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Antares: Remade Development Thread


Star number poll  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. How many stars should be in this system?

    • 2 (binary star)
    • 3 (trinary star)
    • 4 (quadruple star)

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So, I've recently decided that since the old Antares Solar System really, really, reeeally sucks, and I've gained some experience in modding and want to revisit the mod, it'd be a pretty good idea to completely remake it from the ground up rather than reviving it. It's really just that bad. (Plus the acronym Antares Solar System spells out is ASS, so...)

     Now, I hear you asking: "Well, what's this mod going to be like?"

What A:R is going to be is an accurate representation of what red giants and their surrounding, aged solar systems could be like. This means that not only will everything be really hot and really bright, but there will be planets veeery close to the surface of the star (Those close-in planets aren't destroyed because red giants are really super mega hyper uber omega undense. Like, we're talking way less dense than literally the Earth's atmosphere, especially near the outer edge of the star). This also means that Antares will finally have a realistic-looking color!

That also means there will be no habitable planets or moons in this solar system. Also, Antares in this mod won't be representing the actual star in this mod, unlike last time (This mod's Antares is only a little more massive than the stock Sun, ~1 scaled AU in radius, no companion star(s) unless they're wanted, etc). So it'll be a pretty difficult-to-survive destination for the most part.

Also, Antares is far away. Like, reeeally far away far away. Like, literally 0.0214 IRL light-years away from the stock system far away, so I'd definitely recommend that you use some kind of part mod(s) to get there.

     I also hear you asking: "Well, how does this improve on the old ASS in any way?"

Well, for one, the textures aren't made in literally MS Paint and/or ripped from Google Images this time around. And for two, I'll actually be asking around a little for help with this thing instead of going alone and making a pile of crap. And three, I've learned how to make normal maps that actually work right with KSP so that the starlight hits the planet/moon right.

There will also be more things to explore in Antares: Remade, with the current planet total being 5 and an escaped moon (so like, 5 1/2 planets, I guess). That means there's more of a reason to actually visit this solar system!

I've also rescaled the stock system--all planets, as well as the stock Sun (aside from Kerbin, Eve, and Laythe because I don't know how to change the ocean height right now ;.;) are 1/10 size and 1/100 mass, and the planetary (and moonary(?)) distances are all 1/10 scale too, rather than 1/11.

     I can also also hear you asking: "Well, how far along are you in making this? When's the release date?"

Currently I have the two outer gas giant planets, Akete and Anterrie, in a somewhat finished state. I'm currently working on the many moons of these two planets before moving on to the three inner, rocky planets and their moons. Currently in a bit of a roadblock with one of Anterrie's moons, but hopefully I'll figure it out without needing help.

I've found a workaround for the pictures. Pictures are of Antares and Akete, a gas giant significantly smaller and less massive than Jool:


(Note: the weird lighting on Akete is because of the stock Sun lighting it up. I've fixed that now, planning on taking some more pictures soon)

I don't have a specific release date in mind, but hopefully I can put out a first version sometime before KSP2 drops.

     Finally, I can hear you asking: "How can you hear all these things I'm asking? Are you in my house or something?"


Edited by electricpants
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3 hours ago, ILoveStars said:

The new antares is soooo much better!

Thanks, glad other people agree that everything looks better now :P

3 hours ago, ILoveStars said:

Recommendations for plernert ideas:

Charred rocky planet

Brown dwarf


Good ideas! I'll make sure to include them :)

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