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I see it's already got a page on Steam, so I hope this never becomes an issue, but unfortunately Epic Games Store's business practises mean this needs to be addressed up front.

I don't trust EGS. Disregarding any other controversy, their data handling has been AT BEST negligent. I've never had an EGS account, and never will.

I have nothing against KSP2 being available on as many sales channels as possible, including EGS, and hopefully as a stand alone download similar to KSP, but if EGS manage to pick it up as an exclusive, I won't be getting it.

I say that as a veteran that's been playing since 2011, and that has thousands of hours in KSP. If any game was going to convince me to install EGS, KSP2 would be it, but I can already absolutely say it wouldn't.

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...and having heard about decisions your bosses make lately, I'll just say it once and leave it here (I don't care if there will be discussion because for me there's nothing to discuss):

If it's Epic-exclusive, you will enjoy 88% of 0$ of my money.

What happens next is entirely on you.

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50 minutes ago, MrCow said:

What is the issue with epic games? I've heard steam, and ksp itself are also spyware from websites. What is the difference between egs and steam?

Their data security seems to be lacking;



Even something as simple as email verification is beyond them, meaning it's all too common for an account to be tied to the wrong email address.

There are other controversies around EGS, documented here;


These are concerning, but there's not actually much that's concrete there, beyond being able to accuse them of having pretty awful business practises. The fact that backers on crowdfunding sites have been shafted by several different games WILL have a chilling effect on crowdfunding for games though.

The main thing is that their tactic of securing exclusives results in gamers being forced to choose between accepting all the baggage above, or waiting for the exclusivity on the game they want to play to run out.

For me, it's the documented data breaches, and especially their response to them, that tipped me into "wouldn't touch with a barge pole".

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Oh goody, more self-righteous baseless fear mongering and complaining about assumptions pulled from nothing.

There are people that hate Steam as much as you hate Epic.  Regardless of what direction they go, they're not going to respond to boycott threats.

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Yeah, heard this story before. Words don't matter. Existing Steam store page doesn't matter. What matters is their actions. This isn't a question, a request, or a threat. The closest you could call this thread is a "statement of intent", I guess. They're free to do whatever they want.

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28 minutes ago, razark said:

I, for one, hope that KSP2 is sold only as a boxed version through mail-order catalogues, just so it can do things right and include an extensive manual.

Exactly how much of the Atomic Rockets site would need to be in that manual?  ;) 

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49 minutes ago, razark said:

I, for one, hope that KSP2 is sold only as a boxed version through mail-order catalogues, just so it can do things right and include an extensive manual.

How many floppy disks will I need to use for installation?

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14 minutes ago, MDZhB said:

How many floppy disks will I need to use for installation?

FYI, if you do it this way, the game will stop at every spaceship launch and ask you for a particular word from a particular page of the manual.

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5 minutes ago, PolecatEZ said:

FYI, if you do it this way, the game will stop at every spaceship launch and ask you for a particular word from a particular page of the manual.

Oh how Civ changed my life when I was given the floppies in 1994 from a family whose kids had left home and didn't play games (not pirated I think?) - but never got given the manual.  Every thousand years I had to make a guess.


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Just now, theJesuit said:

Every thousand years I had to make a guess.

I remember that I had those all memorized.

A couple days ago, I was poking around on DOSBox, showing the kids some of the stuff I used to play.  Came across a game that required a "look in the manual and identify this" protection.  The kids were disappointed they wouldn't get to see the game.  I just sat for a moment until I remembered.  They were amazed I could do it.  (So was I.)

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16 minutes ago, RocketSimplicity said:

It's been confirmed that it won't be an epic exclusive.

so were a lot of other games that are now epic exclusives.

i honestly dont care about the release platform, i just dont want to see any more bait and switch. 

that said i doubt it. if they were going ue for ksp2, maybe. as they waive engine fees in that case. but it looks like they are keeping with unity. so the benefits for going ue are much less. 

Edited by Nuke
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