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Kerbal Death Note

Mars-Bound Hokie

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Lrmprjrnrhrjndkwr Kerman, he died because when he was flying in a routine jet flight. Apparently when he said "Lrmprjrnrhrjndkwr to Base", the ATC Tower mistook his name for the kerbal word for "Blow me up with a gigantic Rocket." Unfortunately, there was a rocket on the pad, and they flew it towards the jet, killing Lrmprjrnrhrjndkwr in the process.

Munwise Kerman - Flag Planting mishap.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It was new years eve, and the flag contained a firework, which hit Munwise's helmet, causing him to fall of the Mün crater rim and onto his rover, which rolled down the hill, straight towards the lander and his fellow kerbonauts. In order to save them from a rover that was low on ec and at 35 m/s, Munwise tried to turn, but flipped the river and had his visor smashed by the origional firework.

Eurbal Kerman - planned rcs tank rupture.

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/11/2020 at 3:31 AM, probe137 said:

I forgot to and I can't think of one

How hard can it be? Just think of a

  • Random first name (doesn't even have to make sense), followed by "Kerman"
    • For some reason, everyone's last name is Kerman
  • Cause of death
    • Like I said earlier, don't just use "Heart attack." We can do better than that.
    • It can range from being realistic (e.g. plane crash) or just outright ridiculous (e.g. getting high on Duna dust)
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2 hours ago, Dat Kerbal Dude said:

It's time to return to the track.

CJ Kerman-  Follow the... train?

CJ kerman follows the train on the tracks, however the train is too fast for him and he gets hit by another train.

kem kerman - 

2 hours ago, Mars-Bound Hokie said:

getting high on Duna dust


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Kem was acting strange due to duna dust exposure. Despite the precautions of Val, Jeb still held a meeting with the crew where he and Bill accused Kem of being "sus" Kem was ejected. 

Æiteürißus Kerman: Ye Olde Kerblish.

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Æiteürißus was Kerbling around Kerbin ,unfortunately, Angelo Kerman Mistaked him as a kraken's child,so he launches a anti-Kraken Missile made by Matt Kerman,Æiteürißus Kerman dies after the AK missile malfunctions near it's target, "aerodinamically" releasing it's Payload,and then it exploded.

Korolev Kerman- testing a Koyuz I rocket-

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Korolev Kerman finally died on Duna after battling Brain Kancer. (Wait, just watch.) The brain cancer may have started 50 years ago while Korolev was watching a test of the Koyuz I rocket when a bolt on the rocket sheared off and hit him on the head. The bolt had been rusted from the elements and infected his brain, it made him smarter and allowed Krussia to beat Amerika to the Mun and onward, after capturing Wehrner von Kerman, the Krussian space Program became the Kerbin Space Program, and reached Duna in 2 years.

Elon Kerman - Died while riding in a car to Duna on a rocket's maiden flight.

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Elon Kerman died when his 4000 part Kesla caused the cpu to overheat. This resulted in the user being stuck with a school chromebook (with pentium and 128 kilobytes of ram. That resulted such low ksp fps that Elon chose to self edit himself out of the save file.

Meh Kerman: School.

Edited by catloaf
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Meh Kerman was bored of school, so he said the Ultimate "M" During Klass


Curse U!!! -DOSMojnedweojpdvm Kerman replied-

and then ,the magical [CLASSIFIED] Appeared,and blowed Meh and DOSMojnedweojpdvm Kerman with Monopropellum nitratinium!

The end... ?


Edited by Dat Kerbal Dude
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After spending hours and hours playing Team Fortress 2, DASOMJFEOAKPSDKVCMKOSDЩФЫВЩЬФЫЩЬВ  Kerman started acting strange. He would be pressing buttons on an invisible controller, attempting to download it onto his work computer, and pretended to shoot people. Then, it got bad. DASOMJFEOAKPSDKVCMKOSDЩФЫВЩЬФЫЩЬВ  Started to shoot invisible guns at people, and then real guns. FInally, he died, revealing that Team Fortress 2 attracts a parasite in your brain forcing you to play it more and more obsessively.

Japris Kerman - Excessive Modding.

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One day Japris modded ksp so much that it crashed. When Japris attempted to launch it again his pc BSOD and got stuck in  a bootloop. Unfortunately that pc also controlled his houses self destruct mechanism, which was triggered by the error. Luckily Japris jumped out of his house just in time, but landed on someones car. Japris attempted to jump off the cars roof, but flew right into a large car and went splat on the windshield.

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  • 5 months later...
On 10/20/2020 at 6:51 PM, Dat Kerbal Dude said:

Green Iron Crown Kerman - negative rep points.

Green Iron Crown Kerman was a kerbonaut celebrity to whom publicity was very important. He would be extremely sad if someone disliked him. One day, Green Iron Crown was checkin' round the forums, when he saw that he had got not one, but two negative rep points!

Green Iron Crown got depressed and eventually just died off.


Victim: Maria Kerman

Manner of death: Starship






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She was listening to KSP SPH music during SN11 flight testing with headphones, while sitting under starship. Dispute the calls of the ground crew to stop the launch the mission control was too busy posting on the KSP forums. When the mission control realized it was time to launch they pressed the launch button, firing the engines. Maria Kerman was vaporized.

Victim: Urcal Kerman.

Cause: Very High Speed Docking.

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Urcal Kerman was a cool girl in the flight school, she always docked in the simulations with acceptable speed and it still looked cool. Then when it really happened and 2 other kerbals watched, she wanted to look even cooler. She approached with 20 meters per second and planned to ''lithobrake on the docking port''. But then her Guidance system failed and she lost manual control too, so she watched as she was approaching her death. Quite a sad one.


Victim: Andreas Kerman

Cause: UDMH/NTO ingestion

Edited by Starhelperdude
making Urcal female
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Andreas Kerman was always a hungry boi. So when he noticed a bowl of soup in the AC living quarters, he of course decided to eat it. Some experts believe that although it is quite close in composition to the average Snack, the UDMH/NTO combo was a bit to much for Andreas’ combustion chamber digestive system. 

Victim: Leonard Kerman

Cause: Flag-based Propulsion Incident. 

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Leonard was a confident and smart kerbal, allways think of new ways to save Delta V. One day it came where he was stuck on minimus and he needed to get back. He speed glitched himself with his flag and launched himself towards kerbin. As he approached he realized he forgot his heat shield. All he could do was watch as kerbin approached, as he sped towards the surface at several kilometres per second...

17 hours ago, Starhelperdude said:

Urcal Kerman was a cool guy in the flight school.

Urcal was a female kerbal.

Victim: Bob, Bill, and Valentina Kerman

Cause: high speed aerobraking on Laythe.

Edited by STORMPILOTkerbalkind
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He cracked his knuckes but his fingers came off and clicked the launch button by accident.  The unmanned uncontrollable rocket soared up and then towards him. He watched as his doom approached...

 Victim: Dancott kerman.

Jeb s bad flying skills.


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