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SimpleConstruction! (SCON) Stock rocket building


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PS - have added a barebones wiki to the github repo.... 

any brave volunteers to flesh it out? :D :valwink:

On 10/7/2020 at 4:58 PM, margon said:

I recently take knowledge of this mod and it is amazing but I would like to ask about an issue I am having. The cost of the small tank increased from 1000 (without SimpleConstruction) to 31000 in the ore, metal and rocket parts configurations and 6438 for the jumbo. :o

Are this prices correct?

@margonall the prices/densities are set in the Resources.cfg -- 1.5/unit for RocketParts; 0.5/unit for metal;  it doesn't touch the cost of Ore.

>> density controls how many units fit into a liter. << (you probably already knew that)

SimpleConstruction! doesn't change the density, but it does lower the price of Metal (down to 0.5 from 14.24 in CRP) (am thinking of increasing this because of game balance). It does not change the cost of RocketParts which is set in CRP.

the only other thing that could be affecting this is the tank.cfg patch - which I will look at now. all looking okay. famous last words...

On 7/27/2020 at 12:39 AM, StormxWolf said:

Just a heads up, your mod isn't appearing on CKAN for some reason. It only appears under KSP v. 1.3.1 not 1.9.1

Just for reference, an image of the only listing under 'all':


thank you. should be fixed when I push the next update, or I could just whisper @HebaruSan @HebaruSan  @HebaruSan ;p

On 5/23/2020 at 6:13 PM, Ericwi said:

I found if you edit the first line in Resources.cfg RESOURCE_DEFINITION //:NEEDS[!CommunityResourcePack  to  RESOURCE_DEFINITION //:NEEDS[!CommunityResourcePack then it no longer needs CRP. IDK if this impacts other part mods down the road but by itself it works. 

@Ericwidon't quite understand what you are cooking here. However, I did look and found some other small, tiny, miniscule bugs and promptly had Val stomp on them! :valjoy:

On 5/5/2021 at 2:57 PM, KerbMav said:

I remember that ELP (at least I think it was from that mod) had a big funnel-like thingy you could fly scrap parts and vessels into that would dismantle it completely into construction resources.

Is there something similar in SimpleConstruction? Or how would I go about putting it in?

the would be the recycler. I don't believe could use a stock part for it - well, maybe a docking port, or klaw.... 

but there might be one in Not So SimpleConstuction! (NSSC) or Keridian Dynamics - both of which are in queue to be updated.

@KerbMavwould you please go to the github repo and put in a feature request for this. Thank you!  :D 


On 5/27/2021 at 9:45 PM, kennyc222 said:

will you make a unmanned version of simple construction? so that a vessel can be used without a single kerbal..it is very useful for building a base or space station prior to kerbal settlement! 

btw i love yoru mode so muhc...using stock items for EL function

@kennyc222thank you. credit goes to @MatterBeam@RealGecko@Ericwiand mostly to @taniwha!

I have stumbled across a simple addon mod (.dll) that might do this. will see. It has been shelved in the garage gathering dust - so will see when I get time. Right now it is getting out the door. 

Edited by zer0Kerbal
darn auto merge
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On 5/28/2021 at 5:45 AM, kennyc222 said:

can be used without a single kerba

You need to add in your ELWorkshop module in part config file strings UnmannedProductivity = [choose the right digit] and IgnoreCrewCapacity = true. And it will be able to build vessels without kerbals, yes.

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55 minutes ago, Hohmannson said:

You need to add in your ELWorkshop module in part config file strings UnmannedProductivity = [choose the right digit] and IgnoreCrewCapacity = true. And it will be able to build vessels without kerbals, yes.

let me ahve a try..may I enter any/random number for UnmannedProductivity? 

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Mod Version KSP version KSP-AVC License MIT MIT-17x17.png
Validate AVC .version files - TonkaJade

  • 01 Jun 2021
  • for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.9.1] (because EL.version says so)



  • ghostparts.cfg

minor housekeeping

  • patch dusting (mostly removing construction dust (comments))
  • ELControlReferenceSC (ghostparts) has had its description updated to include the corrected text: "For those times where you need to switch control references quickly, such as doing a ventral landing. At the flick of an action button, this device will override your avionics and become your new fore and aft, with suitable indicators highlighting when active. At a second flick of the action button, the device will remove the override and the previous control reference will be active once again."
  • please note: ELControlReferenceSC is going away.


  • ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads .dll to 6.8.3

  • ScienceLabs.cfg v1.0.2.0

    • adjusted RESOURCE patches (presume part doesn't have any)
    • tightened up patches
  • ISRU.cfg

    • tightened up patches
    • thanks to @JadeofMaar
    • Mono* to MonoProp
    • FlowMode -> %FlowMode
    • add tiny LF tank (fixes and closes #1)
    • add tiny Oxidizer tank (fixes and closes #1)
  • Back end

    • add auto JSON
    • update EL.version to match
    • update automation to latest version
    • start working with yaclog-KSP (thank you cineboxandrew!)


  • Resources.cfg v1.0.1.5
  • thank you @Tonka Crash
    • update 'ksparpicon'
    • added abbreviation and hsp to Rocketparts and Metal
    • updated unitCost for RocketParts from 1.0 -> 1.5 to match CRP
    • added patch to update RocketParts IF CRP installed
    • AlternateResourcePanel/Icons location (which lead to pushing an update to ARP)


  • Localization [en-us.cfg]

  • thank you @Tonka Crash

    • added #SimpleConstruction_RocketParts_abbv = RP
    • added #SimpleConstruction_Metal_abbv = MTL
  • GrapplingDevice.cfg v1.0.0.0


  • B9TankTypes.cfg v1.0.1.0

    • added header/footer
    • updated 'SCCombo/RocketParts/unitsPerVolume from 2 to 1 because it takes 50% of the tank, and 2 units per volume
  • KPBS.cfg v1.0.1.0

    • added header/footer
  • LaunchClamps.cfg

    • add fix to all LaunchClamps


  • CrewedPods.cfg v1.0.1.0
    • removed/cleaned old comments

See Full Changelog for full details of changes
See Known Issues for known issues

red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support
How to get support

Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

Edited by zer0Kerbal
added strong red coloring
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2 hours ago, Hohmannson said:

Yes. Stock big EPL workshop is 15. Workshops in tiny crew cabins are about 0.7

I wonder - with stock part volumes being a thing - if someone couldn't make a patch to divide volume by crew count to create a @PART[*]:HAS crew>0

just musing...

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55 minutes ago, zer0Kerbal said:

being a thing

Not for parts as big as cabins, and not for cabins anyway because they have inventories in them and thus can't be stored. The new system is inferior compared to KIS IMO. You can probably use packedVolumeLimit of inventories in pods as a reference for free space avaiable. We have 200 on MK1-3 pod, 1500 in Hitchiker, but sudden 200 in MPL. So, it's a questionable thing too.

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  • 4 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Gat said:

@zer0Kerbal Is this gonna be updated to the latest version considering its the last major update?

SimpleConstruction! was just updated earlier this month; which included the latest version of Launchpad.dll. Find it here. It is available through Curseforge and GitHub. I will eventually update SpaceDock, and that should in turn update CKAN since the listing is tied to SpaceDock.

SimpleConstruction! should work, as long as Launchpad.dll works, which it depends upon. I limited the compatible release version(s) because of Launchpad.dll's stated KSP compatibilities. 

There have been zer0 reports of any kind (good bad indifferent) since the latest release of SimpleConstruction!.

SimpleConstruction! will get updated again if/when Launchpad.dll (from EL) is updated and/or when I get back to it; there are about 100 other mods that need my attention first. Caveat is if something is broken or breaks, which is highly unlikely since SimpleConstruction! is a very mature mod at this point.

So to not quote the great Kerbal poet - Meatload - "if it ain't broke, then don't update it." 

Finally there will be more versions of KSP coming. Maybe not 1.13; but there is a 96.3% probability of a 1.12.1 and about a 60% probability of a 1.12.2. I also highly suspect that there might be at least one paid expansion left in the tank. ***might***

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2 hours ago, Gat said:

@zer0Kerbal every time i open kerbal it says that launchpads is incompatable know any way to fix  it?

maybe, but nothing I can do about it - that sounds like Launchpad.dll.

The real question is: does it work even in spite of the stern talking to AVC gives you?


I reviewed the github repo during writing my original response to your query. There is a version in the works already. Just minor tweaks, mostly if not all, behind the scenes (backend) items. there is no eta for release, but I would expect around 1.12.1


Plus I failed to mention that SimpleConstruction! has been localized, and new translations would necessitate new releases. 

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@zer0Kerbal  While finalizing a build, the ship clips into the docking port where it is being constructed. I tried messing around with the 'DockingPorts.cfg' file in the Patches folder and tried to change the 'SpawnHeightOffset' but its of no use.


This is what it looks like when I finalize build:


When i release the build it leads to extreme vibrations and shaking. Is there a way to fix this?

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@zer0Kerbal sry i went to the shops but basically wht happens is that i get the lil app thing on the side of my screen i can press for the extraplanetary launchpads timer  even though it says when i start ksp that its incompatible but it doesn't give me the parts to build with also when i type Launchpad.dill in my pc i dont hv a file that normal or no?

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5 hours ago, Selective Genius said:

While finalizing a build, the ship clips into the docking port where it is being constructed. I tried messing around with the 'DockingPorts.cfg' file in the Patches folder and tried to change the 'SpawnHeightOffset' but its of no use.

Repeatability. Building Craft and Craft being built.

is this just with this craft? or all craft?

which is the root part of the both the building craft and the craft being built?


5 hours ago, Selective Genius said:

When i release the build it leads to extreme vibrations and shaking. Is there a way to fix this?

I don't know. not enough information to answer with any amount of certainty.

this might help: https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/SimpleConstruction/wiki/MicroPad - it leads to more information that also might help.


2 hours ago, Gat said:

sry i went to the shops but basically wht happens is that i get the lil app thing on the side of my screen i can press for the extraplanetary launchpads timer  even though it says when i start ksp that its incompatible but it doesn't give me the parts to build with also when i type Launchpad.dill in my pc i dont hv a file that normal or no?

how did you install Simple Construction? CKAN?

I need much more information. Like which version of KSP, what other mods are installed. a screen shot of your GameData directory - logs... see that giant red box in my release postings. It is on the bottom - click on it and follow those directions. I refuse to go through the support process only to find out that the reason your computer isn't working is you don't have power or it plugged in. (old, but true story)

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KSP:Windows10 64bit

Problem:Simple construction is is saying its incompatible however im getting some features but no building parts

Mods Installed:Kerbal Engineer redux, KSP interstellar extended, mechjeb2, Near future electrical electrical, Near future propultion, Near future spacecraft parts, Orbital survey plus, Simple construction! (all via curseforge)

reproduction steps:

1.load up KSP with curseforge app

2.Game is loading and i see a message saying "launchpads is incompatable with my current vertion of KSP" (i updated to the latest yesterday)

3.Load into my save and see that i have a timer from Extraplanetary launchpads

4.Go in the VAB only to find that no parts from Simple construction at all 

5. sit there in sadness

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2 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:

is this just with this craft? or all craft?

With all the crafts, I am afraid.

2 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:

which is the root part of the both the building craft and the craft being built?

The building vessel's root part is the Mk 1-3 command pod, and the craft being built has the slim OKTO probe core as its root part . It is a rather simple craft; just a slim OKTO probe core and small cargo container.

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9 hours ago, Gat said:

no parts from Simple construction at all 

SimpleConstruction! supplies no parts - (okay - there might be one) but rather it modifies (using module manager patches) stock parts to provide EL functionality. Also - do you have Module Manager installed?


9 hours ago, Selective Genius said:

With all the crafts, I am afraid.

that eliminates so many possibilities. one step closer.

9 hours ago, Selective Genius said:

The building vessel's root part is the Mk 1-3 command pod, and the craft being built has the slim OKTO probe core as its root part . It is a rather simple craft; just a slim OKTO probe core and small cargo container.

would you try using the new micropad instead of the docking port? or the other new one - grappling device (klaws) ? 

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27 minutes ago, Gat said:

list the stuff i need to install pls

Only two things that SimpleConstruction! needs installed is well, everything that came with it and Module Manager and one other thing: Community Resource Pack (CRP).

If there is one thing I would have issue with Curseforge is unlike CKAN, you can't set up required, suggested, conflicts, recommended mods.


27 minutes ago, Gat said:

thx for the help so far :D i really need it lol

we all have been there. even now I get misplaced on the way to the Mun or even just on my way to the R&D department. :valwow:


from the original post:

On 2/5/2020 at 1:01 AM, zer0Kerbal said:



Suggests (mods that benefit SimpleConstruction!)


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@zer0Kerbal umm i tryed to install a module manager and thing have went wrong

very very wrong 

as in fatal error every time i try to load the game wrong

i added in the actual file not the folder and now my pc's screen goes black for like a second every 5 mins ish

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1 minute ago, Gat said:

@zer0Kerbal umm i tryed to install a module manager and thing have went wrong

very very wrong 

as in fatal error every time i try to load the game wrong

it takes a spell of time (see relativities of KSP updates) for mods to catch up with new versions of KSP. 96.3% of mod authors volunteer their time, and usually their time is a very limited resource. So mods get updated....


I will not attempt to trouble shoot Module  Manager; however with that said - MM should have one file (a .dll) that goes in GameData\ and not in a sub-folder. the current version is: ModuleManager.4.1.4.dll and is downloaded here: ModuleManager-4.1.4.zip. Please note that this version is recommended for up to KSP 1.10.x and may work on later versions of KSP.

I personally haven't even started up 1.12.x - except once without any mods just to make sure I had it set up right.



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@zer0Kerbal Oke ive got it all working to the point i can load my games and ive downloaded everything on the list but past that i still cant use the building parts i guess ill just hv to wait thats no problem on my end also u answered pretty early so if u haven't already go to sleep my guy for dealing w me you've more than deserved it :D

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10 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:

would you try using the new micropad instead of the docking port? or the other new one - grappling device (klaws) ?

The offset issue with the micropad is worse.

Location of the strut.


Clipping when the build is finalized:



With the Klaw, the offset issue remains.



Even when i make the docking port the root part, there is not much of a difference.

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