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buildings indestructible in ksp 1.8?

Flying dutchman

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1 minute ago, Streetwind said:

Have you tried the object thrower from the Debug menu? You can give it a lot of oomph. If that still doesn't wreck any buildings, then there's definitely an issue.

Also, just to check - you are in career mode, right?

for some reason the object thrower has never worked for me. no sandbox but i tried career aswell..

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Ok, Gunners Jebediah Kerman and Val Kerman, reporting for duty.

They heard of the alleged indestructability of their recently upgrade digs, and decided to put it to the test... for science!

They decided that the appropriate place to observe the launch of their demon of destruction, was from as close as kerbally possible.



OK... she's lit and headed straight at those big barn doors.



Getting close now... fingers in ears time... wait for the inferno of destuction.



aaaaaand... nothing.

Not a sausage, just a shiny, straight from the 1.8 box it came from, VAB.

So let's try again.

Ok, she's away aaaaand, hmmm... that does not look like a firestorm of propellant fueled glory at the back end there



What that looks like to me is failure.

The first attempt to stage the engine and the decoupler similataneously worked by complete fluke, and the next few attempts results in only expensive garbage being left on the pad.



Ok, time for Plan B.

Try and stage the engine first then the decoupler a split second later. Sure I can do it, just gotta be quick about it or...



The whole thing heads (roughly) towards the VAB at conciderable speed.



With the inevitable results.



One very broken Jeb... and Val, well, she didn't make.

Clean up crew couldn't even find the remains.


RIP Val Kerman 00:00:00 Day 0 - 00:00:17 Day 0


Fired up the game for the first time in a couple of months, after installing 1.8 and this was the very first thing I did.

Edited by purpleivan
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