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KSP2 Hype Train Thread

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Someone did that math and the equation on the black board, when solved, gives you a number.  That number, if it means seconds, would put the date that it is referencing as September 3.   That seems like an accurate ballpark, so I think it might be correct.

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41 minutes ago, Tundra said:

Someone did that math and the equation on the black board, when solved, gives you a number.  That number, if it means seconds, would put the date that it is referencing as September 3.   That seems like an accurate ballpark, so I think it might be correct.

Yes, but I think it was hours, not seconds.  Stop teasing people, lol

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On 3/12/2022 at 10:50 PM, Vl3d said:

Nobody is saying anything, there's no more communication from the devs. Why will no one answers our questions? Are we all alone?

You've been here for all of 12 seconds and are already asking "are we all alone", as if to spark drama. We got procedural radiators, wings and matrix shaders for the tutorial levels in the past few months. Why are you doing this, begging for news we're already getting?

I realise the forum had guided me to a previous page when I made the above post, but ignore "procedural radiators" and I think my response still stands.

21 hours ago, SciMan said:

Personally I hate April Fools day. To me it's just a day where you can't trust anything you hear, and for someone like me that grounds their entire existence in facts and logic, it just scrambles my brain.

So to break the bubble, neither of the above posts from the KSP devs are to be taken seriously. There will be no legitimate news from KSP today.

And if there is, well that'll be one hell of an April Fools joke.

EDIT: I suppose I should slightly elaborate on why I hate April Fools day so much. I despise being made a fool by the actions of other people. When I'm wrong, that's on me, but when someone else changes the supposed facts around so that I'm wrong (but not actually wrong, but I think I'm wrong, but I'm right in the end), it just gets me frustrated. And not the kind of "get up and do something" frustrated. I mean the kind of frustrated that makes you wonder why you even got out of bed in the morning.

And considering I have been diagnosed with depression, and some days already have enough trouble getting out of bed that's not very helpful, now is it?

EDIT 2: It's coming from pretty much the same place in my psyche that makes me really hate dealing with people that can't just accept the well known and well proven facts (said facts having been proven independently countless times), rather than continuing to operate on their own (incorrect and/or harmful) beliefs. I can accept that I'm wrong, when it's proven to me, why do I have to go beyond proving it to someone for them to believe the facts that I've laid out for them? I do my best to give a complete picture, why do people have the need to reduce everything to a soundbyte or meme? I mean I like memes, but that format of information conveyance has it's limitations, as do soundbytes. And I tend to talk about subjects that are highly resistant to being reduced to so few words as those found in a soundbyte or meme. There is such a thing as an idea that is complex enough that you can't just "explain like I'm 5 years old". Sometimes the adults need to use a lot of big words in a single sentence. That doesn't meant the subject is bad. It just means you need to take a bit and actually listen for more than a minute or so.

There's a time and a place - ruining the fun isn't necessary, is it? :) 

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15 hours ago, Tundra said:

Someone did that math and the equation on the black board, when solved, gives you a number.  That number, if it means seconds, would put the date that it is referencing as September 3.   That seems like an accurate ballpark, so I think it might be correct.

I quite like the theory, but 3rd Sept is a Saturday. Is a Saturday usually when games are released? Wouldn't it be better on the Friday?

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21 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

begging for news we're already getting

Has anything been announced about multiplayer, automated logistics, craft command & control software design, reusability, craft versioning and mass production, resource economics, goodies hidden on planets, game modes, kerbal lore, modding facilities, IVA experience, new buildings, life support, interstellar travel, journey planner, under/water gameplay etc.?

If not, there's still stuff to beg for.

21 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

You've been here for all of 12 seconds and are already asking "are we all alone",

There are many players who are not active members of the forum community. But we are all passionate about the game. I choose to be vocal about my dreams and wishes. I would like more content about the new features of KSP2. I can just as easily be ignored.

But, as in any healthy relationship, communication is key. Otherwise you're left feeling alone. And hope slowly dies.

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25 minutes ago, Vl3d said:

There are many players who are not active members of the forum community. But we are all passionate about the game. I choose to be vocal about my dreams and wishes. I would like more content about the new features of KSP2. I can just as easily be ignored.

Anyone who has been on a forum knows it's common etiquette to read/skim previous posts on a thread to check and see if your question has already been brought up and answered, asking the same question over and over again is a waste of time for everyone. Just because we can ignore you doesn't make it any less rude or stop it from being an eye sore when going through a thread.

30 minutes ago, Vl3d said:

Has anything been announced about multiplayer, automated logistics, craft command & control software design, reusability, craft versioning and mass production, resource economics, goodies hidden on planets, game modes, kerbal lore, modding facilities, IVA experience, new buildings, life support, interstellar travel, journey planner, under/water gameplay etc.?

All of these are things you would expect to see during a promo campaign just a few months before release. I think it would be cool to see those now but I'm not gonna panic because we haven't seen it yet.

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This is a megathread for people who want to review this trend!


wait.. it’s not a trend. :P


Ok, ok... You get what I mean, review Kerbal Space program 2.


For me, just by some art and character designs: 5/10.

Edited by Abigblueworld official
Because of grammar.
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On 4/2/2022 at 3:28 PM, Bej Kerman said:

There's a time and a place - ruining the fun isn't necessary, is it? :) 

If I didn't dread that date every year, I wouldn't ruin the fun. But I hate the coming of "April Fools Day".

It's not that I dislike the concept, it's just that not everyone "gets it" about the point of it being all in fun, and being on the wrong end of one of those "maybe we took it too far" bits is something that makes me stay at home and read a book or something where I am not able to get "stuff that happened today" for that whole day.

Now, don't get me wrong. When some games take the day as an excuse to make a break from the norm, like they add a new limited-time game mode and/or map specifically for April 1st, that's the right way to do it.

What's not the right way to do it is to see how the KSP forums are grasping at the tiniest scraps of data in order to figure out anything new about KSP 2, and then drop "hey we're removing Dres" and "here's a livestream of the dev's at work" and it's just a link to the Pitch Drop Experiment.

To me, those two things seem, I don't know, maybe just a little bit CRITICALLY OUT OF TOUCH with the actual state of the forums?

The right move would have been to do nothing at all, or you know to think ahead a little bit and post some new-but-maybe-it-doesn't-actually-reveal-much info but you have to do some sort of ARG to actually figure out what it is they're telling us about.

Having the Community Managers, who are users that I normally trust to be responsible with such things, intentionally feed the forums with misleading data, even if the spirit of the day is to mislead people, seems to be in bad taste, especially considering how much speculation there is surrounding just what exactly we're going to be getting if and when we do buy KSP 2.
Now, because of prior experiences with pre-ordering games from AAA studios and having them deliver a non-functional product that if I had any sense I would have actually just flat-out refunded, I'm not preordering it unless that lets me play the game early, but once it's out I'll gladly pay full price for it.

Put plainly, these April Fools day "pranks" were in incredibly poor taste in my eyes, given how the forums are likely to take any scrap of info that those particular people say and run with it.

But it will take more than one instance of the CM's seeming to be detached from the reality of the environment of the forums before I will lose faith in them. At the end of it all, I am aware that it was done as a joke, and despite it leaving a particularly bad taste in my mouth, I do not believe that it was meant in ill-will.

But as a general rule, I work to prevent the spread of misinformation wherever I go. Even as a joke.
I've seen too many times where someone that is not as well informed as I am will take a conclusion reached for the sake of a joke, and treat it as the truth. And I don't want to cause that kind of confusion.

EDIT: You see, the problem is that I was made to realize that I had been fooled. I do not like that feeling one bit, no matter if the entire day is dedicated to causing that feeling in others or not.

Edited by SciMan
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22 minutes ago, SciMan said:

maybe just a little bit CRITICALLY OUT OF TOUCH with the actual state of the forums?

What's the state of the forums? Few people are unnecessarily paranoid, the rest is fine.

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6 minutes ago, SciMan said:

just don't say "we'll release the game when this experiment finishes" and link it, or even allude to that fact

I actually liked that pitch joke, it was ballsy and toxic and made me laugh and also flip a table. It had me wanting to do a Will Smith. The unDressing one.. I rolled my eyes at.

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9 minutes ago, Bej Kerman said:

Why are you like this?

They were both such un-funny (to me) jokes, that it took me literally looking at my calendar and seeing the date for me to realize that they were even jokes in the first place.

Pardon me for offending you if my sense of humor is not in line with everyone else's, I didn't realize I could offend someone by having the wrong beliefs around here. I thought we were better than that.

EDIT: and @Vl3d is right, that joke was "ballsy and toxic" but more the latter than the former.

I realize the tie-in with "dres doesn't exist", but I don't find that particular in-joke funny either, therefore neither is the joke that ties-into it.

Nor do I find it funny when people refer to Kerbals as "stupid rocket-obsessed aliens". The fact that they can make orbit in the first place proves their intelligence.

And in my experience if someone on the internet is making "trolling" type jokes, it's only a matter of time before they cross the line and get banned.
Which is why I was severely taken aback when I saw the Community Managers of all people posting something like that.

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Here is my take on the pitch drop joke:  If I were in their shoes, which I'm not, I would not have dared to put that joke out there if I was behind schedule or the release was at risk.  I would only have put it out if the opposite were true, as a troll.  I found the pitch drop to be very good news.  They are relatively confident enough in how things are going that they can joke about it going slow.  If it were true, in a working environment, it would be the last thing their bosses would let them joke about.  I could be wrong.  I have been occasionally

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Alright, so nobody's attacking my sense of humor (or more likely lack thereof).

I have gotten over it, but you literally asked "why are you like this". All I was doing was explaining why in fact I am like this.

And for an additional bit of information that probably makes it all click, I have in fact been diagnosed with an Autism-spectrum disorder (Asperger's Syndrome). I also have ADHD, MDD, and type 2 Bipolar disorder (tho that last one only manifests as a sleep disorder, and thankfully I take medicine that seems to treat it well).

So I hope you can pardon me if my head's not entirely screwed on right. Trust me, if I could fix it myself, I would.

Perhaps I'm transferring my stress from one topic to another, as current events in western Europe also have me worried for my own safety here in the US, not because I'm not a native US citizen but because... well lets just say I'd rather that long-range rockets don't get involved, no matter who pushes the button first. I think I'm starting to understand the kind of existential fear my parents had during the Cold War.

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18 hours ago, SciMan said:

Alright, so nobody's attacking my sense of humor (or more likely lack thereof).

I have gotten over it, but you literally asked "why are you like this". All I was doing was explaining why in fact I am like this.

And for an additional bit of information that probably makes it all click, I have in fact been diagnosed with an Autism-spectrum disorder (Asperger's Syndrome). I also have ADHD, MDD, and type 2 Bipolar disorder (tho that last one only manifests as a sleep disorder, and thankfully I take medicine that seems to treat it well).

So I hope you can pardon me if my head's not entirely screwed on right. Trust me, if I could fix it myself, I would.

Perhaps I'm transferring my stress from one topic to another, as current events in western Europe also have me worried for my own safety here in the US, not because I'm not a native US citizen but because... well lets just say I'd rather that long-range rockets don't get involved, no matter who pushes the button first. I think I'm starting to understand the kind of existential fear my parents had during the Cold War.

The world is pretty rough right now, I don't think I can blame anyone for being a bit on edge. Honestly after 2 years of Covid and now this I don't know how anyone is keeping it together. Things got a little testy in the 'Is KSP dead' thread, but it feels like folks are settling back down. Im hoping we can all be really generous with each other, take comments and opinions for what they are and not harp too badly even when folks are venting. Sometimes we all need a good vent. 

Just as an aside I've always marveled at your knowledge on the technical/engineering side. Is that your field or just a hobby? 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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12 minutes ago, Lijazos said:

No release date announcement

There is a release date , it was hidden with the dres removal April fool , they aim for September release

But still , nothing official

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