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I just wondering does SQUAD ever considering making animation move based on Kerbals


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They could sell the copyright to make animation movie or cartoon based on KSP, I spend a lot of time in old days playing KSP, and those game thought me more about aerodynamics and aerospace engineering than more of the time I spend in physics classes in High School, here in Poland, but I had great teacher through.

I think an animated movie based on KSP could greatly increase kids and adults too, interest in science, even trough KSP doing great on this field already. I even had a perfect matching title for such movie "THE WRONG STUFF" :D

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Probably. Usually at one of those big boardroom throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks brainstorming meetings. Why, the last leaked memo I saw the movie plot would be where Gus [redacted. spoilers - ed. ] and then the ship [redacted. rule of cool doesn't override physics this much. -ed.] and the goo [no... this was going to be a family movie - ed.]  in a complete and utter cliché storm.

As for it being the wrong stuff. Time for a history search little mayfly. If you look at film of the very early American, Soviet, and German rocketry programs, you will see the same failures as you see in KSP. And there is little arguing that those three programs and some good stuff, and much right stuff.

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The magic word is probably licensing over selling copyrights (unless it means the same? Gah, hell with semantics).

SQUAD did make a few shorts  of Kerbal, although those were rather commercials. 

I agree that there is a lot of room for animation ideas to grow. Just be aware that such movie and the likes need a serious dedication of time, so it is likely  that a separate animation team/company is necessary. Be it fans or other.


Speaking of which, there was this animated  movie called Capture The Flag (2015). Google search link here

Suppose it would be simple to come up with a premise that is fun(ny) and living up to what is kerb.


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6 hours ago, Spraki said:

The magic word is probably licensing over selling copyrights (unless it means the same? Gah, hell with semantics).

Suppose it would be simple to come up with a premise that is fun(ny) and living up to what is kerb.


Sale = permanent transfer of property.

License = property is held by one party who then grants permission for one or more other parties to use that property - usually subject to some terms and conditions.

Coming up with a premise for an animated film shouldn’t be too hard. Doing that premise justice would be tougher, I think. Even going for a lighthearted approach, 90 minutes of Kerbal komedy could get tedious unless it’s done well.

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19 hours ago, KSK said:

Sale = permanent transfer of property.

License = property is held by one party who then grants permission for one or more other parties to use that property - usually subject to some terms and conditions.

Coming up with a premise for an animated film shouldn’t be too hard. Doing that premise justice would be tougher, I think. Even going for a lighthearted approach, 90 minutes of Kerbal komedy could get tedious unless it’s done well.

Thanks. Yeah, I'd be for some sort of limited licensing that allows one to make small animation films and such. 

Feature film would probably too hard to establish from the beginning. Best would be shorts, or even anthology-style tales, as seen in such like Netflix' Love, Death and Robot (google search link).

Might be like a glorified fanfiction, but it would allow KSP to get some spread to the world out there. :)

Or so my opinion.

22 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

Not to be pedantic but I do not believe Squad could do that legally. They sold that right to Take Two Interactive.

Now as to if TTI would do it... I don't know. Are there examples off them doing so in the past?

Yeah. One would have to pitch to both, with a nudge towards TTI. Either way, not a thing of the impossible. Especially since it is all about showing why KSP is great. :)

One would have to add some things, as such need an antagonist of some sort (usually); be it some evil Kerbal corp, invisible Kraken, etc. 

Even a short akin to such like TeamFortress2 - Meet the *class* animated shorts. 

Anyways. I said much.

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Hey - not all fanfiction is that bad. It’s a genre that attracts a lot of first time writers (yours truly included), so there’s a lot of... less than stellar stuff out there, but there’s some really good pieces too. Depends on the fandom I guess.

Back to KSP the animated movie! A defined antagonist would be conventional but I don’t think it’s strictly necessary. This is space travel we’re talking about after all, at present day technology levels. Carelessness, lack of planning, those everpresent unknown unknowns, or just plain bad luck will kill you just as surely as the Kraken or an arch-villain.

Besides - personal opinion - saddling the Kerbals with evil corps or arch-villains is a bit depressing.

Edited by KSK
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There is pro-grade fan-fic out there. And then there is the... other end of the scale which gives fan-fic its reputation. Sturgeon's Law and editors exist for a reason. 

1 hour ago, Spraki said:

One would have to add some things, as such need an antagonist of some sort (usually); be it some evil Kerbal corp, invisible Kraken, etc. 

No need; and I agree with KSK, to add such is easy, and wouldn't generate the best possible product. I'm not saying it wouldn't work and that you wouldn't get a good product. But, sometimes you need to follow a different route to craft a great product. Probably an Epic scale slice of life plot would suit KSP better.

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Just to be on the same page; I did not mean any negative tone with the glorified fanfiction comment.

It was merely putting it in a simplified synonym/term (alike tvtropes heh); if one were to do things animated anthology-style, with people putting in "their personal tastes perspective or vision", which is by all means okay. :)

It can also bring other bizarre things, as one had said with 'and then there are the others' reputation. I suppose one just has to add a small guideline.

Nonetheless, my point here was just that such like Love, Death & Robot would bring a lot of things akin to fanfiction. 

I probably should had defined more but didn't want to walltext. 

Speaking of which, I am a fanficwriter myself, for good and bad ;). So I know well what you mean. 

Likewise, also had learned of the Sturgeon's Law when a random reader recommended one of mine with that term. (Tales of the Vjel-Amaj)

So, yeah, it does exist for a reason.

2 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

My two favorite space movies, Apollo 13 and The Martian, had no antagonist. Kerbals facing the twin dangers of space itself and their own exuberance, would be just fine.

I can't go deep into the stuff of drama, but I think one could literally say that nature/kraken are somewhat the antagonist. Alike Dante's Peak or Armaggedon(spelling), where a volcano or asteroid is a threat. 


Either way, it is not me to say what is boring or fun. :)

It is just that audiences might prefer ethics tales (good v bad). 

A nice (imo) balance of sliceOfLife and ethics can be seen in the anime Wings of Honneamise (1987), which is also about space flight and why it is important. Highly recommended, especially for us kerbal folk. Check out the trailer, or maybe even youtube has the full movie.

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On 6/22/2019 at 3:34 PM, KSK said:

90 minutes of Kerbal komedy could get tedious unless it’s done well.

Oh, I dunno.

Throw in lots of jokes about Kerbals being blindingly stupid creatures that build everything out of junkyard waste, fill the other half with lots of explosions and meaningless deaths, and I think you've probably got a hit movie that perfectly captures the KSP spirit!  Just make sure to drag it out to the point where the repeated jokes are run into the ground, and it's sure to be a record-setter!




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3 hours ago, Spraki said:

A nice (imo) balance of sliceOfLife and ethics can be seen in the anime Wings of Honneamise (1987), which is also about space flight and why it is important. Highly recommended, especially for us kerbal folk. Check out the trailer, or maybe even youtube has the full movie.

WoH is definitely worth a watch. Just not starting at midnight, like I first did. Elevator pitch, "A slacker finds redemption by becoming the world's first astronaut in the midst a cold war between two nations." It is a beautiful film with solid mechanical design with NASA support. 


30 minutes ago, razark said:

Throw in lots of jokes about Kerbals being blindingly stupid creatures that build everything out of junkyard waste, fill the other half with lots of explosions and meaningless deaths, and I think you've probably got a hit movie that perfectly captures the KSP spirit!  Just make sure to drag it out to the point where the repeated jokes are run into the ground, and it's sure to be a record-setter!

To chase the comedy route you would have to follow the pattern of the Python movies "Life of Brian" and "Holy Grail" rather than The Three Stooges. What works in the short fifteen minute block seldom works when stretched to the two hour length.

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