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How many Users do you Ignore?


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Out of curiosity, how many users of this forum have you set to ignore?  What is some of the criterion you have for a user making it onto your ignore list?

Is the ignore list something you even use? 


I have 29 people on my ignore list, an I have a suspicion that might be higher than others' lists, bu I'd like to know.

Thanks for reading, and have a great day.

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22 hours ago, Kerbart said:

10. I should have more, it would have lowered my number of forum infractions. Although I stopped collecting those once I discovered the ignore function.


So confrontation avoidance is your main motivation?  Why not use ignore to remove the people you'd be having confrontations with from the get go?  The people I have on mine have generally shown that what they have to say is not what I want to read; it's not even necessarily disagreements per se.  I've never had a forum infraction, because I tend to bail on someone and set them to ignore before I do something I'll immediately regret.  I might regret other things a year or more later; posts of mine that I come across where I think "jeeze, I must've not been having a good day back then".


22 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Zero. Never have, never will. 


Hmm, okay.  How do you know that someone isn't going to push all the right buttons on you someday?  What is your strategy to prevent anyone from ever getting on your nerves to the point that you'd rather not see what they have to say?  I suppose it might be the opposite strategy that causes me to assume I will never want to hear anything a particular person has to say.  You have perpetual hope they might present something of use to you, whereas I am quick to declare (to myself) that a person will never have anything useful to say, and therefore can be silenced without missing anything.


21 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

I've never felt the urge to hit anyone with the ignore hammer. I simply disengage from the discussion and/or 'manually' ignore, if needed


Hmm, both you and Kerbart seem to be referring to a feud with a particular member.  I'm nearly positive that everyone I've put on my ignore list is to avoid a feud in the first place.  These would be people you might say "he's not worth it" and move on; people I might not even be in a discussion with directly.  I guess I'm quick to feel like after one, or repeated examples of the content a poster posts not being valuable to me, that I remove their ability to effect my experience here.  Beyond that, "not valuable" might include "super annoying". 


I'm trying to be a better person in life, and I have the sneaking suspicion that putting people on a one-way ticket to ignoresville might not be the healthiest reaction to someone that is annoying me.  I'm curious how you've come to your level-headed takes on this.  I'm trying to be more mindful about my actions and identifying things that might not be healthy.  I gues sin the back of my head, I've wondered how I've ammased so many ignored people.

I'm wondering how old the three of you are as well?   For some reason, I get really annoyed at references to memes and dabbing and other seemingly useless youth postings, especially in places where they add absolutely zero to the conversation.  I wont be linking any examples so as not to be a jerk to these kids that are just going about their business. I swear it makes me want to yell get off my lawn. 

Other times its someone with an attitude problem or seemingly know-it-all types, which have a tendency to be prevalent in a nerdy, space dork forum like this; general jerk types that I feel have earned the ignore.

I fully admit there are times where I'm sure I come off as someone with an attitude problem.  I dislike coming across posts from awhile back where I sound like an ass.  I would say for every post I make, there are 2 or more that I've half typed out and deleted before I submit. 

I dunno, thinking out loud I suppose.  Trying to be less of a jerkbag to the best of my ability.


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How can I tell them they're wrong if I'm ignoring them?


(though full disclosure: I checked my ignore list due to this post and someone was on it. I removed them from it. I don't remember when, where, or why I ignored them. And no, I won't say who it was)

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2 minutes ago, klesh said:


So confrontation avoidance is your main motivation?  Why not use ignore to remove the people you'd be having confrontations with from the get go?  The people I have on mine have generally shown that what they have to say is not what I want to read; it's not even necessarily disagreements per se.  I've never had a forum infraction, because I tend to bail on someone and set them to ignore before I do something I'll immediately regret.  I might regret other things a year or more later; posts of mine that I come across y I think "jeeze, I must've not been having a good day back then".

Well, that’s what I do these days. I don’t care about disagreements; you can have the most wonderful and meaningful discussions with people who bring reasonable arguments to the table. We still might not agree afterwards and that’s ok.

Then there are those who have an inability to even try to see someone else’s viewpoint. Those I cut out once I realize they’re dragging me into the mud.


2 minutes ago, klesh said:

I'm wondering how old the three of you are as well?   For some reason, I get really annoyed at references to memes and dabbing and other seemingly useless youth postings, especially in places where they add absolutely zero to the conversation.  I wont be linking any examples so as not to be a jerk to these kids that are just going about their business. I swear it makes me want to yell get off my lawn. 

I don’t need an ignore button to ignore immaturity; that stands out and doesn’t really gave an appeal to be dragged into it anyway.

2 minutes ago, klesh said:

Other times its someone with an attitude problem or seemingly know-it-all types, which have a tendency to be prevalent in a nerdy, space dork forum like this; general jerk types that I feel have earned the ignore.

On a space nerd forum it’s hard to avoid nerdism. In fact, it’s a charming aspect. Where I get really annoyed is knowing better when demonstrably true (e.g. a rotating ring needs a counter rotating weight or your station starts spinning over time), or based on opinion but stating as fact. But in itself no reason to ignore someone unless the foot-between-the-door behavior starts.

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About 9. But this mileages may vary! 

I usually put people on the ignore list to heat discussions down. Being mentioned on discussions I don't wanna to participate anymore is way annoying,  so the easiest way to finish my part on a discussion people insists in dragging me back is the ignore list.

Now and then I clean up the list: If I don't remember why I had put the guy there, it's usually a reason to get it out of the freezer. 

There're about 3 or maybe 4 that will probably be there forever. These are the ones that handles discussions on a somewhat vicious way. 

I'm a fan of Schopenhauer's "The Art of being Right". Ie: How to detect phallacies on an argument. Now and then everyone mishaps on this (including myself sometimes), but once I conclude the guy is doing it on purpose,  he's banned from my timeline for good.

Life is too short to be wasted with Intelectual dishonesty. 

Edited by Lisias
tyops. as usulla.
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2 hours ago, klesh said:

I'm wondering how old  you are

I'm rapidly closing in on the half-century mark. On double checking, I see that I do have one user on my ignore list, but it's only the signature that is being ignored. It must have been large or annoying for some reason

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2 hours ago, klesh said:

How do you know that someone isn't going to push all the right buttons on you someday?  What is your strategy to prevent anyone from ever getting on your nerves to the point that you'd rather not see what they have to say?  I suppose it might be the opposite strategy that causes me to assume I will never want to hear anything a particular person has to say.  You have perpetual hope they might present something of use to you, whereas I am quick to declare (to myself) that a person will never have anything useful to say, and therefore can be silenced without missing anything.

I'm not sure there is an easy answer to this. It's not that people don't write stuff that irritates or annoys me, that is for sure. But in using the ignore feature on other, more vitriolic fora I've discovered that I always end up unhiding whatever it is they post anyway. So I don't bother anymore, I just keep a mental list of people that aren't worth engaging. 

Part of it as well is that I have a job that requires me to be diplomatic to people when they're being rude or even lying to my face, that quickly crushed any hotheaded tendencies I might have. 

2 hours ago, klesh said:

I'm wondering how old the three of you are as well?   For some reason, I get really annoyed at references to memes and dabbing and other seemingly useless youth postings, especially in places where they add absolutely zero to the conversation.  I wont be linking any examples so as not to be a jerk to these kids that are just going about their business. I swear it makes me want to yell get off my lawn. 

Chronologically I'm in my early 40s, but I'm a kid at heart. "Immature" posts don't bother me at all, I'd say I enjoy a good meme as much as the next guy. 

I'm a parent too so I'm pretty regularly exposed to childish mentalities and interests, I could see such things being more an irritant if I weren't. 

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1 hour ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Part of it as well is that I have a job that requires me to be diplomatic to people when they're being rude or even lying to my face, that quickly crushed any hotheaded tendencies I might have. 

Me is the other way around. People lie to me, and I'm totally screwed. The fallout for believing on people that didn't deserved being believed can incurr on losing clients, with nasty impacts on revenue that would lead to people losing jobs (and not only me).

So I'm kind of mentally conditioned to make sure that anyone trying to trick me ends up absolutely regretting had trying the stunt. Most of the time I manage to filter this here, but sometimes I don't. So the ignore list is my way to prevent turning myself into a Schizophrenic.


1 hour ago, Red Iron Crown said:

 I'm pretty regularly exposed to childish mentalities and interests

Curiously, my son says the same. :D

(I'm near 50, by the way).

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tyops. as usulla.
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2 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

Being diplomatic is not believing the lie. It's getting the job done in spite of it.


What on my line of work, implies in doing what they tell me to do to accomplish things I'm bound by contracts to accomplish. 

A lousy employee lie to me and the service fails due it, someone will have to pay for damages.

Part of my job is to be absolutely sure the one paying the damages is not me neither the company I work for. It's suicidal being diplomatic to people that tries to push you under the bus. :)

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3 hours ago, KerbolExplorer said:

0 But i was really close of doing so with a user that was rude with me in a threat i made


Don't make threats and maybe peeps wont be rude?  :P



Thanks for the replies everyone.  I'm in my 40's as well, and I have no kids which makes me ultra intolerant of the nonsense they get up to online; that is probably some of the reason behind half of my ignore list.  Congrats, as well.  One of you posting here has now graduated from my ignore list, to off of it.  :)  Baby steps.

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42 users on ignore (3 of those are signature only). Mostly the low-effort and/or console players--It saves a lot of screen real-estate.  I only ignore posts, never mentions or messages. I also use my ad-blocker to take out most animated profile pics. (Not R.I.C, never R.I.C.)

Now, if only I could pre-emptively ignore some of my own rage-posts...

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6 hours ago, KerbolExplorer said:


 OOF i still dont get those two words rights :/

What's ends too being an effective way to avoid rudeness. A boring  one, however. :P

Welcome aboard. I once mistyped "analysed" on a professional email. I will spare you the details. :D 

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I'm proud to say I have never placed any user on my ignore list. Besides, if someone says something that I don't care for, I'll just ignore them the good old-fashioned way. :) I don't want to miss a great post because the user who created it irked me 3 years ago.

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On this forum? Zero. Though I didn't know you could ignore signatures.... Really wish we could ignore avatars so I could stop seeing the headache-inducing hyper shaky BS ones (which I mostly block with uBlock Origin anyway, but that only works on desktop).

On Twitter? It doesn't give me a count but I suspect it's in the hundreds if not thousands, split between muted and blocked. I'm generally a tolerant and accepting person, but I give no quarter to blind hate or the hyper-intolerant or people that wear dark teal colored shirts. (Just kidding on the shirt thing. Maybe.)

This forum is rather more mature than the general internet, so the number of folks that I'd be exhausted by trends towards zero. 

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