship is at ground level.
  • In 'Speed' mode, the blobs start in the centre and move apart if the ship is moving upwards, and start at the ends and meet in the middle if it is moving downwards. The speed of the blobs increases as the ship gets closer to the ground.
  • The display can also be set to use distance mode above a certain threshold height, and speed mode below it. If this mixed mode is selected, a field to set the threshold height appears.
  • The visual display can be turned off altogether.


  • Currently the proximity function to be added to all command parts and probe cores using Module Manager. If you have Module Manager installed for other mods, but want to use Proximity as a part only, then you should delete the MM_ProximityConfig.cfg file from the GameData\Proximity folder.


Changes from the original

  • Updated for 1.5+
  • Added support for ClickThroughBlocker
  • Replaced toolbar control code with the ToolbarController
  • Re-Enabled the RealChute code, fixed it so no problem occurs when RealChute is not installed
  • Added right-click to toggle on/off
  • Replaced XML file for settings with standard config file, now saved in KSP_Proximity/PluginData
  • Replaced the OnSave function with a simple Save(), added checks to all data items for changed data


Donations gratefully accepted




Edited by linuxgurugamer
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On 11/15/2019 at 3:31 AM, Space Rogue said:

I really like this mod, but my changes are not getting saved which is really unfortunate.

I have the same problem since a so long time... it's really annoying because I like to use some parameters that they are not the default. So I have to reconfigure the mod at each new mission start.

BUT ! :cool:
I just found a solution for this problem (or bug, like you want).

The mod Ground Proximity want to save its configuration in a config.cfg file, this file is located here GameData/KSP_Proximity/PluginData/config.cfg
Except that when you install the mod*, the folder PluginData doesn't exist, and the mod is not able to create it by itself. So the config.cfg is never written...

The simple way to correct that is of course just to create the folder manually, and the config.cfg file will be written correctly after :)


Just enjoy this cool mod :wub:


* I installed the mod manually, both the zip file from GitHub and SpaceDock doesn't have the folder PluginData created. But I just never used CKAN, so I don't know for it, if it work or not...

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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