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Pitch and Roll controls are swapped. Please halp!!!

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So thanks to the new props and rotors in 1.7.3 I'm have a lot more success with controlling my quad copter. It sips power (actually charges while hovering), is pretty stable, got it up over 50 m/s ground speed and I can kinda almost control it. The main problem I'm have is pitch and roll controls are swapped. Pitch control cause a roll, and roll control causes pitching which makes it extremely hard to fly. I've tried everything I can think of to reverse the swap. Changed orientation of the cockpit, changed direction of the rotors and props, reaction wheel vertical, reaction wheels horizontal. I don't believe it has anything to do with the wheels as you can see the incorrect authority spikes in the aerodynamic overlay when the controls are pressed. Any help in straightening this out will be greatly appreciated. Got a lot of plans for this rig and I'm stuck.






Edited by Rich T
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50 minutes ago, Rich T said:

(spot reserved for picture ONCE I FIGURE OUT HOW TO POST THEM!!)

Take a screenshot. Go to imgur.com, click the "New Post" button, and drag and drop your screenshot on top of their website. Wait a minute, and it will give you a URL to the image. Copy that URL to your clipboard. Come back here and "edit" your post, click the bottom of the post to move your cursor, and click the "insert image from URL" button. Paste the URL, Click "insert into post", and Submit.


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2 minutes ago, bewing said:

Take a screenshot. Go to imgur.com, click the "New Post" button, and drag and drop your screenshot on top of their website. Wait a minute, and it will give you a URL to the image. Copy that URL to your clipboard. Come back here and "edit" your post, click the bottom of the post to move your cursor, and click the "insert image from URL" button. Paste the URL, Click "insert into post", and Submit.


thanks bewing. I think I got it. i can see the pics, can you?

Any suggestions on the pitch / roll swap?

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This is weird. By the navball it looks like the craft thinks “forward” is what’s actually to the right or left ( if you’re looking south in the bottom pic, then it’s to the left). Is your cockpit the root part? Is there another control point that accidentally is root instead? If you select “control from here” on the cockpit does the situation resolve itself?

You don’t, by chance, have a Probe core at the cener of that monstrosity, do you?

Edited by pincushionman
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No, there's no prob core buried and yes the cockpit is the root part. I work around the swap by placing docking ports on the side and use "control from here" on one of them. That gets the pitch back onto the WS keys and the roll back onto the QE keys. But , one of the pair are backwards depending on which side port is chosen. That's what make the nav ball display as it does. It's showing a roll on a docking port mounted to the side. I just noticed the nav ball in the cockpit. It happens to be displaying correctly. 

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so if i select the left side docking port as the control point, the pitch control works as expected but the roll controls are flipped. The nav ball is flipped as shown. (roll on side port)


If is switch to IVA, now the nav ball is correct. BUT THE PITCH AND ROLL CONTROLS ARE SWAPPED AGAIN!!!!!! What am I missing???



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I do not think you are missing anything.  I have only briefly tried the new props, but came to a similar conclusion regarding how the blades respond to pitch and roll.

For a quad-copter, you will probably want to link the collective-pitch to pitch and roll, assigning the deploy limit to the pitch/roll axes, making the forward blades bite more in response to pitch up, the left-rear more and right-rear less in response to roll right.

Edited by OHara
Or, just disable pitch/yaw/roll response from the blades and use reaction-wheels only for attitude
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