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Eeloo Kraken-Strike?

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In all the time that I have spent playing KSP I have never experienced anything like what has happened today. I was driving blithely along the surface of Eeloo when the game appeared to freeze. At first I suspected a game crash. However, on further inspection, the game was still responsive. (Although none of the keyboard controls seemed to work.) A few seconds later I could hear explosions as my rover (apparently continuing on without control) crashed into the hills.

Does anyone have any idea what may have happened? I know that kraken-strikes are more common in the farther reaches of the kerbal system. Was this one of them?


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If you're in KSP v1.8/1.8.1 and have the terrain settings turned up to maximum, it can cause a graphics crash- the rest of the game carries on as if nothing is wrong, but the graphics completely freeze and stop responding. The only way to escape is to forcibly close the game (alt+f4, force quit, end process etc.) and then turn the terrain graphics down at least one notch. That fixed the problem for me completely, before doing that I was having those crashes about 90% of the time I switched to anything on Minmus, either immediately or after looking/driving around a bit, and more often than not on the Mun too.

If you're in KSP v1.9/1.9.1, try that fix anyway- it might help. I thought there was a fix for this issue in 1.9 but I haven't really looked at 1.9 yet due to a long list of incompatible mods.

Don't change the terrain detail setting at the top of the list, that's a completely different thing that will actually change the shape of the terrain and often results in your rovers etc. ending up underground, to their explosive detriment. The one you want is in the list under the overall graphics and texture settings.

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