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Help with recovering a Kerbal from a Habitation Module

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So I've done a couple recovery missions already and have the approach and intercept nailed down but I ran into a roadblock on this one. My target is inside a Habitation Module with no option to EVA, or any type of docking port that I can tell. How do I go about getting him out?

My best guess is to go up with some other station part and connect them to transfer crew but I don't even know if that is thing. It's my first play through so any advice would be greatly appreciated.



EDIT: Thank you everyone for the advice! I grabbed the Module with THE KLAW and did the crew transfer. MISSION SUCCESS! I'm really impressed with this community, as a first post I half expected to be ignored or trolled but you all gave solid and sound advice. I look forward to learning more with all of you. Thanks again!

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Does this habitation module (from a mod, I assume?) have any doors on it at all? If it has no doors, then you are mostly SOL. Your only option then is to use a klaw to actually dock with it.

If it does have a door, then when you use [ or ] to focus the module, you can probably double click on the door and you will get an EVA option that way.


Edited by bewing
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I get the EVA button no problem when my rescue vessel is between 5-10m of the vessel and I switch control to the thing I want to rescue. The problem is that I can't get the Kerbal out of it. Is there a coupling part I can use later in the Tech Tree? I'm completely lost on how to approach this problem.

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Hi, and welcome aboard!

Do you mean the Hitchhiker module?  It should have usable hatches.  If you aren't close enough to the target (2km I think), you're not even able to focus on the craft, but it sounds like you're past that point.  You could try both clicking on the portrait, and left-clicking on a hatch, and see if one works for an EVA.

I can't think of any part on a Kerbal rescue contract that isn't supposed to let you EVA the Kerbal.  Sometimes on missions where you have to recover the craft as well, you need to use the Klaw to grab the other ship.  You shouldn't need that here, but I suppose you could try it as a workaround.


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3 hours ago, TheThugler said:

My best guess is to go up with some other station part and connect them to transfer crew but I don't even know if that is thing. It's my first play through so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I thought there was some validation of the modules used in rescue missions now, but I used to get those all the time. If you grab the module with one of the Grabber modules, it's like docking and you should be able to transfer him to your capsule module if you have unlimited transfers enabled, which is somewhere in the difficulty settings.

However, unless it proved totally impossible, I would figure out how to recover the module with the guy still in it. If you grab a module almost exactly along its longitudinal axis and use a heat shield of sufficient diameter to mask both, AND you remember to put on enough parachutes to handle the mass of your ship plus the second module, you can land them and then just recover the ship as normal and at that point the rescue crews finally cut him out.

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It might help if you have a picture of the hab module, or if you can give us the exact name. (In the past, some of the habs didn't have a portrait or hatch, so you had to grab on with a claw before you could get the kerbal out. I don't know if that's still the case in the current version.)

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14 hours ago, vossiewulf said:

I thought there was some validation of the modules used in rescue missions now

I guess the rescue contract expects command modules to have a hatch. That's not true for some modded parts, e.g. the surface-attachable cupola from SSPXr is such a command module without an exit.

If I encounter one of those on a rescue contract, I just edit reality and change the part name to "cupola" in the save file, then reload.


Edit: Now that I thought about it again, I seem to be wrong. Rescue contracts don't always pick command modules, do they?

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